For your edification, and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable, written responses that we have received by mail, or e-mail, from friends and supporters, and from the field, in this last year. Please continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer. Please continue to intercede that our publications, field trips and courses may continue to renew minds, transform lives, change hearts and disciple nations. From the Field “The purpose of this letter is to show my heart of gratitude for all you have done for me and for the Bible College ministry God had entrusted to my hands here in Nigeria. God has used you to play a prominent role here at World Harvest College in Nigeria. The training materials you sent to us cannot be over-emphasized.” Rev. Samson Olasupo, Nigeria “We know that you are making a difference for eternity.” Rev. Agbor, Cameroon
“We would like to thank you for your support you gave us during this hard time. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the help and support. We couldn’t have done it without you!” Rev. Jackson, Ghana “I just want to say thank you for all that you have been to me and the Lord’s ministry which is entrusted to me to take care of, and build the Body of Christ. There are people that we cannot afford to skip in our memory, you are one of them. I appreciate your love, prayers and financial support. May God reward your labour and increase you. Pray along with me as I desire to be a blessing to the low people in society, people who can’t help themselves. Someone has to stand up for them. You and I can. Yes, we can. I believe we can. It’s great to be a blessing to someone. Thank you for being one to me. God bless you.” Jacob, Nigeria “All the Boxes of Blessing were safely delivered, each person who received had hearts full of gratefulness and marveled at the contents, the amount and the variety.” Barbara, Zimbabwe “Congratulations on the services that you are doing. Pastor, do not stop what you are doing. I would like to ask for materials that I can use for a new believers class. I have just finished Bible School.” Pastor Nelson, Zambia God’s Word Will Never Return Void “I’m writing to you from Annapolis in Maryland, USA. I received your memoir of the Late Dr. Fritz Haus. He was a close friend of my wife’s family after the war. He encouraged us both in our personal lives and ministry. I have used your book on The Greatest Century of Reformation in my teachings at Trinity Presbyterian and outside ministries. Thank you once again for your regular Frontline Fellowship Newsletters and Reformation articles. They are now part of my library and I quote from them.” Rev. Herbert Syre, USA “I appreciate the work and effort that goes into every one of all the articles that you send out so faithfully. I find that but a few people share this Biblical worldview, less are prepared to do anything practical to advance the Kingdom of God – It is too much out of their comfort zone. However, I appreciate every article. Firstly it helps me cope, as often I feel rather isolated. But it also provides me with strategy, enhanced Biblical thinking patterns and efficiently and in a very structured manner puts into words great spiritual truth. I have a mission school and even yesterday I had to speak to the children about their lack of work ethic. I was still praying for guidance as to how to speak to them today, when I saw this mail.” Liza Encouragement from Intercessors “I have followed your ministry and teaching with great joy and admiration. I continue to pray for you that God will keep you strong and sound in a pagan culture.” Dr. Paul Negrut, Oradea, Romania “Thank you for the blessing you are to us. You both don’t just speak the Word, you live it.” Maria “Learning from you at the History Conference was such a blessing and ‘eye opener’!” Dennis, Nevada “Lenora your words touched my heart. I have been following your family’s story from the kidney transplant to your current battle with cancer, and I marvel at the grace of our Lord in seeing you all through this. Your dependence on Him, and yet your willingness to admit weakness and fear touch me very deeply. I, too, am battling some very big mountains in my life. Your words remind me that God is in control and He has a perfect plan for each of us. Thank you, sister, for your encouragement to me.” Hannah “You and your family are such an inspiration to us personally and to others across the world. I know you will bring honour and glory to His Name regardless of what earthly trials you are bearing.” Susan, Arizona “We thank God that you have faithfully borne witness to the Gospel through all these years. May God give you grace to continue to do so.” Bishop Frank Retief “You write very good newsletters: clear, organised and to the point. I love it!” John Glass, France “Thank you once again for all these precious Scripture based material that I receive from you so regularly! I really appreciate them. As always I forward them to friends and/or make copies and give them to friends. I feel blessed when I receive so much Heavenly Manna!” Christa “What a lot of good information, encouragement, and even a few good jokes. Thank you so much