Chinese Colonialism
The Minister of Labour in Zimbabwe, Mr Paurina Mupariwa, has announced that his department is investigating persistent reports of rampant abuse of Zimbabwe workers by Chinese employers. Teams of investigators are visiting Chinese Mining and Construction companies to investigate the alleged abuses.
How can you tell the difference between true and false guilt?
I had to deal with this issue recently in a debate on national radio. As so often happens in cases like this, I had only a few hours warning, and I didn’t expect the explosive issues that would be brought up in this programme. The request had been to discuss “healing.” So, I pulled out some studies that I had done on bitterness, forgiveness and restitution. However, when the radio programme began, I realised that it was actually a debate between myself and two church leaders who were determined to focus on “political guilt.” To them it appeared that there was only one issue that needed to be dealt with and that was “apartheid.” It was a bilingual debate. They spoke in Afrikaans and I responded in English. There are over a million reasons why I will not be voting for the African National Congress (ANC) in the upcoming elections:
There is a growing worldwide war against Christianity. Every year, an average of 160,000 Christians die as martyrs for Christ. Churches are being burned by Muslim mobs in Northern Nigeria. Whole villages of Christians have been massacred by the Buddhist military dictatorship in Burma. Churches have been bulldozed by the Communist regime in Zimbabwe. Young Christians have been condemned to death for evangelising their Muslim neighbours in Pakistan. Christian schoolgirls have been beheaded by Muslim militants in Indonesia. Christians are tortured and imprisoned in massive slave labour camps in Red China. House churches have been raided and closed in Communist Cuba. Literally hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide live under persecution and oppression.
December 2024