![]() For your edification, inspiration and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable, written responses that we have received by mail, or e-mail, from friends and supporters and from the field, in recent months. Please continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer. Please continue to intercede that our publications, outreaches and courses may continue to renew minds, transform lives, change hearts and disciple nations. New Sudan Video is So Powerful and Inspiring “Wow! This is powerful. Thank you so much for the video on the Nuba mountains. We would love to put it out soon, on our prayer for Sudan newsletter.” – E. Come Back to Uganda “Thank you for remembering us by sending us a good man. We love him. Tell him to come back again and again. Uganda was very blessed with him. We enjoyed his messages. He left us in hunger for God’s Word.” - Pastor M. J., Uganda “Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity, for you I have learned much of life's philosophy.” – M. S., Uganda ![]() Reformation and Transformation in Kenya “Thank you Dr Hammond. We thank God for your inspired guidance on Church growth, transition, Reformation and challenges. It is my prayer that effective believers strongly engage in transforming lost souls, overcoming secular humanism and Islamic threats with Biblical teachings.” – S. M., Kenya A Challenging Camp and Course to Begin Your Year With “Wow. A great Course. l am still in Somalia. I will stand with payer. We will be participants in the next Great Commission Course.” – S. M., Kenya Encouraged and Equipped “I am writing this e-mail with gratitude toward you and your team for a blessed week at the Biblical Worldview Summit. Every session encouraged and equipped me with more revelation from our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you for the hospitality, the good meals and the books you blessed me with. I have referred many people to your offices in Cape Town. I have already told many people about the blessing of this Summit, your teachings, the testimonies and also John's teaching on ‘Discernment’.” – M. S., RSA ![]() Transformed by the Truth “Thank you for the amazing opportunities for growth and education that you provide at your Great Commission Course. My worldview has been utterly transformed by this course, and I have finally, fully realised that no matter what I do, it should be to the glory of God. I want to proclaim His Name in everything I do. After coming back to Pretoria the reality of the war we are fighting on every front, every day, hit me harder than I expected. It is so easy to get discouraged when I see the problems I have to stand against, even in my close circle of friends. It may not be the easiest place (I much prefer being at the Mission) but this is where I have to complete my task for now. It is a comfort knowing that there are fellow Christians who fight for the same cause with the same goal in mind. Thank you for leading by example in your boldness of proclaiming the Gospel and living each day for God.” – R. N., Pretoria Coalition on Revival “Thank you for all this wonderful, productive work you are doing and promoting COR and the Church Council Project in all of that work. Thank you also for the reports of your Durban Conference and the Ministers Conference at the KwaSizabantu Mission. You are doing a great job. I am deeply impressed. Thank you for your very faithful, thorough and effective work for the Coalition on Revival and for the Kingdom of God in general. You are an amazing, productive worker in the Kingdom and I do not know another good brother as busy as you or who does so many things at once to advance the Kingdom. Thank you for all that your life means to so many, and for all you do for the Kingdom.” – J. G., USA Conversion and Call “Peter, thank you for this testimony, 42 Years Ago – Conversion to Christ and Call to Missions. Glory to our Saviour, Jesus Christ! What a work He has done! I had a very similar ‘conversion to CHRIST experience’, on Sunday evening 17 June 1973. After reading your testimony I recalled that I was overtly aware of the ongoing bush war in Rhodesia at the time (1970's), and after converting to Christ, I prayed to God every day to protect His children in Rhodesia! This indeed is a miracle!” – J. J., North-West Province, RSA Encouraged and Empowered “And the seeds that fell on the good soil represent honest, good-hearted people who hear God’s word, cling to it, and patiently produce a huge harvest (Luke 8:15). I thank God for Frontline Fellowship. It has enhanced my participation in fulfilling the Great Commission. Thank you for transforming my calling in the Ministry. God bless you abundantly.” – S. M., Kenya From Atheism to Christ “Thank you for the article, 40 Years Ago - The Birth of Frontline Fellowship. What an interesting story. I was once a professing atheist, but God made Himself known to me in 1972 and gave me grace to believe and be saved. I regret that the communists have temporarily won the political battle in SA. When men turn from God and good