![]() Dear Friends Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. “For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds.” 2 Corinthians 10:3-4 Revolutionary Upheavals in Zimbabwe The most dramatic event of the last month was the massive nationwide protest against Marxist tyrant Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe. This culminated in the military action which compelled the oldest and longest running dictator still in power in the world, Robert Mugabe, to finally give in to decades of protest and pressure to give up his despotic misrule. Parliament was the scene of unprecedented jubilation as the house erupted in cheers, singing, dancing, clapping and celebrations with members of parliament, leaping up, jumping on tables and flinging their arms high about their heads, shouting with joy and exuberance. The electric atmosphere throughout the country saw many hundreds of thousands pouring into the streets to cheer, shout, dance and sing at the news. Enthusiastic Euphoria With people dancing in the streets, car horns blaring, flags waving with jubilation, Tuesday, 21 November will be remembered and celebrated for a very long time in Zimbabwe as the day in which Mugabe fell. For 37 years the people of Zimbabwe have been brutalised, terrorised and oppressed by his Marxist ZANU-PF reign of terror. Serving the Suffering in Zimbabwe Frontline Fellowship has been dedicated to missionary work in Zimbabwe since 1982. For over 35 years, Zimbabwe has been a high priority for our Mission. We have distributed many tonnes of Bibles and Bible teaching materials, conducted hundreds of services and seminars, ministering in schools, prisons and hospitals, in streets and market place, throughout this Marxist country, laying solid Biblical foundations for long-term Biblical Reformation. The Failure of Socialism The downfall of Mugabe and the extraordinary scenes of celebration throughout Zimbabwe was a clear rejection of his socialist policies which have turned what was once a bread-basket of Africa into a basket case. What was once a paradise, into a hell-hole. More than half of the total population of Zimbabwe voted with their feet, fleeing from Mugabe’s misrule. An Opportunity for Education My article, Zimbabwe Celebrates As Mugabe Falls and the video of the presentation I gave on this at the Reformation Society, have been widely circulated and led to many international radio interviews to explain how Marxism destroyed Zimbabwe and what steps we need to take if Zimbabwe is to have real change and hope of recovery. Mobilising Prayer and Pressure for the Persecuted For over 23 years, along with other missions to the persecuted worldwide, Frontline Fellowship has promoted the second Sunday of November as an International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church. Frontline Fellowship seeks to co-ordinate the prayer focus on the persecuted in Africa. To this end, we host the IDOP-Africa website and have published books such as Faith Under Fire in Sudan, Holocaust in Rwanda, In the Killing Fields of Mozambique, Angola by the Backdoor, Going Through – Even if the Door is Closed and Going On. Memorial Sunday The Rhodesia Association and Flame Lily Foundation, again asked me to be the Chaplain to lead the Remembrance Service on 5 November, which was attended by representatives of all arms of the Rhodesian Armed Forces. The Audio and Video of the sermon are available on www.FrontlineMissionSA.org. ![]() Spiritual Warfare Workshop Following the successful Biblical Preaching Workshop and Spiritual Discernment Workshop, pastors and Evangelists in Cape Town requested that we tackle the subject of Demonology and Deliverance. As John Bunyan’s, Pilgrim’s Progress, so accurately portrays, Christians are involved in a daily battle against “all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life…” 1 John 2:16. Not only has the enemy enslaved many to false religions, sinful habits and addictions, but he is also waging an all-out war against the forces of Jesus Christ. Tragically, most Christians are unaware of the reality of spiritual warfare and know little about the weapons of our warfare and how to reclaim surrendered ground. This workshop was live-streamed and along with our other workshops, we will soon provide audio and data boxsets. Evangelism in Cape Town Abrie and I have organised a number of outreaches throughout Cape Town, including at shopping centres, traffic intersections and thoroughfares and in the streets. A Congolese congregation in down-town Cape Town invited us to conduct Evangelism Workshops and minister at their week of Evangelism focus. Resources for Evangelism and Discipleship By God's grace we have received and offloaded two more container shipments of Bibles, books and Sunday school and Bible study materials for free distribution to missions, evangelists and teachers throughout Africa. ![]() Hot Off the Press By God's grace, in this last month, we have also completed two important new books: The Ten Commandments – God's Perfect Law of Liberty, which has been completely revised, expanded