Celebrating the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation
2021 is Reformation 500. 18 April 2021 will mark 500 years since Professor Martin Luther made his bold stand on the Word of God before the emperor at Worms: "Unless I am convinced by Scripture or by clear reasoning that I am in error – for popes and councils have often erred and contradicted themselves - I cannot recant, for I am subject to the Scriptures I have quoted; my conscience is captive to the Word of God. It is unsafe and dangerous to do anything against one's conscience. Here I stand. I cannot do otherwise. So help me God. Amen." Examples of Excellence In this book, readers are introduced to examples of excellence: Professor John Wycliffe of Oxford University; Queen Anne from Bohemia; Professor Jan Hus of Prague University; Gutenberg – the Father of the Printing Press and Italian Reformer – Savonarola, are some of the pre-Reformers that are highlighted in the chapter on Preparation for Reformation. Towering above all the Reformers is Dr. Martin Luther; followed by Ulrich Zwingli, the Reformer of Zürich; William Tyndale, who gave his life translating the Bible into English; Heinrich Bullinger, the Consolidator of the Reformation; Martin Bucer, the Reformer of Strassburg; Archbishop Thomas Cranmer, who transformed the Catholic church in England into the Reformed Church of England; Anne Askew, a Daughter of the Reformation; Philipp Melanchthon, the Teacher of Germany; the fiery debater and Evangelist, William Farel; the greatest Theologian of the second generation of Reformers, John Calvin; John Knox, whose prayer: “Give me Scotland or I die!” was answered in his own lifetime; Pierre Viret, the French Evangelist and Reformer; Albrecht Dürer, the Evangelist and Reformer in Art and many more, are illustrated and quoted in this book. Practical Resources to Empower You for Reformation Today There are also chapters on Martin Luther’s Practical Programme to Revive your Prayer Life, How the Reformation Changed the Church and How the Reformation Changed the World. The Appendixes include a Chronology of the Reformation, a Reformation Calendar of key events and dates, the people of the Reformation, the popes of Rome, Libel against Luther and articles tackling thorny issues, such as, Did the Reformers Persecute the Anabaptists? and Is Celebrating the Reformation Anti-Catholic? There are lists of Roman catholic heresies and inventions and the approximate dates of when they were introduced. The Challenge of Islam According to the Reformers, The Five Points of Calvinism in the Teachings of Christ, 25 Steps You Can Take for Reformation Today, Key Contacts for Reformation Today, Questions for Discussion, either for home educators, or at Bible college classes, are also included. The book concludes with an inspiring example of how to celebrate and promote Reformation Today, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Dedicated to R.C. Sproul This book is dedicated to Dr. R.C. Sproul of St. Andrews Chapel, Ligonier Ministries and Reformation Bible College. His Reformation Trust books and the Reformation Study Bible, which he edited, have faithfully promoted the historic, Reformed Christian Faith and been invaluable aids in discipling pastors and missionaries throughout Africa, to return to the Word of God as our ultimate authority in all matters of faith and conduct. Reformed Leaders Endorse the Greatest Century of Reformation Dr. Jay Grimstead of the Coalition on Revival has written the Introduction and the book includes Forewords from Dr. Philip Kayser, Mike Evans, Dr. Fritz Haus, Dr. Shai Mulder, Rev. Bill Bathman, Alison Shortridge, Dorothea Scarborough, Rev. Mike O’Donovan, Pastor Mike Kiley and Dr. Martin Holdt. From the Forewords Here are some excerpts from these leaders and what they say about The Greatest Century of Reformation book: “Dr. Peter Hammond’s newly revised book The Greatest Century of Reformation is a gem, it is spiritual dynamite. It is not just a fantastic reference; it is a fantastic devotional read. Peter does not just present facts; he applies them to God’s glory and for the good of the Church. We live in a time when the lessons of the Reformation are desperately needed and this book extracts those lessons in powerful ways.” Rev. Phillip G. Kayser, PhD, President of Providential History Festival. “There has never been a greater need for a book on the Reformation than now. To be reminded of the major battles of yesterday and the men who paid the supreme sacrifice for the upholding of Truth, is vital if the present generation is not to sell out to the trends and the fads which are culturally inherited and have nothing to do with the Gospel as revealed once and for all to the saints!” Mike Evans, Director General, Évangile 21. “It is an inspiration for our Faith in Jesus Christ and the Bible. I heartily endorse and recommend this Reformation Book.” Dr. Fritz Haus, Baptist Theologian and Missionary. “The Reformation reminds us of ordinary Christians of the past, who stood their ground as brave soldiers of the Cross of Jesus Christ! We as soldiers of Christ’s Army are challenged by Luther, Calvin and other war heroes, to stand our ground in the 21st Century, to make a difference and to seek the face of God for Revival. Let us take up the challenges of our day, by facing the music, not running away, taking the bullet from the front and not from the rear. “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.” Proverbs 3:5-6. May God give us Godly wisdom according to James 1:5 and that we soldiers of Jesus Christ will keep our eyes on our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Hebrews 12:2).” Dr F Shai Mulder, Back to the Bible Mission. “This book is the fruit of many years of diligent study, searching historical records and personally visiting all the major geographical centres of Reformation activity in Europe. I recommend this book as a classic crash-course in understanding how the Protestant Reformation changed forever the history of Western Civilization.” Rev. Bill Bathman, Author of Going Through and Going On. “Peter Hammond has undertaken a monumental task in producing a book to help inform us of our Christian history and