government, they get godless government. Not a good trade. And difficult to eradicate but do-able. We know who wins at the end of the day. Keep fighting the good fight.” – N. M. Persistent Courage “Trials of the Ministry evidence through godly mentorship, courage, persistence and boldness. O Lord increase your visionary servant to fulfil your Great Commission in Africa and beyond. May the Almighty God provide and touch more souls to support the calling.” – S., W. M. Faith in Action “Thank you for sharing your clear and challenging testimony, Peter.” – J. H. Sacrificial Service “A blessing. I have realised that ‘missions’ is ‘service’. Only the courageous and bold can reach out beyond their comfort zone. Death and fear are alongside all missionaries. I continue to stir up my spiritual gift.” – S. W. Born in Prayer Testimony “Peter, what a wonderful and remarkable testimony. Well done, my brother. I rejoice with you.” – G. “I am praying for your Mission’s needs.” – M., Burma “We are proud of this ministry. We have benefited immensely from it. Our prayers are with you as you take over the mantle of leadership. You can count on our love and prayer support.” – Dr. E. E. Literature4Africa for All “I'd like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks for your excellent service to our ministry. Our first meeting stands out as an excellent example of true Christian hospitality and competent service, which I really appreciate. You displayed real understanding of our needs and your conduct was impeccable. Thank you so much for the resources we received, especially the Bibles and study materials. I also deeply appreciate the gifts you set aside for our District Pastors, their wives and our members. Our conference is in October, when I will take pictures and send back to you. I believe this Kingdom connection of ours will continue indefinitely.” – A. A. T., Mitchells Plain, RSA “Thank you Dr Peter Hammond and team for sending updates and books. My prayer is that the Lord will keep on blessing you.” – S. N., Zambia “So good to read about the missionaries who are such an example to all of us. We are continuing to visit and distribute your literature. This morning we went to the busy Child Welfare here. On Sunday we are going to the ICU waiting room with literature for the relatives of the very ill. We will then go to the busy children’s ward with the children’s books and literature for the parents. I speak to and pray with all I can.” – C. O-B. Encouraging Example “I would like to start by congratulating you for the incredible work you have done for the Kingdom - I have always seen you as the modern day Livingstone! I know you don’t do your work to impress man, but it is a great encouragement for the family of God to see great leaders like you leading in such a profound and brave way. While I was in Lusaka I planted a church. Your newsletters I enjoy reading!” - C. O., Zambia Excellent Service “Thank you for the conference that I attended. It was very well presented and thanks for the photos taken at the event too. I am using the KJV Bibles and Psalms literature during our services and have also distributed the booklets amongst the congregation to read and hand out to family and friends to read. Also for the John and Roman booklets. I am really honoured to be part of the Literature for Africa family. Also my gratitude to Dr Hammond for his work that he does for the Lord. Thanks also to Jonathan and his team for the excellent service when I collect much needed resources.” – Pastor C. C., Kuils River Bibles for Malawi “Thank you from our hearts for all the trouble you are taking to get Chichewa Bibles to the newly-born Back to the Bible College Malawi, Goma Village, South of Blantyre. Thanks for all your endless efforts!! We also appreciate your most astounding and heart-warming suggestion that your team will come to help arrange and rearrange our "new" library!” – S & E. M., Barberton Gospel Literature “Thank you, Jonathan, very much this morning for your wonderful contribution of English tracts and also Portuguese and French. Also, please give our thanks to Dr Peter Hammond for these material, which is so essential to go out with the Bibles to Africa. We do appreciate this so much. Also thank you for a number of Gospel CDs, which we can make use of in so many ways. I do appreciate everything that we receive from you.” – E. R., B.f.E. Equipped and Empowered “We would like to thank you for your generous gift of books received at the Ministers Conference. Thank you for taking time to pack it for us and bring it here at no cost! We are happy to see Taryn’s & your hard work alive in the book, Porndemic. It is a great asset in our office and we will spread it to those interested.” DFL, KZN Nigeria for Christ “Thank you so much for all your fraternal love and encouraging words, as well as continued fatherly love and support of my faith in the Lord. I can never forget or take for granted all that you are doing for me and many others who get to read and be transformed by all the past edifying Christian literature/teachings