![]() To listen to the latest Salt and Light Radio interview on Reformation Today, click here. Ecclesia Reformata Reformanda Est! (The Church, having been Reformed, is still to be Reformed). The Five Solas of the Reformation Sola Scriptura! Scripture alone is our ultimate authority on all matters of faith and conduct. Solus Christus! Christ alone is the Head of the Church, and He is the only Mediator between God and man. Sola Gratia! Salvation is by the Grace of God alone. Sola Fide! Salvation is received by Faith alone. Soli Deo Gloria! Everything is to be done for the glory of God alone. These great Reformation principles challenge us to regular and rigorous self-criticism and constant re-evaluation of our personal lives, congregations, missions, families and society. Apathy and Inertia
The general tendency in most churches is to regard the status quo as normative and right. "We have always done it this way" takes on the force of authority. The common practice is frequently lifted above Scripture and popular approval is assumed to have some Divine authority! However, Scripture alone is our final authority for all matters of Faith and conduct. Superstitions We applaud the Reformers for challenging the customs and superstitions of their day in the light of Scripture. Indeed, where in the Bible were we taught to pray for the dead? Venerate angels and saints? Use images? Worship Mary? Believe in the existence of purgatory? Require ministers to be celibate priests? Pray through the rosary? (With ten prayers for Mary for every one "Our Father"!) Unbiblical Inventions Where in the Bible do we read of popes, cardinals, monks, nuns, inquisitions, transubstantiation, and the assumption of Mary, or the infallibility of the pope? Freedom The Reformers, by championing Scripture alone as our ultimate authority, freed the Church from many unbiblical heresies, superstitious beliefs and burdensome practices. However, we would be much deceived were we to assume that the Church of today is not similarly in need of Biblical Reformation and Spiritual Revival. Dare to Evaluate Ourselves Our beliefs and practices must always be subjected to examination and re-examination in the light of Scripture. Our life, programmes, activities, institutions, publications and personnel must continually be subjected to evaluation in the light of the Word of God. We need to dare to look at ourselves and our ministries in the mirror of God's Word, under the searchlight of Scripture. Reformation Today We dare not allow inertia and stagnation to take root. The Church, having been Reformed, is still to be Reformed. Reformation is an ongoing, life-long responsibility and duty. Putting Feet to our Faith Some have regarded the work of Reformation as having been complete by adopting the confessions and catechisms of the 16th Century Reformation movement. However, it is not enough to have the Truth in our head, we need to love the Truth in our heart and live it in our life. The Truth on Fire The motto of Reformer John Calvin was: "Promptly and sincerely in the service of my God." His emblem was a heart aflame in the hand of God. We need doctrinal backbones of steel and we need Holy Spirit fire in our bellies. The Truth on fire was the goal of the Puritans. Head and heart, doctrine and devotion – in balance, all for the glory of God alone. The Curse of Complacency The greatest enemies of Reformation are apathy and complacency. We dare not settle for less than God's best. God gives the very best to those who leave the choice to Him. Transformation As heirs of the Reformers we need to build upon the firm foundations laid by faithful men and women of the past. But we are expected to build and progress further. The work of the Reformation is not yet complete. Much remains to be done. So much in our homes and hearts, communities and congregations, needs to be transformed by the powerful Word of God. Restoration We need to renew our minds by studying the Scriptures. We need to revitalize our devotional lives by praying through the Psalms. We need to restore the prayer meeting to the central place it belongs in the life of the local church. Our congregations need to become Houses of Prayer for all nations, making disciples, teaching obedience to all things that the Lord has commanded. First Things First We need to seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, delighting ourselves in the Lord, humbling ourselves, praying, seeking His face and turning from our wicked ways. We need to rekindle the fires of spiritual zeal by working for Biblical Reformation, applying the Lordship of Jesus Christ to all areas of life. Our Lord Jesus Christ declared: "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My Word…." John 14:23 In the immortal words of Professor Martin Luther: "If I profess with the loudest voice and clearest exposition, every portion of the Truth of God 's Word, except precisely that point which the world and the devil are at that moment attacking, then I am not confessing Christ, however boldly I may be professing Him. Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved; and to be steady on all the battlefront besides is mere flight and disgrace – if he flinches at that point." So what are some of the issues that we need to address today? The Church Needs a New Reformation We want God to bless our countries. But we cannot expect God to bless those who are in rebellion to His Laws. Our societies need Reformation and our churches need Revival. Ignorance and Cowardice As in the days of the Reformers, today we are facing both internal and external threats. Internally we are facing a renaissance of paganism. Externally we are facing threats from an aggressive radical Islamic Jihad and intolerant secularism. Even more seriously, there is a crisis in our churches. Most of our people are ignorant of history, and have a very superficial grasp of Scripture. As a result, many professing Christians are compromising, cowardly and ineffective. Our churches are filled with weak and worldly, lukewarm and inactive members, or they are tamely locked down in compliance with secular regulations. The salt has lost its flavour, and the light is being hid under a bushel. Paganism and Radical Islam With many Christians in defeat and retreat, we are facing a resurgent paganism, a pervasive Humanism, an intolerant secularism and an aggressive Islamic radicalism. To counter these threats we need the faith and boldness of Martin Luther, the courage and conviction of Ulrich Zwingli, the doctrine and devotion of John Calvin, the evangelistic zeal of William Farel, the dedication of William Tyndale, the faithfulness of Heinrich Bullinger, and the steadfastness of John Hus. Hijacked It would appear that Humanism has hijacked many churches. Theistic Evolution is uncritically accepted, worldly entertainment and rock music predominates in all too many youth groups. Antinomianism and egalitarianism are pervasive. All too many churches seem to be more conformed to the world than transformed by the renewing of their minds. Neutralised and Distracted Compromise, cowardice and corruption are pervasive. Many churches are neutralized by an eschatology of defeat and retreat. Escapism and defeatism have sucked the life out of all too many congregations. Rapture fever and an end-times obsession have so distracted all too many congregations that they are ineffective in fulfilling The Great Commission. Worldliness What is needed if we are to rescue our churches from worldliness and work for Biblical Reformation and Spiritual Revival? A World War of Worldviews In this clash of civilizations, the battlegrounds are found in classrooms and on university campuses, in bookshops and market places, in pulpits and parliaments, in homes and hearts. Bold Evangelism We need field workers of the Reformation like the Lollards, singing and reading Scripture and preaching the Gospel in the common language, in the market places, highways and byways and from door-to-door. Action We need to remove idols, re-emphasise Reformed doctrine, revive worship, renew prayer, revitalise our families, restore Biblical economics, Reform society, re-establish Christian schools and restrict government to Biblical limits. Reformations need literature, leadership training and itinerant evangelists. Steps to Reformation Reflect on the state of our churches, families and souls. Realise how far we have fallen. Remember how the Lord led and spoke to us in the past. Recognise the dangers of antinomianism, egalitarianism, secular humanism & worldly music. Repent of worldliness and wickedness and do thorough restitution. Remove those things that are detestable to God. Return to God in repentance, faith and humility. Revive the prayer meeting. Re-emphasise Reformation doctrines in our preaching and teaching. Restore missionary vision and the Bible study as central to our Church life. Renew devotion to the Lordship of Jesus Christ in all areas of life. Resolve to honour the Lord's Day as a day of rest and worship. Re-emphasise the Reformation doctrines. Re-orientate our Discipleship programmes. Refocus on the Biblical Worldview. Recommit all members to regular evangelism. Reform our society, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Family Our families need Reformation. Parents, particularly fathers, need to teach and train their children in the Law of God – both by instruction and by example. Congregation Our congregations need Reformation, we need to revive the prayer meeting, get back to the Bible, move the congregation away from entertainment to Biblical education, spiritual edification, and enlist every member in fulfilling The Great Commission. Community Our communities need Reformation. We need to