Repression in Red China. Resistance to communism in Eastern Europe and Africa. Revival in Zululand. Revival amidst persecution in Sudan. Fervent faith under fire in the war zones of Africa. Triumph amidst tragedies and tremendous testimonies of God's grace, provision, protection and guidance. If you want to understand the turbulent times of the Cold War and the rise of Islamic terrorism threatening Faith and freedom today, Going On will take you behind the lines and beyond the news headlines to what has really been happening in these conflict and restricted access areas.
Rev. Erlo Stegen of KwaSizabantu Mission writes in the Introduction to Going On: "This book is well worth reading slowly. Do not flip through it for it contains many precious points that will be a help to anyone who wants to seriously follow the Lord and be able to say at the end of his life, 'I am going on…' I have to admire the fact the Bill has written this after his 'twilight years.' He has experienced more than 'three score plus ten' and is still able to produce such a monumental work. In Zulu we have a saying: 'Inyathi ibuzwa kwababambili' which means 'ask from the more experienced where the deer can be caught.' Bill’s many decades of service to the Lord teaches many lessons for all those who desire to serve the Lord wholeheartedly. "Bill Bathman has ministered over many years here at KwaSizabantu Mission. As he mentions in chapter 26, he preached at the mission school, college, radio station, and Youth Conferences. He was a favourite preacher with the young people, able to captivate them with his vivid stories and powerful Biblical messages. "His comment on Revival is so apt and true to what we have experienced with the Revival among the Zulus: 'Revival is perhaps the most unpredictable and surely the most misunderstood working of God in the heart of man. It cannot be adequately defined. It cannot be catalogued, quantified, qualified or measured in any way. God is sovereign. Revival cannot be contained or confined. It cannot be worked up. I’m not even sure if it can be prayed down, although prayer – sincere, heart-searching, sin confessing and sin forsaking prayer has preceded every Revival I have read about or experienced (southern Arizona 1950, London 1963, Romania 1983-90 and KSB now). It certainly cannot be 'turned on' by human bidding, but human bungling, as in Romania in 1990, can turn it off. Revival is usually associated with deep, sincere, unqualified personal repentance. The fire is ignited on the altar of sacrifice. "May this book be a blessing to many people, so that the Word of God can spread amongst all nations, to bring about a genuine Holy Ghost wrought Revival from above." Rev. Kjell Olsen writes in the Foreword: "I do hope that this book will reach far and wide for it contains many precious gems that will enrich every reader. Having had the privilege of knowing Bill and Harriett Bathman for almost 3 decades, here at KwaSizabantu Mission and in their Phoenix Arizona home, I have the highest regard for their integrity in life and words. Going On - With a Nod from God is a record of that integrity over many years. "Bill Bathman has a way with words. 'The stars, like diamonds on an ebony carpet' is just one of his phenomenal phrases that Bill comes up with. I’ve always known him to be a brilliant wordsmith in his writings and preaching. He is able to come up with crisp, original phrases that you would expect in a poem or best-selling novel. "Having being part of the KwaSizabantu ministry for a long time I can attest to the fact that all that Bill writes about the Mission is true. He writes, for instance: 'Their faith is not expressed in slogans and sound bites, but in a life lived circumspectly. Their Theology cannot be confined to a bumper sticker. In short, there is a depth and genuineness of the indwelling Holy Spirit, a lifting up of the Lord Jesus Christ and the adoration of Almighty God, such as I have never experienced before.' "Bill also writes about the Radio Khwezi devotions he did for my programme 'A Word for you'. He did many very precious devotions which we have used a number of times to broadcast in KwaZulu-Natal. "Even though Bill ends the book describing the 'winter season' that he and Harriett are now experiencing they can enjoy the assurance of the eternal spring that awaits them." Going On (316 pages and over 150 pictures) is available from Christian Liberty Books P. O. Box 358, Howard Place, 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel/Fax: 021-689-7478, in hard copy, South Africa for R175 excluding postage and in America for $17 plus postage. Going On is now also available as an E-Book (42 chapters, 104,600 words and 123 pictures) Going Through – Even if the Door is Closed is available as an E-Book through (50 chapters, 100,690 words with 18 pictures and maps). Hard copies of Going Through can be ordered from Christian Liberty Books
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