![]() "And you know in all your hearts and in all your souls that not one thing has failed of all the good things which the Lord your God spoke concerning you. All have come to pass for you; not one Word of them has failed." Joshua 23:14 End of Lenora's Radiation Treatment By God's grace, Tuesday was the last of Lenora's radiation treatments. Since being diagnosed with a recurrence of cancer earlier this year, Lenora has undergone further surgery, 12 chemotherapy infusions and five weeks of daily radiation. Yet, despite the horrible side effects and fatigue produced by these cancer treatments, Lenora does not complain and has not allowed any of it to prevent her carrying on with her family and ministry commitments. Incredibly, Lenora has kept up with her weekly Dragon Boating paddling, frequently being on the water three times a week. This year she was elected Chairman of the Cancer Survivor Dragon Boat Club in Cape Town and has participated in races and regattas even while undergoing the oncology ordeal. Most people going through chemotherapy or radiation stop their sports involvements. Not Lenora. Last week she was on the water all day for the Rotary Dragon Boating Regatta. As a family we were quite against a second round of chemotherapy, Lenora having gone through all this before in 2010. We have incorporated a range of natural treatments to counter cancer, including special diets, juicing and alkaline rich Kangen water. I was inclined to support the alternatives to the standard oncology surgery, chemotherapy and radiation route. However, after much study, reflection, discussions and investigation, Lenora cautiously accepted the oncologist's prescribed treatment and we have tried to support her in every way that we can through this difficult season. ![]() Calvin Completes Half Marathon Last week (16 year old) Calvin completed his first half marathon – 21km in just one hour and 28 minutes. Calvin has been climbing mountains and running with me since he was four years old. He has excelled in sports, winning a gold medal in fencing nationals, and in provincial gymnastics. Calvin has more recently excelled in provincial hockey and enjoys water polo. Recently he took up long distance running as well and ha s won a number of 5km and 10km races in his age category. Recently he started participating in 15km and now his first half marathon. ![]() Christopher in Switzerland This week (20 year old) Christopher flew to Switzerland to represent South Africa in the European Karate Championships held in Lucerne, Switzerland. Last week he won three bronze medals and a silver in nationals, and was selected for the South African team for the World Championships in Berlin next year, 2016. Christopher is now working as an IT technician at Frontline Fellowship as part of our Communications ministry. ![]() Daniela in Design Daniela maintains a bewildering scheduling of coaching for ice skating, singing in the Cape Town Youth Choir, ballroom dancing and Design for our mission and numerous other ministries and companies. Last week Lenora and Daniela also juggled hosting a family of 10 friends from America in our home. ![]() Andrea Adapts to Motherhood The Academic of our family, our eldest daughter, Andrea, since graduating Magna Cum Laude from Arizona Christian University has excelled in journalism and now is enjoying the challenges of motherhood. Good friends have donated their frequent flier miles to enable Andrea, her husband Hunter, and new born baby, Jeremy Christopher, to fly out and join us mid-November through early January. As you can imagine, there is great excitement and anticipation. Jeremy is our first grandchild. Lenora is racing around preparing our home for her first grandchild. Hosting and catering for 10 guests last week (including a baby) was a good preparation for the new addition to the family. Between treatments and paddling, Lenora has been quilting, sowing and crocheting baby items. Christopher and Calvin are having to get used to their new status as uncles and Daniela is an eager aunt. Hunter is busy completing his Masters in Theology and has been preparing sermons and lectures for ministry here in South Africa and during our upcoming Great Commission Course. ![]() Ministry Marathon In support of Lenora's cancer survivors I've been participating regularly in their Dragon Boat racing team in the harbour on Saturday mornings. For the last year I have also been a member of the Historic European Martial Arts (HEMA) Sword Fighting Fraternity in Cape Town. This involves great exercise and techniques, and I've accumulated a colourful assortment of bruises from the sparring sessions and tournaments. This has been an exceptionally busy year with a stream of invitations to minister in churches, schools, colleges, conferences, seminars, Expos and even at the War Museum. On the 3rd of October we were marching to Parliament against Rhino poaching, Elephant hunting and canned Lion hunting. For this event I designed two new leaflets: "Cecil and Canned Lion Hunting" and "Corruption Undermines Rhino Poaching". The next day, 4 October, was International Life Chain Sunday and for the 23rd year running we were organising the Life Chain at the busiest intersection in Cape Town distributing thousands of pro-life and evangelistic leaflets and dominating the area with Scripture banners, posters, placards and trailers. Mission Milestones We also celebrated 50 years of Straatwerk with late night evangelism on the streets of Cape Town. September also marked 20 years of our weekly Salt and Light radio programme broadcast on 104FM Radio Tygerberg in Cape Town. We are informed that this makes Salt and Light the longest running Christian radio programme in South Africa. Next month marks the 100th edition of JOY! Magazine. In the last 10 years I've written 168 articles for JOY! Magazine and 110 articles for JUIG! Digital Ministry With the Islamic Invasion Trojan Horse refugee crisis flooding Europe I have written a series of articles to inform and empower our friends in Europe to respond to this complex series of threats. The Islamisation of Europe and How To Stop and Reverse It; How the New World Order is Highjacking Civilisation; and A Christian Response to the Refugee Crisis. There has been a tremendous response to our postings on the Frontline Fellowship and Reformation500 Facebook pages, and the PowerPoints that we have placed on SlideShare, and messages on SermonAudio.com. Upcoming Events
On 31 October we will be running a Reformation Day Seminar at Franschhoek. 8 November is International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. We run www.idop-africa.org to mobilise prayer and action on behalf of the persecuted. With the exponential increase in persecution of Christians throughout North Africa and the Middle East this year it is now more urgent than ever. Thank you for your prayers and support. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ReformationSA.org Website: www.frontlinemissionsa.org
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