Reaching Muslims for Christ
By God's grace, Pastors travelled from far and wide to participate in the Reaching Muslims for Christ Seminar in the Transvaal. Petra organised and hosted this seminar and 7 of their Pastors and Evangelists from Zimbabwe and 9 from Zambia travelled in to participate in this Muslim Evangelism Programme. The question and answer times were vibrant and there was tremendous interest in the book table. Large quantities of literature were distributed and many new contacts made amongst the over one hundred participants. Dear Friends Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. “Those who dwell in the wilderness will bow before Him and His enemies will lick the dust… all kings shall fall down before Him; all nations shall serve Him.” Psalm 72:9-11 Winning Muslims for Christ By God's grace, I have been invited to conduct a Reaching Muslims for Christ Seminar in the Transvaal this weekend. It was my privilege to learn from veteran missionaries to Muslims, Gerhard Nehls of Life Challenge Africa and Walter Gschwandtner of SIM. This involved praying early every Saturday morning with Walter for Muslims to come to Christ and weekly door-to-door Evangelism in the Malay Quarter with Gerhard Nehls. I had the privilege of witnessing Josh McDowell’s ministry in South Africa during his 1981 debate with Ahmed Deedat. Since then, I have engaged in public debates with Muslim leaders, including Ahmed Deedat of the Islamic Propagation Centre International and in mosques, including the largest mosque in the Southern hemisphere, in Durban. I have had the opportunity of being interviewed on Muslim radio stations and conducting Muslim Evangelism Workshops in Nigeria and Sudan. Cape of Storms
Cape Town is the only city in the world that sits astride two oceans. With the warm Indian Ocean and the Cold Atlantic meeting at Cape Point, our part of the world has long been known as the Cape of Storms. That was not particularly good for tourism so it was renamed the Cape of Good Hope. On 6th June, we were warned that a severe storm with anticipated wind speeds of up to 120km/hr would hit later that night. For the first time in my lifetime, all schools in the Cape Peninsula were ordered closed the next day, Wednesday 7 June, in anticipation of the severe storm. To view the PDF of this article with pictures CLICK HERE
December 2024