heritage. As he discusses each Reformer, we are inspired anew as we see what Christ did with these ordinary and yet extraordinary, individuals and how His purposes were realized. I also encourages us to continue their work in our day.” Alison Shortridge, Co-Director: Theocentric Christian Education. “This book makes us proud of our noble Christian heritage. It shows Who God is, what He says, what He has done and how He works. It strengthens faith and raises courage. May the Lord use it to accomplish great things in our time.” Dorothea Scarborough, Founder of Gospel Defence League. “Dr Peter Hammond's book The Greatest Century of Reformation is a must-read for any believer who recognizes the cultural decay that has beset the Western world and who longs to see the restoration of a fully authentic and comprehensive Biblical Christianity in our time. The Great Reformation of the sixteenth century was a historical watershed that involved an astounding return to Biblical Faith that reset the foundations for an ascendant Western civilization that demonstrated the power of godly order in society. May God raise the same spirit of Reformation and Revival in our day, in a tide turning outpouring of His mercy and power that unseats the wickedness and darkness that seeks to dominate our age. The Greatest Century of Reformation will be a vital tool and indeed an effective weapon in the hands of many.” Rev. Mike O'Donovan, His Heart Beat Ministries. “Be awakened to courage as you walk in the path of God's messengers during this period of Reformation. Experience a fresh awakening to Faith as you witness God's sovereign power at work when a man or woman places their trust in Him. Walk in the steps of the Reformers and watch them challenge the impossible. In this most perilous hour of history, do we dare believe that God will act in that way again in our time?” Pastor Mike Kiley, Founder of The Home Church. “Reading Peter Hammond's outstanding outline of what happened then will surely stimulate a yearning for a Reformation to come upon the Church of Jesus Christ again. We are deeply indebted to Peter Hammond for a fresh and excellent reminder of the facts of history concerning the greatest century of Reformation. What a book, and how sorely needed is this new book! ‘Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?’ Psalm 85:6” Dr. Martin Holdt, Reformed Baptist Association. From the Introduction “Dr. Peter Hammond’s The Greatest Century of Reformation book is the most exciting and most inspiring book I have read in the past 25 years! Every young, Christian Warrior in the Kingdom of God needs to read, study and teach the character studies and doctrine of this book.” Dr. Jay Grimstead, Director of the Coalition on Revival - Convenor Global Church Council Please Help us Make this Book Widely Known and Available We would be very grateful if you could help us to make this book better known and more widely available. We believe that this book will be an invaluable resource for pastors, teachers and missionaries and a textbook for homeschoolers, Christian schools and Bible colleges. Anything that you can do to help us make this book better known and more widely available will be greatly appreciated. Back to the Bible May God be pleased to use this book to motivate and mobilise us to work for Biblical Reformation and pray for spiritual Revival. May the examples of excellence of these Reformers inspire us to go back to the Bible, diligently studying every Book, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. May The Greatest Century of Reformation inspire us to love God more wholeheartedly and to fear God alone. Our Earnest Prayer It is our sincere prayer that the selected stories, adventures, sacrifices, exploits and achievements presented in The Greatest Century of Reformation will inspire a new generation of Reformers to greater devotion to God's Word and greater effectiveness in His service. “Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9 Yours for Reformation and Revival Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: www.frontlinemissionsa.org The Greatest Century of Reformation book is available for US$12 each from Christian Liberty Books, P.O. Box 358, Howard Place, 7450, South Africa. E-mail: [email protected], Website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za, or as an E Book for US$3. See also: Reformation 500 Audio and Visual Resource
Belete Worku Yimer
29/9/2017 12:40:11
As it is quoted: ‘Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?’ Psalm 85: 6. “Therefore know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.” Deuteronomy 7:9, The Eternal Covenant of God was renewed in mid-19th Century, but humanity still rebelled against God, including the Reformed and the Orthodox and Catholic Ones, with the other Children Faiths of Prophet Abraham, that God had appointed him as the Father of All Nations, Faiths and Peoples, as Prophet Isaiah says in Chapter 1: 1 - 31. I wish I am given the opportunity to address this 500th Anniversary Celebration, God willing they "revive again" and "who love Him and keep His commandments" I pray thee to give me the opportunity to do so, as I have travelled extensively around the world, about 50 countries, about 20 of them in Africa and lived in 7 of them, while circling the earth one time, now in the Pacific, but still humanity has rebelled against God and they do not want the 21st Century and beyond to be of the period of Kingdom and Will of God on Earth as it is in Heave, of One Fold One Shepherd, with the New Jerusalem, New Heaven and New Earth, New Revelation, New Book and New Names like Christ's Parable of New Coat, New Wine, New Bottle, New Skin, etc. God bless you for this opportunity hope to hear from you to either or both of my emails [email protected] and [email protected]
Jeff Johnson
16/5/2020 02:35:36
Great book. I watched your vimeo video on the first chapter. it was wonderful! with my M lifestyle; it's hard to carry books around. I would love to know if the book is eventually available in digital form, say as a kindle purchase. Thank you for your consideration. Serving in N Africa.
26/5/2020 15:02:24
Dear Jeff,
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