that you provide for me at great expense and effort.” – F. T. T., Nigeria Study Bibles and Library Donations “Thank you for your unrelenting support to our Seminary. We will make good use of your gifts to us for God's glory.” – Rev. Dr. K. M., Cape Town, RSA FrontlineMissionSA.org is Excellent “I have only learned about your website today. It is a real pity I didn't have knowledge of the existence thereof earlier. Excellent articles. Highly relevant for our South Africans today where everything we stood for is under a real threat of destruction.” A. S., RSA Great Impact on my Life and Growth “I would like to thank you for the excellent presentations which the Frontline Fellowship posts on the Internet. They have had a great impact upon my life and spiritual growth. Through them, I have learned the doctrines of the Reformation, the greatness of the Great Commission, and the importance of working for Christian Reformation and Revival in society by exposing evil and preaching the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank God daily for the work of the Frontline Fellowship and will keep all of you in my prayers.” – R. L. U. Biblical Preaching Workshops “Once again, I want to thank you all involved for the wonderful time we had with you during the Biblical Preaching Workshop. It was a life-changing experience and everybody is so blessed. All attended church with beautiful Bibles in their hands yesterday, for which they are so grateful. Thank you so much for all the extra study material you blessed us with, we will make good use of it.” G. B., Atlantis, Cape Town I Look Forward to Reading your Reports Each Week “Yours is one of the regular newsletters via email that I truly look forward to reading each week. God bless you with strength and protection, as you continue using your valuable gift to enlighten and stimulate to action all who have ears to hear.” – D. P., Texas, USA E-Newsletters, Reports and Articles Worth Subscribing To “I am a missionary with Reformed Evangelistic Fellowship in Brazil. Dr Hammond was at our conference in Tennessee and ministered wonderfully while there. I look forward to continuing to stay abreast of your ministry via your e-mails. Thank you!” – B. H., Tennessee, USA “Thanks for giving us such good information about different things.” – N. K. “Thank you so much. I always get delighted and inspired to hear and learn from such a rich flow of knowledge through your teachings and updates.” – C. C. “I am blessed whenever I receive your emails. Keep up the good job and be blessed.” – R. W. R. “Thanks a lot for the rich and powerful insight updates. I will keep you in my prayers.” – N. S. Behind the Bamboo Curtain “Thank you for your article 70 Years of Communism in China and for all your other informative emails, always. You are a man with vast experience and objective viewpoints.” – L. F., Durban, RSA Information that I Do Not Get Anywhere Else “I have been receiving your e-mails for many years, and am blessed again and again. I receive information that I do not get anywhere else. Your e-mail about the Spanish Armada was completely unknown to me, and I think most of the Christians in Norway have never heard about it. I would like to put a link to it in my Facebook.” – J. E. G., Norway The Church Desperately Needs this Strong Teaching “Thank you for your Spiritual Diseases and the Biblical Cure article. It is a strong teaching that the Church so desperately needs in these very trying times. We are surrounded by evil on all sides. Thank you so much.” – C. OB Colleen Oranmore-Brown. English Literature Workshop “Thanks for the teaching Margaret Thatcher and Charles Dickens on The French Revolution that I am receiving from Frontline Fellowship. I am blessed and strengthened in the ministry.” – S. N. Eternally Grateful for Teaching that Continues to Bear Fruit “Celeste and I met you at a seminar held in KZN in the late 80's. We are eternally grateful for your teaching way back then. We see the fruit in the family God gave us thereafter. Thank you Peter Hammond.” – GS, KZN Encouragement Impacts Lives “Thank you, Peter and team, for all this encouraging input from people you touched. You all are amazing. I keep praying God keeps you safe.” – J. G., USA Ascension and Authority “Thank so much for the powerful message The Ascension and Authority of Christ Message. This day reminds us our victory when our Lord goes to Heaven to rule forever, after being confirmed Lord of lords and King of kings. May the Lord richly bless you and His service which you fulfil on earth. Thank you again.” – E. N. True Love is Measured by Sacrifice “What a blessing that there are Christians who realise what it is to suffer for the Lord’s sake and to be the target of satan’s attacks, often by other so-called Christians. May we continue to serve the Lord with all our hearts, living holy lives and separating ourselves from the world, whether we be called fundamentalists, extremists, cults or whatever other names. Please thank Dr Peter Hammond for this Coping with Conflict and Controversy Article” – C. L. Uncovering