for your message to our school! Actually your whole life speaks.” Rosemary, Arizona “Thank you so much for such an amazing power-packed report. We praise God for the productive, inspirational tour. I can confirm that Jivannadi Mission was indeed blessed to have you share from the pulpit. Soldier on for the Master, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We appreciate you.” Balan Moodley “We are praying for your family. You are bastions in God’s work here in South Africa. Stand firm, be strong and may you experience His presence and covering in a wonderful way during this time.” Dalene Joubert “What a wonderful attitude God has given you throughout your extended anxieties. You are an inspiration to us.” Dr. Ian and Eileen Paisley, Belfast “Peter Hammond is ‘n SA Engelssprekende Christen na ons hart! Thys en Roea Uys, Mosselbaai “I got to hear Dr. Hammond at the Psalm 119 Conference in Texas. What a huge blessing!” William, USA Bibles and Book Shipments “Thank you for the gift of Bibles you sent to TOGO to help the helpless. Thanking you very much. We really appreciate them.” Tumi, Togo “I acknowledge receipt of a box of 30 books delivered. The box is power packed, The Holy Spirit, The Battle for Truth, The Greatest Century of Reformation, Biblical Principles for Africa, etc. making instant hits. Thank you so much, the books are so useful to our ministry. David preached like a house on fire. We cherish the powerful input from you.” Pastor Enias, Zimbabwe “The three boxes that you sent to me arrived in Zambia and all the Bibles have since been given to our staff that we promised. Many thanks for the books and Bibles that will turn many lives around to Jesus.” Chaplain Sakala, Zambia “Thank you so much for the power packed box of books that I got from you. The books are so essential to our ministry. We are getting a lot from the donation and would like to encourage you to continue.” Pastor Manzonzo, Zimbabwe “Thank you for all the sound material that you kindly entrusted me with, most of it was distributed far and wide over the borders, attached is a Thank You letter from the Prisons Commanding Officer, Botswana.” Roy Reddy “Thank you for the English Bibles, Devotional materials, Commentaries and Sunday School materials we received. Many of the church members had no Bibles, but through your donation they now have. It is easy for our facilitators to lead Bible studies. Our people are enjoying reading and studying God’s Word and we have seen their spiritual growth. May God richly bless you as you continue to spread the Word of God throughout South Africa. We have new members who joined us after the Bibles had been distributed we are asking for more English Bibles please.” Rev. Bernard The Power of the Printed Page “Thanks for being a tool in God’s Hands to sharpen, shape and correct when necessary and for being an ABSOLUTE BLESSING to the CHURCH of GOD!!!!!” Suzy “Faith Under Fire in Sudan is exceptional and excellently put together.” Natasha, KwaZulu Natal “I love your book on The Ten Commandments and in fact have read it several times. Your book on Prayer has enhanced my prayer life 100 fold. Please know how thankful I am.” Joe Wade, USA “First of all, let me commend you for your excellent response to all the flak that has come JOY!’s way since Peter Hammond’s article on modern Judaizers was first published. Thank you for daring to publish it in the first place. It is vital that the matter be addressed, as these misguided people (Judaizers) are popping up everywhere and confusing many sincere but immature believers. Nobody loves the Jewish people more than I do. Anyone who has read any of my books will know it. I must express my concern about gentiles who want to be more Jewish than Jews themselves and, in the process, revert back to the law.” John Haupt “Thank you for an excellent and timeous article on the ‘Judaizers’. Your clear thinking and grasp of important challenging trends facing the post-modern church is both refreshing and encouraging. Well done!” Rev. Bruce Woolard “I just wanted to tell you how much I enjoy all the articles that you write for JOY! Magazine. I have just read ‘How Do You Know There is a God?’ Brilliant! Thank you so much. God bless you as you continue to expound the Word of God so clearly to so many readers.” Jill Gauche “I have been a pulpit minister for the last 17 years and have been reading The Greatest Century of Missions in the last few days as I prepare to go into full time mission work in Chad and Niger, it truly has been very inspiring and faith-building. It further ignited the passion for mission work in me. May God bless Dr. Hammond for his immense contribution in many ways.” Ibrahim Ayala, Nigeria “Warm greetings from the offices of Operation World. Thank you most sincerely for all your help and input into the new edition of Operation World. It was with a huge sense of relief and accomplishment that the material was sent off to our publishers, but it is an accomplishment that we could not have achieved without your invaluable help. We are confident that we have achieved an excellent result and that the depth, accuracy and relevance of information within this new edition is greater