“A lion has roared! Who will not fear? The Lord God has spoken! Who can but prophesy?” Amos 3:8 On Saturday 24 November, we invited preachers to attend a practical workshop on Biblical Exposition. This was the second workshop on Biblical Preaching that we have held at our Mission Base in Cape Town. The workshop was largely based on the Biblical Preaching Handbook which we published this year. The first session dealt with Reformation Preaching. We observed that throughout History, God has kept for Himself men who faithfully proclaimed His Word, even in the face of death. Today, we need more men who will boldly proclaim God’s Word in this sin-soaked world. According to Operation World (2010), 75% of the South African population claimed to be Christian, and 21% of the population claimed to be Evangelical. In 2015, the general household survey of South Africa claimed that 86% of South Africans were affiliated with Christianity; however, only 52% of those Christians were involved in church on a weekly basis.
"Rescue those being led away to death. Hold back those staggering towards slaughter… Will He not repay each one according to what he has done?" Proverbs 24:11-12 Early Celebrations Tuesday, 21 November 2017, Zimbabweans celebrated with jubilation, cheering, shouting, dancing and flags waving! The occasion was the overthrow of, 93-year-old dictator, Robert Mugabe. It was finally the end of 37 years of tyranny and oppression by the Mugabe-lead ZANU-PF, or so the people thought. Mugabe’s Replacement Mugabe was overthrown by military power, and replaced by his ex-vice president Emmerson Mnangagwa. Before his removal from vice-presidency on 6 November 2017, Mnangagwa was an ardent supporter of Mugabe and served, periodically, in ZANU-PF and its militant wing, ZANLA, for 55 years. He even served as the assistant and bodyguard to Mugabe. He led farm attacks and bombed a train in what is known today as Masvingo. Mnangagwa was the minister of state and oversaw the Central Intelligence Organisation. During his leadership, the infamous massacre of over 30 000 Ndebele people occurred. Mnangagwa’s guerrilla warfare and political tactics earned him the nickname “Crocodile”. The Christian Legal Centre is currently helping and supporting ‘Sarah’ (not her real name), a survivor of an Islamic sex-grooming gang and raising awareness of the epidemic of Islamic sex-grooming gangs and government cover-ups. In September, Christian Concern reported on the heart-breaking story of how Sarah was kidnapped, forced into three Sharia marriages, repeatedly raped and abused and forced to endure eight abortions, asking you to cry out to God with us not only for her protection, but also for our nation’s heart to be restored. Now, as the actions of even more gangs come to light and many are convicted, the injustices that exist within our state are becoming ever clearer. The problem is even more widespread than first thought, and the need for the Church to step up and act is even more urgent. Remembering Rhodesia 11 November is packed full of meaning for anyone whose relatives fought in the World Wars, and for all who had the privilege of growing up in Rhodesia. 53 Years ago on Thursday, 11 November 1965, at the most solemn moment of the 11th hour of Armistice Day, Ian Douglas Smith, the Prime Minister of Rhodesia, signed Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. 53 Years Ago 53 years ago, on Thursday, 11 November 1965, at the most solemn moment of Armistice Day, the 11th hour, Ian Douglas Smith, the Prime Minister of Rhodesia, signed Rhodesia's Unilateral Declaration of Independence from Great Britain. Defiance This act of defiance, which came after many months of negotiations and fruitless discussions with the British Foreign Office, resulted in a most extraordinary explosion of diplomatic activity, international outrage, economic sanctions and motions of condemnation from the British Commonwealth, the Organisation of African Unity, the United Nations, the Soviet Union, and even from the US State Department. Incredibly, Rhodesia was labelled: "A threat to world peace!" This from nations engaged in nuclear arms races and invasion of other lands! What Have You Learned?
The pastor under whom I was converted and discipled, Rev. Doc Watson, challenged me after my first cross-border Mission to Mozambique in 1982: "Many Missionaries tell us what they have done, I would be more interested to hear what they have learned." That profound challenge has continually guided me in over 35 years of ministering to the Persecuted Church. |
December 2024