the Facts Behind the News “I have just read Dr Peters documentary The Real Legacy of Mugabe in Zimbabwe. Well done and a must read to pass on. There is a lot we did not know about that comes out on this report. Thank you.” – S. F. “Thank you for your excellent e-mail - as always – on Mugabe.” – R. S. “Excellent article Peter, as always! Thanks so much.” – R. G., AZ, USA Excellent Commentary “Your Were Atomic Bombs Necessary to End World War Two? Commentary is excellent.” – L. L. Inspiring “Your article What We Can Learn from the St. James Massacre is of great inspiration.” – Rev. A. Insightful “I must say that those 3 articles (incl. Articles on World War II) are the best I have read on the causes and results of what should be called The Great European Civil War, part one. Waiting for Part 2. Excellent work, which I will distribute to all my correspondents.” – C. M. Understanding the Times and the Threats “Thank you so very much for your excellent commentary on this recent disaster (Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris Fire), and for such promptness in sharing it. I would like to do a radio program about it and draw largely on your content, much of which was on my mind. You’ve stated it all so clearly, my heart just resonated with all that you wrote. I am repeatedly amazed at how prolific a writer you are and how you speak so prophetically in season of the message of God’s Holy Spirit to His body. I pray for your peace, protection, health and providential guidance in all that do in this battle. Your leadership continues to be an inspiration to me, Peter.” – D. P., Texas, USA Immensely Helpful “Thank you, Dr Hammond, for this insightful, and immensely helpful, article about the Notre Dame fire.” – Dr. C. R., South Carolina, USA Understanding the Context “Peter, once again you articulate my understanding completely, in your Notre Dame Cathedral article. Thank you for always so eloquently expressing God’s Truth.” – C. O. B., George Enriching Insights “Amen. This is so insightful and enriching (Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris Fire). Thank you for the knowledge and updates that you always share. It is so enriching.” – C. C. Appreciation “I want to thank you, Dr Hammond. for the insightful article on the burning of Notre Dame. You came to our church many years ago and I was a friend of your late father-in-law, Bill Bathman. I frequently read your posts and while I am a fundamental Baptist, I appreciate your ministry.” – B. M., USA Balanced and Accurate “Thank you for that overview (Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris Fire). It is very balanced and accurate.” – G. S., Dorpspruit Education Has Really Become a Battlefield “I trained at the Johannesburg College of Education in the late 1960’s. I taught or seven years before getting married then home schooled some of our children and taught for 12 years in our school in Khartoum where I became the reading specialist teacher. This saddens me no end to see how our education system, which was once so good, has become so poor and dysfunctional. I even offered my “services” as a teacher helper at schools near where we live now when we moved back to Cape Tow0n, but not one school got back to me. They have a problem but as you say… they are living in denial. Thank you for this good article, The Deliberate Dumbing Down on Education Article. I will send it on to my daughter in New York who works for an Academy. Many thanks.” – E. S., Sudan Profound “This message (The Blood of Christ) on Good Friday is profound for us. Thank you so much.” – C. O. B., George Meaningful and Marvellous “What a brilliant article (Who Killed Jesus?), so marvelously put together with meaningful Scripture references to prove history and His amazing love & grace for mankind.” – P. vd. H., Bettysbay Joyful Service “Dr Peter Hammond, we received your letter with great joy and appreciation! Thank you! Once again we thank our Almighty Sovereign God for bringing you and our ministry together for His glory alone! We love you and thank God for you!” – S. & E. M., Mpumalanga En Route to Ghana “Thank you for taking time to drop me a line. I don't know how you stay up with all the projects, writing, presenting, traveling, etc. May the Lord continue to strengthen you too. My wife and I will be leading our 9th mission trip to Ghana this summer – Africa has a special place in my heart. Thank you also for reaching out to the most-needy areas of Africa, including Sudan. We will remember that trip in prayer.” – J. S. R., Pensacola Overseas Overflow “We so enjoy reading all about your interesting work. We spread your literature to many. This morning I was told how some have sent your literature to their children overseas.” – C. O. B., George Seed to Sow “Thanks Peter. I have sent your article, What Really Matters? to our son who is an Anaesthetist in Zambia. He is at present attending a Conference in Sydney, Australia. I have also sent it to a friend who teaches in a large church here in George. We have distributed all your literature to