![]() To read the JOY! Magazine version, with pictures, click here. Through the years, I have often had people talking about what they were going to do, could have done, should have done, but did not do! Early on I determined that I would not want to arrive at the end of my life regretting missed opportunities and wasted potential. The first time I heard the Gospel, I was 17-years-old, in a cinema in Cape Town. Rev. Rex Matthie spoke of the sufferings and sacrifices of Christ. "This is what Christ has done for you! What have you ever done for Him?" This challenge pierced my heart. I had done absolutely nothing for Christ. I had not even thanked God for His Creation, for my life or health. That day, I realised that I was a self-centred, ungrateful lost soul, truly deserving of the condemnation of Almighty God on the Day of Judgement. At the end of the service I went forward and publically committed my life to Christ.
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May 2022