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Dearest Family and Friends “Therefore, having been justified by Faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by Faith into this grace in which we stand and we rejoice in hope of the Glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:1-4
![]() To view a PDF of the Family News with Pictures - Click Here Dearest Friends and Family! “Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His Name.” — Psalm 100:4 Thank you very much for your love, prayers and encouragement. The latest update from the hospital is that yesterday, Lenora had x-rays and they discovered a primary cause of her intense pain: one of her back ribs is fractured! This is high up, close to her shoulder and explains the acute pain she has had in moving. The cancer treatment makes the bones more brittle and susceptible to injury.
The x-ray also revealed evidence that the cancer has spread to her skull and lower spine. That explains the migraines and back pain. Today, they are doing an MRI scan to ascertain whether any of her organs are affected by the cancer. ![]() To read the PDF article with pictures, click here. The Hammond family (all nine of us, Lenora, Daniela, Christopher, Calvin, Andrea, her husband, Hunter and our two grandsons, Jeremy and Joshua) have made the most of lockdown with daily PT, weekly gardening, cleaning of gutters, trimming of trees, vegetable gardening, sorting out of store rooms, cupboards, shelves, “spring cleaning” (although in our case in the Southern Hemisphere it is actually autumn cleaning), reorganising of our libraries and teaching archery, hockey, Rifle PT and sword fighting to Jeremy and Joshua. ![]() To view this newsletter as a PDF with pictures CLICK HERE Dearest Friends and Family! “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,’ says the LORD.” — Isaiah 55:8 Isaiah summed up the year 2019 quite accurately for me! I certainly had no idea what a tumultuous year was ahead. Knowing, Loving and Serving God makes the paths we navigate daily so much more secure. Understanding that His purposes and plans are not always ours is not something to fear but to actually look forward to. In March I was in Arizona with my mother and between my sister Debbie from Austria and I, we were able to arrange for her home to be sold in record time and to move Mom to an independent living facility. She had her own apartment there and in a sense felt she was given a new lease on life. ![]() To view the PDF with all pictures CLICK HERE Dearest Friends and Family! What a privilege it is to look back at the year and review all the many blessings that God has showered upon us again. We have been blessed with many opportunities, additions to our family, some heart aches, some travel and the expansion of our family life here on East Way. January starts off with a bang every year as we host the Biblical Worldview Summit and the Great Commission Course. This year was no exception and we found ourselves scrambling to accommodate the over 130 participants. We had a lively and varied bunch of Teens and young adults and were grateful for the many opportunities this afforded. Tragically, during our Great Commission Course portion, during free time, one of our Course participants heartbreakingly lost his life during a swimming accident. This caused the group to bond in a way few things can. We were blessed being able to witness the group’s caliber in character and testimony. The young man’s family were very gracious and we had the memorial service and funeral here in Cape Town. ![]() Dear Family and Friends! Greetings from a lovely Cape Town, where winter is being ushered up to the Northern Hemisphere and Spring is making its debut. Most of you are aware of the serious drought the Western Cape has undergone, but this last winter God has blessed us with an abundant amount of rain and our dams are nearly full. Yet, our ANC government has decided that punitive water restrictions are an additional way for them to extort more money from hard-pressed Capetonians and we are now being charged a ‘sundries levy’ which is purportedly going towards building new water desalination plants. Much more can be said on this topic, but suffice to say that despite stringent restrictions, our gardens are green and our rain water tanks are full in preparation for our dry summer ahead. It is always a good principle to conserve water and certainly our family has perfected the art of showering while standing in buckets and using this water for all and sundry other purposes. ![]() View this article as a printable PDF From Africa to the Alps & Wittenberg The year of our Lord 2017 started out unlike any other for us. Especially for me. My dearly beloved father had gone to be with the Lord, just after his 89th birthday, a somewhat expected promotion, but never the less the hardest farewell I have ever said. My sister Debbie was visiting here in Cape Town during December and it was very precious that she and I were able to Skype a number of times with Mom and Dad during his final days. My mother was a sterling stalwart and ably cared for Dad’s medical needs. She stood by his side every moment of the day and night and ministered to each and every request. Debbie and I were very grateful that Mom was skillfully assisted by our good friend Mary, a nearby neighbor. ![]() To read the JOY! Magazine version, with pictures, click here. Through the years, I have often had people talking about what they were going to do, could have done, should have done, but did not do! Early on I determined that I would not want to arrive at the end of my life regretting missed opportunities and wasted potential. The first time I heard the Gospel, I was 17-years-old, in a cinema in Cape Town. Rev. Rex Matthie spoke of the sufferings and sacrifices of Christ. "This is what Christ has done for you! What have you ever done for Him?" This challenge pierced my heart. I had done absolutely nothing for Christ. I had not even thanked God for His Creation, for my life or health. That day, I realised that I was a self-centred, ungrateful lost soul, truly deserving of the condemnation of Almighty God on the Day of Judgement. At the end of the service I went forward and publically committed my life to Christ. ![]() Dearest Friends! The year 2016 arrived brimming with guests and camp participants. We had such an array of international attendees, and I must say, it was the most action packed three week camp and course I have ever known. It is particularly meaningful to Peter and me, when our children willingly and joyfully participate in the events and outreaches as well. Growing up in a Missionary home can be daunting to say the least, and often children feel duty bound to ‘tow the line’. So when our children invite their friends and form an integral part of our Camp and Course, our hearts as parents are full. |
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