“If you knew the gift of God, and who it is…you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living water.” John 4:10 The man who pioneered mass production of motor vehicles, Henry Ford, said that the most successful person would be the one who would fill the greatest need the best. There is no doubt that Jesus Christ remains the greatest person who ever lived because He made the greatest sacrifice to fill the greatest need for the greatest number of people. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” John 3:16 We need forgiveness for sin and freedom from sin. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23 We need life, love and light. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” John 10:10 We were dead in our trespasses and sins, and Jesus Christ came that we may have life and life in all its abundance. Jesus Christ gives us our spiritual life, eternal life and abundant life. We need grace – undeserved favour – and it is in Jesus Christ that we find the mercy we so desperately need. “For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast.” Ephesians 2:8-9
We are lost, and He is the Good Shepherd that shows us the way. We are often deceived and confused, but He is the Truth. “And you shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall make you free.” John 8:32 “Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” John 8:36 “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” Romans 8:32 A gift, by definition, is something that we did not earn, but which we receive from someone else’s generosity. A gift is appreciated either because of the giver that you have received it from, or because of the value attached to the gift. If you received a gift from the Queen of England, I’m sure that you would greatly appreciate that prize. If any Head of State were to award you something, you would probably talk to others about it, and display the item most prominently. Consider if you were in a court of law, and required to pay a fine that is way beyond a lifetime’s earnings. Imagine if somebody else’s sacrifice paid your fine and set you free. Would you be grateful? How might you express your gratitude? If that person asked you to do something, would you not willingly and eagerly do it? Jesus said: “If anyone loves Me, he will obey My teaching…” John 14:23 God our Creator has poured out His gifts upon you. Your very life. Your talents and abilities. Every moment of every day, every breath you breathe and every ray of sunshine is a gift from the hand of our Creator. The beauty of His Earth. The splendours of His Creation. Wonderful wildlife. Our pets. Our friends and family relationships. Have you thanked your Creator for all the gifts of life and health? Have you always loved God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength? Have you loved your neighbour as yourself? Have you always obeyed God’s Commandments? Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever taken something that didn’t belong to you? Have you ever failed to return something that you have borrowed from others? Have you ever committed adultery? (The Lord Jesus Christ said that if you have looked with lust, then you are guilty of committing adultery in your heart.) Have you ever killed anyone? (Our Lord Jesus Christ taught in the Sermon on the Mount that if we hate our neighbour, we have committed murder in our heart.) Have you ever gossiped and slandered, bearing false witness against your neighbour? Have you ever coveted, been envious, or jealous, of something else’s possessions, or abilities? Have you always been respectful to your parents? Have you worshipped God alone? Have you ever taken God’s Name in vain? Have you ever made an idol of your possessions, sports or politics? The more we look at the Ten Commandments, the more we realise that we have broken the Law of our Holy God. If God was to judge you on the basis of His Ten Commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? If you were to die today, would you go to Heaven or hell? “It is appointed for men to die once, but after this the Judgement.” Hebrews 9:27 Almighty God has come to earth in the person of our Lord Jesus Christ. He not only showed us the way, told us the Truth and offered us life; He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Jesus said to him:“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 John the Baptist pointed to Jesus and declared: “Behold, the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world!” John 1:29 Jesus Christ lived the perfect life that you and I should have lived; He died the sinless death we deserved to die. He has paid the punishment for our sins. Not only has He won for us eternal salvation, but He offers us adoption into His family as sons and daughters of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Have you come to God through our Lord Jesus Christ? Have you repented of your sins? Have you confessed where you have broken God’s Holy Law? Have you asked for His forgiveness and accepted the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord? Have you thanked Him for this gift? Are you living in joyful gratitude for all His mercy and undeserved favour? Are you introducing other people to the greatest gift of all? To whom much is given, much is required. Freely you have received. Freely give. Make this Christmas your best Christmas ever by accepting God’s gift of adoption into His family and inviting others to receive the greatest gift of all. “Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” 2 Corinthians 9:15 Dr. Peter Hammond Livingstone Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands, 7725 Cape Town, South Africa Tel: (021) 689-4480 Fax: (021) 685-5884 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ReformationSA.org
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