many in this area who are all so grateful. We look forward to receiving more of your Bible Survey for the folk in our complex and their families. The several police stations we visited were most grateful for your literature.” - D & C. O. B., George Bible Survey “This is a wonderful study in the book of Hebrews. Splendid job, Dr. Hammond!” – D. M. “I find this so helpful in these times of lawlessness in which we live. Many are saying now Faith has replaced the Law. Surely we need both. I will go over the Book of Hebrews many times to get saturated in the Word. Thank you and God bless you all.” – C. O-B. Back to the Bible “Thank you. It is a pleasure to distribute your literature, as we appreciate it ourselves. This world is in such a desperate state and we want to see the Bible preached from Genesis to Revelation. Ray Comfort agrees with you that the Ten Commandments need to be preached. I would like them placed on church walls and in police stations.” – C. O. B., George Blessings from Bible Teaching “Thank you so much for your encouraging letters and Bible verses, they are so encouraging to many, I pray God that He may continue to enlarge you that you may be a blessing to many also.” – J. M. God’s Word Never Returns Void “Thank you so much for your e-mails, which encourages us with the Word of God and wisdom from God. God bless you for teaching us.” – Pastor J. K., Malawi To Mozambique with Love “Thanks for this report, Devastating Cyclone Hits Mozambique. We have been praying for the many lives that have been affected by this storm. Thanks for being a blessing and impressing this on our hearts.” - S. M., Port Elizabeth Forewarned is Fore-armed “Thank you brother Peter for your article on Coping with Conflict and Controversy. It was a great encouragement to me. I am saving it in my files for future reference and the future instruction of others. You are prolific in your writing of encouraging and instructional material for Christians. For that I have been grateful for years, having read several of your books and scores of articles.” – S. L., USA Learning from Luther “My husband and I really enjoyed your article on ‘What Would Martin Luther Say to Us Today’. We appreciate the extensive research or knowledge of its content, and also the answers to the title. Every one is a gem of wisdom. May you have many more opportunities in your mission work to spread the Gospel.” – B. P. For Faith, Family and Freedom “Your article on Secession is an excellent summary of people wanting to be among their own culture and value system. You are singularly, a modern day ‘Watchtower.’ A life in the day of Dr Peter Hammond serving his God, such dedication.” – T. O. Powerful “The Fire of Pentecost - Powerful stuff sir. Much appreciated.” – R. N. “Brother Peter. This message, Strengthening the Hands of Evildoers, in is a powerful message that needs to be heard today. Luther's quote at the end is surely true.” – Dr. J. V. S. Excellent “This article, Strengthening the Hands of Evildoers, is excellent as always. I send this on to others who are influential in the churches!” – C. O. B. Helpful Books Available Electronically “Thanks for making your books available via www.smashwords.com. I purchased The Discipleship set, with Putting Feet to Your Faith, the Discipleship Handbook and Practical Discipleship E-books, several months ago and thoroughly enjoyed reading it.” – D. J., UK The Positive Impact of Good Books “Wow. Amazing work Frontline. We thank God for what you people you are doing in our lives. You have impacted my life through the teachings and Christian books of Peter Hammond.” – S. P. New Testament Survey Book “When I get a book I feel like hiding with a copy and reading it and not come out until done. Thanks for the copy. I am totally amazed at all the materials you write.” - G. V., UK Back to the Bible “Thank you so much for your gracious gift of the book New Testament Survey to SAAWE. One of my colleagues is presently looking through it. Thank you also for all you are doing to equip leaders and lay people in many countries to go back to the Bible. May the Lord continue to use you and your colleagues to be a blessing to the ends of the earth.” – B. L., SAAWE “Many, many thanks for your Bible Survey on Luke! An answered prayer as we begin to prepare ourselves here for the season of Easter – that we may know Him more intimately. I am so grateful to you.” – R. E., Bronkhorstspruit “All the best for your move to the USA, John. I will greatly miss you. You have been a key person in my spiritual growth. I am sure that God will bless you, wherever you are in the world. Take care.” – M. B., Cape Town Picture-rich PowerPoints on SlideShare “Dr Hammond, Thank you for your PowerPoint on the Siege of Malta. I have lectured about La Vallette and the Siege of Malta, but your presentation is the best I have ever seen. I have forwarded it to many people and have received some very positive responses.” – Col. J. A. E., Alabama, USA Sudan in Crisis at a Crossroads Report “As usual it’s all about the money/power. Little wonder Jesus said