than it ever has been. Again this is largely due to the time and effort that you have contributed through your input and feedback. So thank you!” Fiona Fraser, Operation World “Thank you for the books, Faith Under Fire in Sudan, Chaplains Hand Book, the Chaplains Prayer Book and The Great Commission Manual. We will definitely use it greatly. Especially the manual will be of great use for us. I really enjoyed the Christian Action newsletter about the Revival of Andrew Murray.” Jeanne “Thank you for the Great Commission Manual. Your vast wealth of experience makes the manual a great resource as we seek to train and equip Evangelists.” Rev. Cecil Peasley “’What Every Christian Should Know About the Inquisition’ was well done. We can learn much from church history.” Alastair Jolley, SIM “It was a real blessing for me and a real opportunity to open my eyes and understand today’s world by reading the books I got from you.” Cherechean, Romania “I read our article ‘When All Men Speak Well of You’ and really enjoyed it” Tom Sprague “God is with you and you have added so much to my life and so many others. You are a voice that is rare and you have taught me much. Your Samson and Delilah article was one of the best, I printed it and carried it with me wherever I went.” Anthony, South Korea “I applaud you for having the courage to do such an article on The Return of the Judaizers. Some may regard it as controversial, but I see it is necessary and long overdue.” John “Ever since my friend gave me your book on TheGreatest Century of Reformation and put me in touch with you via email, I have thoroughly enjoyed all your good preaching and teaching. My heart resonates so much with yours. Energizing indeed. ‘My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge’. The longer I live and the more I discover how people are being deceived in so many ways, the more I am compelled to find ways to reverse the trend toward increasing darkness because the ‘salt’ is not exercising its intended influence on a corrupt world.” Dennis Petersen “My heart is strongly drawn toward the Muslims of Africa. Your material has been of great benefit to me. Much fruit that will manifest in eternity, as a result of years of faithful service by you and those at Frontline Fellowship. It is very thrilling and brings me great courage to strive to do the same.” Chris “My wife and I are reading your book Faith Under Fire in Sudan after dinner most nights and are impressed and moved by what you have written. May our God keep protecting you and blessing your fiery, Biblical, risky, wonderful, service to Him, dear brother” Dr. Jay Grimstead, California “Thank you for writing so many insightful articles, I appreciate that you write the undiluted truth not the humanist rubbish that gets dished up in all our mainstream churches nowadays.” Conrad The Wonder of the World Wide Web “Thank you for your very informative website information.” Raylene “I have just come across your website and the work you have done and are still doing around the world. I am deeply appreciative for the way in which you have placed your life on the line for the sake of the Gospel.” Glynnis “I have begun reading various articles written by you on the websites; particularly those involving Europe; I have begun a Christian bookstore search for a few of your books. I was glad to know of your association with KwaSizabantu Mission and Rev. Erlo Stegen. This is where my life in Christ began in 1981. I read through your one epic voyage through Europe. I lamented about the state of the churches and the spiritual poverty that prevails there. This has been long on my heart. I lament for Europe as a continent as you do, for their terrible price they have paid for all the awful humanistic ‘ism’ of the 20 th century. The sheer horror of two world wars and the debilitating effect of socialism. They seem to be atrophied in existential nihilism, hedonism and materialism. Such parched emptiness. God have mercy upon us.” I Smith “I came across your moving tribute to Ian Smith when I was researching The Great Betrayal. I have to say I agree totally with your obituary of the Great Man. He was a man among men, brave and honourable throughout his life. Keep up the good work of keeping the memory of this Great Man alive for future generation!” Daran Turner The Impact of the Internet “Thank you for your prodigious articles. Your regular articles on such a range of subjects I almost always save, because they are so good!” Patrick Johnstone, England “When Ministries are Hijacked is a great article, Peter. Thanks for writing this.” Dr. Joel Beeke, Michigan “I was just reading your article on the net about The Bible and Animals. Thank you for clearing something up for me about where animals go when they pass from this earth. I had to let my dog pass last year, as she had an aggressive form of cancer. I had to make the tough decision to let her go. I am glad that you have explained it so well.” Wendy, Australia “Another excellent, and timeous teaching on Guilt Manipulation vs Real Repentance.” Rev. Herbert Syre “Thank you for your outstanding commentary on Hollywood, Humanism and History and contemporary issues. They are ALL