and updated and is back from the printers. We have also completed The Ten Commandments Audio and MP3 and Data Boxset, containing 12 audio messages, exploring the in-depth, practical application of each of God's Ten Commandments to all areas of life. The AV Boxset also includes a PDF of the book. We have also completed the translation into Afrikaans, Die Tien Gebooie – God se Volmaakte Wet van Vryheid. ![]() This Book Could Save Lives The Security and Survival Hand Book has been several years in production and is now completed and back from the printers. It includes contributions from John Weaver in the USA, from Craig Laubscher, Charl van Wyk and Rob Brown. This Security and Survival Hand Book provides a compact Manual for families, farmers, churches and missions to take practical and positive steps to consider potential dangers and scenarios and better secure home, farm, mission and church. The Security and Survival Hand Book includes chapters on Christian Preparedness, What We Can Do to Help Persecuted Christians Survive the Tsunami of Violence, How to Be Effective in Missions Without Becoming a Victim, Emergency and Crisis Situations, Faith and Firearms, Practical Principles for Protection, Fire Prevention and Fire Fighting, Storing to Survive Shortages, Safety and Security for Mission Workers, Surviving Attacks and Abductions, Kidnapping, Arrests and Hostage Situations, Security Assessments, Staff Training and Security Priorities, Worse Case Scenarios, Case Studies on Church Attacks, Home Invasion, Switzerland’s Strategy for Survival, Self-Reliance and Home Preparedness, Fundamental Skills of Basic Bushcraft, The Ten C’s of Survivability and Basic Security from a former Insurance Assessor. ![]() Serving the Suffering Thank you for praying for the Frontline Mission team in the Nuba Mountains, serving suffering Christians in this island of Christianity in a sea of Islam. John and Ben have safely returned from this Mission and once they have recovered from illness, will give us a Report Back. Do You Want to Change Your World for Christ? This January, Frontline Fellowship will be holding a Biblical Worldview Summit (5-10 January 2018), near Hermanus in the Western Cape. The Biblical Worldview Summit practically prepares young people to deal with the issues, temptations and pressures of life. We equip young people with facts and skills they need to deal with humanism, Hollywood and Evolutionism. The BWS applies the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Those who understand the ideas that rule the world will have the opportunity to influence the world of ideas. ![]() Is the Great Commission Your Supreme Ambition? The Biblical Worldview Summit is just the first part of the three-week Great Commission Course (5-24 January 2018). For 20 years, Frontline Fellowship has been holding Great Commission Courses to which missionary candidates from all over the world, as far afield as Canada and New Zealand, England, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Russia, the United States and all over Africa, have travelled to complete this intensive hands-on Missionary Training Programme. Practical Hands-On and Intense We have designed the GCC as a uniquely practical missionary training programme for all those who desire to be more innovative and effective in cross-cultural Evangelism and discipleship. The GCC involves daily physical training, practicals, outreaches, hikes and insightful presentations, discussion groups, intensive prayer and problem solving, team-building practicals. The Henry Morton Stanley School of Christian Journalism Next year, we will be launching a part-time training programme for those in Cape Town interested in developing discernment and skills in Christian journalism. If you are interested, please let us know. It is vital that we understand the times and seek to redeem the media, countering the tsunami of disinformation and propaganda with well-researched, factual Christian journalism. The further you go back into history, the clearer things become. We need to refuse to believe the lies. Do thorough research. Follow the facts wherever they lead and write the story in a God-honouring way. “Expect great things from God! Attempt great things for God!” - William Carey, 1792. Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.ReformationSA.org www.LivingstoneFellowship.co.za See also: Reformation 500 Mission to America and Europe (Prayer & Praise Update – November) Reformation 500 to Remotest Regions (Prayer & Praise Update – September) Where God Guides – He Provides (Prayer & Praise Update – August) Let The Earth Hear His Voice (Prayer & Praise Update – July) Through Fire and Storm (Prayer & Praise Update - June) Mission to America (Prayer & Praise Update - May) Let the Earth Hear His Voice (Prayer & Praise Update – Feb) Your support is needed and much appreciated. Our banking details are: (For South African supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for. (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for.
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