Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. By God's grace, so far this year, we have completed the Biblical Worldview Summit, Great Commission Course, March for Life, missions to Uganda and Sudan and across South Africa, including ministering at the Ministers Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission with a record 2,500 participants from 29 countries. Our missionaries to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan managed to deliver the largest shipment of Bibles and books ever delivered to an officially Islamic country that we are aware of. Over 118,000 Bibles and books in English and Arabic, were delivered to over 130 schools, churches and Bible colleges throughout the remote Nuba Mountains region of Sudan. We also completed the six year Bible Survey, publishing the New Testament Survey book and Audio MP3 Boxset. Many of these have been donated to colleges and pastors throughout Africa.
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May 2022