![]() To view the PowerPoint presentation of this article, with pictures, click here. To view the video of this article Click Here. To Listen to the audio of this article Click here. It is impossible! It cannot be done! Do not be ridiculous – what difference can one person make?” Have you ever encountered these reactions? Anyone who embarks on a challenging enterprise – especially those determined to end legal abortions, eradicate pornography, establish a Christian school or Christian Teacher Training College, stop the ongoing slave trade in Sudan, work for national Reformation and Revival or evangelize a Muslim nation – will encounter those people who seem to believe that they have “the gift of criticism” and “a ministry of discouragement!”
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![]() Let the Whole Earth Hear His Voice Our Lord Jesus Christ focused on ethnolinguistic people groups in the Great Commission. When the Lord commanded us to make disciples of every nation, He used the word ethne, from where our word ethnic comes. The Great Commission is not merely to take the Gospel to every one of the 222 countries in the world, but to each of the, at least, 16,000 ethnolinguistic people groups in the world. "And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, 'All authority has been given to Me in Heaven and earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptising them in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.'" Matthew 28:18-20 ![]() To view this presentation as a PowerPoint, click here. To view this presentation as a video, click here. To listen to the audio lecture as presented to the Reformation Society, click here. Christmas at the Battlefront On Christmas Eve 1914, a spontaneous cease-fire was observed across the whole of the Western Front. The Christmas Truce of the First World War, a singular event unprecedented in the history of warfare, initially received widespread media coverage in the New York Times of 31 December 1914, followed by British newspapers, such as the Mirror, The Illustrated London News, and the Times, which printed front page photographs of British and German troops mingling and singing Christmas carols. ![]() BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW SUMMIT 4 - 11 January 2021, Hermanus, Western Cape Watch and share Frontline's Biblical Worldview Summit Camp Video here. “See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the basic principles of this world rather than on Christ.” Colossians 2:8 The Biblical Worldview Summit practically prepares young people to deal with the issues, temptations and pressures of life. Young people are equipped with the facts and skills they need to deal with humanism, Hollywood and evolutionism. The Summit is primarily aimed at young adults (ages 13-30), but all ages are welcome. There will be a parallel children's programme for younger children. "They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount on wings like eagles." Isaiah 40:31 ![]() To listen to an audio account of this event on From the Frontline, click here. To listen to the audio of a related message, click here. The Vision The vision for the Grahamstown Evangelistic Mission grew out of our daily Bible Study and Prayer Fellowship, which I initiated in my first week of National Service at 6th South African Infantry Battalion. As the Bible Study grew and as we had the joy of leading fellow soldiers to Christ, we were praying over how to reach the next intake, which would come in July 1980. When I suggested organising an Evangelistic Mission during the first month of the next intake, there was excitement. But, inevitably, hard realities were discussed: Initially, there will be over 2,000 conscripts. How on earth could we reach them all? How could we possibly organise permission? What venue could possibly be big enough? Who would be the best Evangelist to invite? The Evangelist Well, I immediately knew that Rev. Roger Voke was the ideal man. Roger Voke was a dynamic Evangelist and the most challenging speaker that I had heard at Holiness Conventions at Glenvar Bible College and Keswick Conventions. Roger Voke had trained me in Evangelism Explosion. ![]() To listen to the audio of this message, click here. To see a video of this presentation, click here. To view this article as a tract to download, click here. 31 May is Pentecost Sunday For a Christian not to be Spirit-filled is a downright sin. If you are not filled with the Spirit then you are living in sin. God commands us in Ephesians 5:18: “Be filled with the Spirit” and if you do not obey then you sin by neglect (James 4:17). By indifference to the Word of God, by apathy to His commands, by spiritual laziness and carelessness, by a sluggish and lukewarm response to God’s great command to be filled with the Spirit, the church has been filled by the world, by the flesh and by the devil with sinful, half-hearted, lukewarm, semi-saved, half-saved, pseudo-saved and even unsaved poor imitations of the real thing. ![]() For your edification, inspiration and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable, written responses that we have received by mail, or e-mail, from friends and supporters and from the field, in recent months. Please continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer. Please continue to intercede that our publications, outreaches and courses may continue to renew minds, transform lives, change hearts and disciple nations. New Sudan Video is So Powerful and Inspiring “Wow! This is powerful. Thank you so much for the video on the Nuba mountains. We would love to put it out soon, on our prayer for Sudan newsletter.” – E. Come Back to Uganda “Thank you for remembering us by sending us a good man. We love him. Tell him to come back again and again. Uganda was very blessed with him. We enjoyed his messages. He left us in hunger for God’s Word.” - Pastor M. J., Uganda “Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity, for you I have learned much of life's philosophy.” – M. S., Uganda ![]() The “peace talks” and negotiations between the Cubans, Angolans and South Africans had led to the unusual situation of having Joint Military Monitoring Commission (JMMC) posts along the South West African/Angolan border by January/February 1989. Preaching to the Enemy This seemed like a God-given opportunity for Frontline Fellowship to preach the Word of God to the soldiers on both sides of the border. Accordingly, our field team travelled by helicopter, vehicle and foot to reach various JMMC posts along the Southern Angolan border. Taking full advantage of the cease-fire, we walked into Angola and preached the Gospel to the Angolan troops. Interpreters As the SADF troops stationed at the JMMC posts were from 32 Battalion (a volunteer unit formed from Black ex-Angolan refugees who had fled Marxist rule in their home country for freedom in SWA), we could communicate through Portuguese interpreters to both sides at the same time. ![]() Although you would never know it if you just read secular newspapers or watched the evening news on TV, Christianity is the greatest movement in the world. When it comes to the incredible growth and impact of Christianity worldwide it could be called "The Greatest Story ever Missed!" The Church of Jesus Christ is a worldwide movement with representatives in every country of the world. The Kingdom of Christ has more citizens than even the most populous nation on earth. It has many more employees and "customers" than Coca-Cola, Microsoft or General Motors. The worldwide assets of the church far exceed the combined assets of the "Fortune 500" companies. Americans alone give ten times more to churches and ministries than they spend on sports each year. Church attendance each month greatly exceeds the combined numbers of those who will attend sporting events throughout any entire year.1
![]() 13 January 1915 – Missionary Mary Slessor died at age 66 in Use Ikot Oku, Calabar (present day Nigeria). 28 January 1907 – Missionary to the New Hebrides, John Paton, died at age 82 at Canterbury, Victoria, Australia. 5 February 1812 – Adoniram Judson, Congregational missionary, married Anne Hasseltine. Together Adoniram and Anne Judson became America’s first foreign missionaries to Burma. 18 February 1781 – Henry Martyn was born at Truro, Cornwell, England. He became a pioneer Missionary and Bible translator to India and Persia. 22 February 1807 – The Abolition Bill was passed in the House of Commons by an overwhelming 283 votes to 16 against. It was the culmination of a 20-year crusade led by William Wilberforce. 26 February 1835 – Queen Ranavalona I of Madagascar, forbade the preaching of the Gospel. Ultimately many Christians were imprisoned, or martyred under her cruel regime. |
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