outstanding, and a tribute to your passion for the truth of God’s Word and world. There is surely nobody in this country who can match your insights and knowledge. Keep it up. You are doing a great job, and it brings glory to His Name. I am sending this email of yours to 35 folk around the country – all men and women who are still loyal to the infallibility of the Scriptures.” Pieter Pelser “Your article about The Bible and Animals was great.” Darla Ferguson “That was a very interesting article! Thank you for educating me further on the Crusades and Jihad!” Nathan “Baie dankie vir hierdie en al die ander inspirerende e-posse wat ek gereeld van u ontvang. Did word dikwels aangestuur na die kinders in die buiteland. Baie seen word u toegebid op hierdie belangrike werk wat u en u organisasie verrig in die verkondiging, en uitbreiding van die Evangelie van Jesus Christus. I am convinced many other Afrikaners are highly appreciative of your important work!” Dr. Frik van Heerden “Thank you for reaching many people the world over with good doctrinal material. I would like to subscribe as a regular receiver of your material because my country, Cameroon, has no centre for distribution.” Pastor Ngong, Cameroon “Thanks for putting the film Invictus in its true light. Thanks for setting the historical record straight.” Frank Lyman “I read your article on The Importance of Ascension Day, and shared it with my friends. I really enjoyed it and it gave me new meaning to Ascension Day.” Michelle “Thank you so much for that beautiful article on The Bible and Animals. It really cleared up a lot of questions I have on animals.” Veronica “I have just read ‘When the Cape Came to Christ’ in the Christian Action Newsletter. I was deeply impressed and touched by the article. I had grown up in Ceres, Cape Province. I would like to receive about 15 copies.” Renee “Thank you for this Invictus Idolatry film review – glad someone speaks the truth. I have been trying to tell people this for years. Thank you Dr. Hammond! I have forwarded this to most all in my contact list.” Cindy “Wow, Peter Invictus Idolatry is a stunning article. I always love your film reviews, but I think this is one of your best!!!” Ashley, USA “I have just read your brilliant Invictus Idolatry film review and had to send an email to THANK YOU for your logical and open-minded and HONEST thoughts on this movie.” Geraldine “Thank you so much for You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against Your Neighbour. This was needed more than ever in my life today. I myself have been slandered and antagonized so many times, my heart was sore and very heavy this past week as the attacks were harsh and uncalled for, and eventually I just wanted to walk away as I could not take any more, but last night I stood strong again and reminded myself that if I give in, then the enemy has won and I have to stand firm. Your mail has been a huge inspiration today and I thank you so much for this message that God has sent me.” Tracy “Thank you for your reports on the Cape Town 2010 Third Lausanne Congress on World Evangelisation. Your reports were the next best thing to being there.” Bill Brown “I have just read your excellent article ‘Praying for Justice’. Such a blessing, I agree with you 100%! I also love Psalm 2, as this also gives us a powerful look at the mightiness of God and His judgment against all those who oppose Him! God bless you in this battle that we are in!” Jill “I am so grateful to the Lord for having given you the passion of writing. You are using it so fruitfully within the Kingdom. I just can’t overemphasis how I have always been inspired by your writings. The reports on the World Evangelisation Congress are a masterpiece. If only media could be reporting in such a professional manner to bring out the truth! These reports have beautifully taken me through the Lausanne Conference.” Puleng Moleko, Botswana “EXCELLENT!!! Review on Invictus Idolatry” Roger Radio and T.V. Ministry “What a joy it was to hear you on Wretched Radio and watch you on Wretched T.V. God has used you greatly in my life. Still praying and growing in the Lord, and sharing the Gospel in my area. Thank you. I’ve worn out your book on Prayer and The Ten Commandments. “It’s a joy reading all your emails. I really enjoy reading your newsletters. You are like one of my closest friends, and we’ve never met. I love the richness in your book on Prayer and The Ten Commandments. Thank you so much to God allowing me to meet you through your clarity and wisdom.” Joe Wade, USA “Your realistic review of Invictus featured on Family T.V. in the USA. Good job in stating reality.” Anton “What a delight it was to have you in the radio studio. You are an exciting example of what a missionary is all about and I would love to support your ministry. Give me details. This book of yours Faith Under Fire in Sudan should have world wide publicity.” Helen Phillips “I heard Dr. Peter Hammond on Wretched Radio for two hours and could not get enough! What a blessing.” Terry Hunger for Revival “It was with great joy and excitement that I read your article regarding Reformation and Revival. I want to fully agree that only Revival ignited by God