"The Greatest Century of Missions is not only a good read, but also a timely reminder of the tenacity and courage of the remarkable 19th Century mission's movement upon which our present amazing numerical growth on non-Western Christians is built. Yet this is also a wake-up call to us who should be carrying the torch of the Gospel in this dangerous post-11 September world where equal fortitude and faith is needed." Patrick Johnstone, WEC Missionary and Author of Operation World. "Peter Hammond has done us all a great service by reminding us of some of the great missionary pioneers of the past. It is to the great loss of the current generation of Christians that biographies are no longer read as they ought to be. The inspiration to be obtained from the lives, dedication and the zeal of Gospel heroes of days gone by, is enormous. I recommend this book as a fine introduction to the hobby of reading biographies and stirring up missionary zeal". Bishop Frank Retief of the Church of England in South Africa, Author of From Tragedy to Triumph. "I am happy to endorse the Frontline Fellowship and the outstanding work that they are doing to promote Missions, Evangelism and Reformation throughout Africa. May God continue to use your organization to reach an increasing number of the needy and lost in Africa and advance the cause of Reformed Christianity in that part of the world." D. James Kennedy, Ph.D., Founder of Evangelism Explosion. "I have just finished going through your new book The Greatest Century of Missions. Thank you for all the energy, passion and prayer you put into this most outstanding tool of motivating men and woman in our day for missionary service. I am both thrilled to be part of such a host of witnesses to the great work accomplished by our Lord, but also feeling somewhat ashamed to bear the same title of missionary. What a privilege we have to follow such a great calling!" Walter Gschwandtner
"Just before Christmas I read a fascinating book The Greatest Century of Missions by Peter Hammond. In this volume Dr. Hammond documents the world-changing impact of a handful of Christian missionaries during the last half of the 18th and the first half of the 19th century. These brave individuals overcame severe criticism and crippling societal indifference to reach out to nations that were rife with disease, barbarism, cannibalism and slavery. They endured tremendous persecution, heartache and death, all in the cause of bringing them the Christian Gospel. It is easy to forget just how brutal life was for most people on earth just 150 years ago. When John Paton went to New Hebrides, for example, it was common practice for a man to kill his best wife and serve her as the main course at a feast! Infanticide and other unspeakable evils were the norm. I suppose today these missionaries would be criticized for 'imposing their morality' on others. But there is no disputing the fact that their civilizing influence has brought liberty, peace, health, prosperity and spiritual well-being to hundreds of millions, even billions, of people. These missionary pioneers, people such as William Carey, David Livingstone, Mary Slessor, Hudson Taylor, John Paton and others, were leaders in the finest sense of the word. They had a vision of what they wanted to accomplish, they created change, and they inspired others to create change as well." Dr. Jeff Myers, Summit Ministries and co-Author of Understanding the Times. "My 8 year old daughter and I are delighted to read it. She is amazed at her Christian heritage and does not stop marvelling at the Faith of the Fathers and Mothers of missions.....it's a great treasure, and every Christian home should own a copy." Lahadi Demshakwa, Mount Carmel Christian School, Nigeria. The Greatest Century of Missions is an important tool and handbook for modern churches and evangelical missions. I believe it should be part of every Christian school and college’s curriculum. The book brings light to an important part of Church history and reminds us to keep on building, to fight the good fight of faith and to persevere against every obstacle. It is also a reminder that God used ordinary men and women to change the course of history and nations. The Greatest Century of Missions makes us realize that the Church cannot hide from social and political issues. Instead it should be the front runner of a nation’s future and decision-making. The Greatest Century of Missions shows us that The Great Commission is not a thing of the past but is for all times. We can never slack and rest because the work is too vast and too great. God demands it from ordinary people from all walks of life. Dr Peter Hammond has done excellent work in capturing history and times that the Church can use as building blocks in evangelizing the nations and people. Felicia Antha Cape Christian News The Greatest Century of Missions Reviewed by Gerda Potgieter The introduction of The Greatest Century of Missions was written by Dr. George Grant, and he said this book “…. is a treasure trove of incredible adventures, inspiring exploits and unbelievable achievements of some of the most extraordinary people in the most momentous era of Christian advance.” This remark is spot-on and I could not have put it better myself! In this easy-reading book, Dr. Peter Hammond tells us about the lives, passions and hardships of missionaries who were called in the 19th century. Against all odds and amidst countless hardships, people like Henry Martyn, Robert Morrison, John Williams, Robert Moffat, Mary Slessor and many more, obediently followed their calling to spread the Word and win souls for His kingdom. They used different platforms, but because they were passionate about what they were doing, they succeeded, despite the challenges… or perhaps because of the challenges? The true stories in this book inspired me to stay devoted to my personal calling and to use my talent as a writer to “Declare His glory among the heathen, His wonders among people.” (Psalm 96:3). Having founded Devoted a few years back, I have learnt that the moment you start doing God’s work, the challenges will come. But, I have also learnt that God will never give you a task that you are not capable of handling. I got two confirmations from the stories in this inspiring book: There are no promises that it will be plain sailing when you are obedient to God’s calling; but if you are obedient, the blessings will be great. On the back page it says: “This book will be a valuable resource for pastors and missionaries and a textbook for senior home schoolers, Christian schools and Bible colleges.” I don’t fall into any of those categories, as I am only a passionate writer called because of my love for the Lord, to use my talents to glorify God through this magazine, founded for His glory. However, the book inspired me to keep on keeping on despite challenges. Secondly, it also confirmed my belief that people from all walks of life can be inspired by the book and I have been inspired to start a regular series in Devoted about the missionaries and how they succeeded in advancing the kingdom, against all odds. "Where do you turn when your world has been turned upside down? We desperately need Revival today – a re-examination of 19th Century missionary zeal that turned that World right-side up would be a great place to start. The Greatest Century of Missions provides insights to the behind-the-scenes struggles and triumphs of missionaries, many whose names are familiar, and introduces us to other heroes of the Faith whose deeds and adventures have until now remained largely unrecorded. We are inspired by their courage and determination to reach precious lost souls for whom Jesus Christ died. We stand in awe of their willingness to face death, suffer persecution and endure unspeakable hardships. This book is at once the most concise and comprehensive testimonial record of pioneer missionaries, most of whom laid down their lives to spread the Gospel and reach the lost with the Good News. They literally changed the world between 1801 and 1900. It was without doubt, the greatest century of Missions. We urgently need a similar Revival! The Greatest Century of Missions is a treasure trove of information to any serious mission-minded person and an inspirational challenge to any missionary volunteer. 'Can the love of Christ not carry the missionary where the slave trade carries the trader?' This gives the reader further insight to the logic of Livingstone's passion for proclaiming the Gospel. Remember, The Great Commission is God's command for every generation!" Rev. Bill Bathman, Chairman of the Board of Frontline Fellowship, Author of Going Through and Going On. The Greatest Century of Missions includes 224 pages with over 200 pictures, illustrations, maps and charts and is available from: Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, tel: 021-689-7478, email: [email protected] website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za.
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December 2024