There is a growing worldwide war against Christianity. Every year, an average of 160,000 Christians die as martyrs for Christ. Churches are being burned by Muslim mobs in Northern Nigeria. Whole villages of Christians have been massacred by the Buddhist military dictatorship in Burma. Churches have been bulldozed by the Communist regime in Zimbabwe. Young Christians have been condemned to death for evangelising their Muslim neighbours in Pakistan. Christian schoolgirls have been beheaded by Muslim militants in Indonesia. Christians are tortured and imprisoned in massive slave labour camps in Red China. House churches have been raided and closed in Communist Cuba. Literally hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide live under persecution and oppression. Yet, there is very little concern expressed for these Christian victims of violent persecution, nor even coverage, in the media in the West. Not only the secular media, but most of the Christian media ignore this rising tide of anti-Christian intolerance worldwide. And it is not only in Communist and Muslim states that Christians are persecuted. Increasingly, secular governments in Western states are, through legislation and judicial pronouncements, encroaching upon schools, churches and homes, eroding freedoms, and even prosecuting Christians for opposing perversion or evangelising in the work place. Even the very definition of marriage itself is under attack with pressure for same sex “marriages.” The very foundations of our Faith and freedoms – civilisation itself – is under attack.
For over 24 years, Frontline Fellowship has been on the frontline of this world war of worldviews, resisting the New World Order, and exposing Marxist tyranny and Muslim terrorism. Concentrating on conflict areas, war zones, neglected fields and restricted access areas, Frontline Fellowship missionaries have been assisting persecuted churches, and working for the complete and utter destruction of Communism, Humanism and Islam. Our vision is the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Scorning threats and treachery, refusing to let disappointments and dangers distract us, we are dedicated to transforming communities by changing lives. Therefore we invest in life changing literature and leadership training, conducting Great Commission Courses and Biblical Worldview Seminars, helping to establish Christian schools and Bible colleges, training teachers, evangelists and pastors. We recognise that the battlegrounds in this colossal conflict for hearts and minds is fought on the airwaves, in schools, colleges, and in the media. Therefore, we are regularly involved in debates in universities and mosques, on radio and national T.V. We are publishing books and demolishing the false arguments of evolutionism and secular Humanism on streets, in classrooms, and in Parliaments. We are ministering to principals and presidents, fighting for Faith and freedom, providing libraries for schools and Bibles for Africa. It is our goal to “rightly divide the Word of God” and to “understand the times”. Civilisation itself is at stake. Eternal destinies are at stake. At this critical stage, your prayers and partnership are greatly needed. Anything you can do to help promote the life changing messages on our websites, newsletters, books, CD’s and DVD’s will be greatly appreciated. What we do now will echo in eternity. Can you help sponsor one of our nation building publication or projects? Join the Reformation Society. Help us establish Reformation Societies and Christian ActionGroups in every school, college and university. “God’s work, done God’s way, will never lack God’s supply.” The safest place in the world is in the centre of God’s Will. We praise God that we are neither working at uncertainty nor afraid for the results. “God’s cause will triumph!” Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 PO Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town, South Africa E-mail: [email protected]
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December 2024