Know Your Enemy Slavery, Terrorism and Islam is a fascinating, well illustrated and thoroughly documented response to the relentless anti-Christian propaganda that has been generated by Muslin and Marxist groups and by Hollywood film makers. Karl Marx declared: "The first battlefield is the re-writing of History!" What Christian Leaders are Saying "Peter knows first hand the nature of the enemy the West is facing and exposes it brilliantly in this book on Islam. He begins by documenting the close relationship between Islam and slavery and then chapter by chapter reveals the terrible cost of thirteen centuries of Islamic invasion, conquest and brutalisation. This is a book that every Christian should read and pass along to friends; and one that every home-schooling family should require as part of their children's curriculum." Dr. Brian M. Abshire "Dr. Peter Hammond cuts through layers of misinformation and uncovers astonishing historical facts and details long buried by Islamic revisionists. You will find out their real agenda for tomorrow by discovering what they actually did yesterday - plus a field-tested plan of how to win Muslims to Christ." Rev. Bill Bathman "For the sake of this generation, and coming ones, someone had to do what Dr. Peter Hammond has just done; setting the record straight on the different role players in the slave trade." Rev. Fano Sibisi "Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, is must reading to all those who want to find out the roots of the Terrorism that is threatening global security." Rev. Jeffreys Kayanga Spiritual Ammunition
With 300 pages and over 200 pictures, this edition is now 3 times the size of the first edition and is one of our most successful publications, both in terms of educating and alerting Christians as to the dangers of Islam, and mobilising Christians in effective Evangelism of Muslims. Audio Visual Resources Our Audio-Visual department has also produced a Muslim Evangelism MP3 with 20 lectures and PowerPoints, a Muslim Evangelism Workshop 12-CD Boxset, and a number of supplementary DVDs. By God's grace this edition of Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, and the related audio-visual resources, have come out just in time to help Christians understand the times, and know what God's people should do during this crisis time in the Middle East. Unique and Invaluable With Islamic Revolution setting the Middle East aflame, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam provides the essential background information necessary to understand Islam and the volatile Middle East. With its practical field-tested battle plan to counter the radicalism of Islam, and a strategy to mobilise Christians to be effective evangelists to Muslims, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam is a unique and invaluable resource at this critical time. Great Commission Resource It is our earnest prayer that the Lord will use this book to alert Christians to the serious threats, the urgent needs and unprecedented opportunities before us to reach Muslims with the life-changing Gospel of our Lord Christ. May God be pleased to inspire, energise and equip us to fulfill the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ in Muslim communities, in our neighbourhoods, and throughout the Middle East and the 10-40 Window. Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – The Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat is available from: Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358 Howard Place 7450 Cape Town South Africa, Tel: 021-689-7478 Email: [email protected] Website: Those in North America can order through Frontline Fellowship - USA P.O. Box 728 Manitou Springs, CO 80829 USA Email: [email protected]
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