will save the world. God has sent us to Louis Trichardt in Limpopo Province with one assignment: To take the keys and open the gateway for My Revival fire, glory and presence to enter Africa. We are in the most important phase of a revival, and this is to ‘Prepare ye the way’. A new love for God, a greater hunger for His Word, a greater hate for sin, a zeal and hunger for His presence and to deal with the past and walk in righteousness, as well as a fervent prayer life. LORD WE ARE HUNGRY FOR REVIVAL.” Francois Strydom Mission to Europe “Your mission trip to Europe was eye-opening and greatly appreciated.” Fleeta Baldwin “This year was the toughest in my life. After I finished to read your book ‘Reforming Our Families’ early this year, I realised how far I had drifted from God’s plan for my family in the matter of Biblical responsible education, mission involvement as family, children’s discipleship, modesty necessity, etc… I had to take tough decisions in order to save as much as possible from the pieces of my family. So, in the beginning of May, together with my family, we decided to move from the church were we served for 15 years, to another church where we could rebuild our family values according with the Scripture and according with the Biblical principles you explained in your book that a good Christian has to live through: Bible-centered family, mission-focused family, etc. My life is a huge construction field where God is building His Will according with His gracious ‘blueprints” …In all these months, the Frontline Fellowship News and e-updates gave me spiritual ‘air supplies’ for my spiritual longs. I read all you send to me and gladly share it with my friends from different parts of Romania.” Cherechean, Romania Working for Reformation “I watched your DVD on the war on our brothers and sisters in Christ in the Sudan. I am shocked almost to tears at how the evil one is persecuting the body there. I have been a lukewarm Christian for about 18 years only for the Lord to be gracious enough to wake me from my slumber about a year and 3 months ago – Thank God! I would like to commend you and praise the Lord for all you do and those working with you” Clive Stephenson “Thank you for sending the Frontline Fellowship News Bulletin regularly. It has been a source of edification and challenge for Evangelism. I appreciate your interest and work in Muslim countries. I am always blessed by the messages of Dr. Peter Hammond. I really desire to sit under his teachings and learn from him.” Pastor Yaqoob, Pakistan “I have been following your ministry and have always marveled at your work. It is not a calling I would ever want. I admire your commitment and your faithfulness in preparing to lay your life down for Him. Many a man would have backed off by now. I find your ministry quite fascinating and dare I say refreshing.” Dr. Mark Pretorius “May you be blessed with 50 years more and give all the communists, muslims, socialists, humanists, atheists, agnostics, gays, pro-choicers, and just plain bad guys the headache they deserve.” The Lederles “I have seen how you invest into the lives of others for the sake of Christ’s Kingdom and I have been privileged to be enriched both spiritually and physically by your sacrificial giving. Your example and that of your team has been an inspiration to me – I think I learned as much from your example as I did from the lectures and the Great Commission Course. Thank you very much.” Michael “Thank you so much for inspiring and encouraging us this past week at the Men’s breakfast! You were excellent and gave us a brilliant testimony of how the Lord has strengthened you in times of distress and trouble! You displayed such grace and freedom. Thanks so much for sharing with us your wisdom and insights on this very important topic, you were a BIG blessing indeed.” David Melvill “What a blessing you were once again, to our little school and town. Thank you so much, thank you also for the books and resources, we once again were spoilt by your presence and goodness. I got so many excellent reports about your presentation, and also the meeting last night. Be assured that we appreciate you and thoroughly enjoyed having you here.” Gretel Olivier “I have been moved to tears with many of your Newsletters, but his one, ‘Andrew Murray and the 1860 Revival’ really grabbed my heart! Thank you so much for keeping me in the loop for your writings!” Jesse, Arizona “Thank you so much for keeping us informed of the work you and your teams carry out with such love and zeal, and for the answers to prayer that you are witnessing. Please be assured of our prayers for all your family, and for your work in the extension of Christ’s Kingdom.” The Paisley family, Northern Ireland Thank you so very much for your partnership in this mission. Your prayers, encouragement and practical support mean so much to us. May God continue to bless, guide and strengthen you as you seek to be faithful to His Word and His work. “Finally brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have Faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1 – 2
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Prayer & Praise Articles
September 2024