Dear Friends Thank you very much for your prayers, love and encouragement at this most difficult time. It has been a very long and hard battle against cancer. It was Lenora’s expressed wish that we, her family and friends, do not mourn her death, but celebrate her life. This we attempted to do in the Memorial Service in the Upper Room Bathman Memorial Hall last Thursday night. The Upper Room was packed to overflowing and many gave testimony as to how Lenora had impacted, enriched and transformed their lives. You can view my presentation on The Life and Legacy of Lenora Hammond as a screen capture video here, and the presentation as a whole as a video, click here. To view the testimonies and tributes, click here. On Saturday, 20 November, we joined the Dragon Boating Fraternity for a special Flower Ceremony in honour of Lenora. Each boat presented a paddle salute and placed flowers on the waters in Table Bay Harbour. On Monday, 22 November, the funeral service for Lenora was held in the beautiful Dutch Reformed Church in Franschhoek. We brought some of the beautiful quilts that Lenora had made and laid them over some of the gallery balconies and pews to demonstrate Lenora’s creativity and industry. Two of Lenora’s paddles, which she had used in representing South Africa in Dragon Boating events and races in Sarasota, Florida in America, Florence, Italy, Vienna, Austria, Venice, Italy and in Malaysia and Spain were on display and the Austrian flag. Knowing Lenora’s love for music, we had Handel’s Messiah playing as guests arrived. A slide presentation of Lenora’s extraordinary life was screened before the service. During the tributes and eulogies, musical items were presented and over an hour of testimonies from family and friends celebrated the extraordinary life and legacy of Lenora Hammond. This included Lenora’s eldest sister, Deborah, from Austria, and a group of leaders from KwaSizabantu Mission flew in from KwaZulu Natal. Two of Rev. Erlo Stegen’s daughters, Naomi and Ruth, also flew down to participate in the funeral service. The service was livestreamed and you can view the whole two-hour service here. A video of the sermon can be viewed here. The audio of the sermon: Steadfast in Suffering can be listened to here. You can read my tribute: Lenora Hammond has Fought her Final Battle with Pain here. You can view the Order of Service with photo collage here. You can also listen to the radio interviews on From the Frontline; last week Andrea and I were interviewed by Hunter here. This week Hunter interviewed Andrea and Lenora’s eldest sister, Deborah, discussing Thanksgiving, particularly focusing on the extraordinary life and legacy of Lenora and her long and courageous battle with cancer, click here. “Give thanks to the Lord, call on His Name; make known among the nations what He has done … give thanks for He is good; His love endures forever.” 1 Corinthians 16:8, 34. You can read my sermon notes from the funeral service: Steadfast in Suffering on the website, click here. We are also uploading written tributes and eulogies which we have received from friends and family worldwide on our In Memoriam page on the website. Thank you for standing with us at this time. All in the Hammond family and in our Mission join me in expressing our gratitude for your prayers, encouragement and support. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission. Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: Website:
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