clean up our communities and apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Country Our countries need Reformation. "If My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray, and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, I will forgive their sin and I will heal their land." 2 Chronicles 7:14 Mobilisation We need to inform, inspire and involve. We need to motivate and mobilize, we need to educate and enlist. It is essential that we are informed, inspired, and involved in fulfilling The Great Commission, working for Reformation and praying for Revival, applying the Lordship of Jesus Christ to all areas of life. Battlegrounds We are involved in a world war of worldviews. And the battlegrounds include the rewriting of History, the education of the next generation, the entertainment industry, the news media, religious institutions and political institutions, both local and provincial, and national. Applying the Lordship of Christ to All Areas of Life God's thoughts are higher than our thoughts, His ways are higher that our ways. The Reformation set about to restore Biblical principles to all areas of life. This is God's world, and we need God's Word to be obeyed in every area of life. Is your conscience captive to the Word of God? Is your desire to obey God promptly and sincerely with your whole heart aflame in the hand of God? We need doctrinal steel in our backbones and Holy Spirit fire in our hearts. May the Lord fill us, and empower us, with His Holy Spirit - to be faithful to His Word and effective in His service. May the examples of the Reformers inspire us to go back to Bible, to love God wholeheartedly and to fear God alone, to work for Biblical Reformation and to pray for spiritual Revival. May God find us faithful to His Word and effective in His service as we work for Biblical Reformation and pray for Spiritual Revival. Reformation Day Events To see upcoming Reformation Day Celebration event, click here. You can also join the Home Education Fair event on Reformation 500 Facebook page, like it and share it on social media. For more details, phone: 021-689-4480, or e-mail [email protected]. Resources for Reformation Our Mission has been producing books and audio-visual materials to empower churches dedicated to working for Reformation and praying for Revival. These strategic resources include: The Greatest Century of Reformation; The Greatest Century of Missions, The Old Testament Survey; The New Testament Survey; The Power of Prayer Handbook; Reforming Our Families; Biblical Principles for Africa; Practical Discipleship; Discipleship Training Manual; The Coalition on Revival Reformation 500 FIRE Manual; Victorious Christians – Who Changed the World, War Against God, Church History Survey boxset, Church History Overview MP3, Reformation 500 MP3, Data and DVD boxset and the Church History Manual. Many of these are also available as E-books, click here to view. "Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind…" Romans 12:2 Great Films Available You can also organise for inspiring Reformation films, such as Luther, Martin Luther, William Tyndale - God's Outlaw and the Eurochor in Cape Town, to be shown at your cell group, youth group, school, or college. Inspiration and Involvement Does your church, or school, plan to celebrate the Reformation on 31 October? If you are not able to attend the service, you can screen some of our Reformation video presentations at your school, home group, or church. Please join the event on Reformation500 Facebook page, like and share it on social media. If you want to transform your community and if you are praying for Revival, then contact The Reformation Society for resources you can use to inspire your family, school and congregation with examples of excellence. "Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?" Psalm 85:6 Dr. Peter Hammond Reformation Society P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ReformationSA.org See also: What Would Martin Luther Say to Us Today? The Five Solas of the Reformation 95 Theses for Reformation Today (also available in Afrikaans, French and German) A Biblical Response to Halloween The Forbidden Bible How the Reformation Changed the World The Greatest Century of Reformation Reforming our Families Bizarre Examples of Why We Need Reformation Today Why Celebrate the Reformation? Do You Want to Change Your World?
1 Comment
3/12/2019 01:39:10
I teach in our home school community in Queensland Australia. My classes (history of the Communist Revolution 1917 - ?) follow your audios with great interest because of the Biblical and political truth you are speaking and publishing. Also the excellent comment on the current situation in South Africa , but most importantly Rhodesia - one of the most important chapters of the entire Revolution.
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