do not lay up treasure for yourself here on earth. Thanks for your insightful report. Unfortunately, we hear little about this in the news.” – Dr. J. v. S. “What a report! Thanks for the call to intercede, give, go, make disciples.” – N. H., USA Mission to Mpumalanga and Mozambique “Thank you for the good work done, servants of God. I am humbled to invite you to come and minister in Kenya next year, God willing. I will be happy to host you.” – Bishop F. S. D., Kenya “You are doing a great work. So touching and profound. Bless you and know that I am praying for you.” - R. N., Barberton “Hats off deeply for these tremendous efforts you and your team make all the time! You are such an example to us and I pray for continued strength and blessings for you and your helpers and safety, while you travel and do His work so wonderfully.” P. vd. H., Bettysbay Africa Reformation Overland Mission Report 2018 from Zambia “It is always so good to receive your missionary letters. We pray your mission trips continue to bear much fruit. It is so true that it is from the Bible that we receive our teachings. Preachers can only give us guidelines. We are so blessed to have God’s Word to study and gain truth. Thank you all for your good work.” - C. O-B. “Praise God for the work you are doing here.” – J. H., Zambia Truth, Light and Hope “Thank you for the detailed account of your travels and ministry in Tanzania. I visited that country in 1965, seven years before my salvation in 1972. What a joy to read how God is at work there, bringing truth, light and hope, in contrast to Muslim and Marxist teachings. God bless you and your team, and everyone who participated.” – N. M., USA Invitations to Minister in Africa “Thank you for the e-mail. It’s encouraging to me to be receiving such Kingdom expansion messages. I have been off from receiving my e-mails and missed a lot. I am based in Malawi and I used to attend so many of the Frontline Fellowship meetings, especially a few years back after a team ministered in our area, Mzuzu, Northern Malawi, as well as at Sola Scriptural Bible College, which I was involved with. I would love to be informed as to when a team will be visiting Malawi again.” – R., Malawi Keep Fighting the Good Fight of Faith “Thank you for proclaiming Christ, running the race and fighting the good fight.” – R. F. Missions in the Mall - Cape Town – Anti-human Trafficking Awareness “Thank you for your work against human trafficking. It is such a world-wide problem. May God bless your ministry.” – Dr J. v. S. “Excellent innovation.” - R. N. “We excited about what God is doing through your organisation.” - Anonymous Rescue Those Being Led Away to Death Article “Thank you very much for this amazingly comprehensive article against abortion, you are such a wonderful scholar, giving us all so much wisdom. May our good Lord continue to bless and protect you for your courageous verbal efforts.” – P. vd. H., Bettysbay A Pro-life Film to Watch and Promote - Unplanned “Thank you for this great article, Unplanned - An Indictment on Many Churches, regarding abortion! You're right...the whole issue is a terrible Indictment on many churches. My wife and I were down in Berlin last Saturday for the March For Life (peaceful march and protest against abortion). Oh, do we ever see the hatred of the other side towards us there! A look on YouTube 2019 March für das Leben in Berlin will give you an idea. I've never seen so much hatred before from so-called ‘tolerant people’. And it appeared to us that the number of people who came (I heard an estimate of 5,500) has dropped. One has to ask, where are the churches, and especially where are the Berlin churches to be seen?! Sadly, even those in government there in Berlin were calling for protests against us, and the whole march can only be done under a lot of police protection! So thank you again for bringing this matter up. It's time for many Christians to wake up and repent.” – B. H., Berlin, Germany We Need to Promote Abstinence Before Marriage “We are grateful for this very important message, Unplanned - an Indictment on All Too Many Churches to the country at this time. What concerns me most is that the children do not seem to be taught about abstinence before marriage. As you know we are grateful to you all for the Pro-life work you do. There are two things in particular that a I feel the churches are sadly not preaching, they don’t stress that sex outside of marriage is sinful and they are not encouraging adoption as the only option to the many seeking abortions. We are expecting our third Great Grandchild from our two precious adopted children. We feel so blessed by our God given family!” - C. O., George, RSA Putting Feet to Your Faith “Thank you for this wonderful reminder, in your Putting Feet to Your Faith article, of what my first love should be.” – K. B., USA Courage to Confront Evil “You are an inspiration to us. Thank you for the courage to confront the evil in our time.” – E. E., Nigeria Spiritual Upliftment “Peter, you are not only a servant to the Gospel, but serve in helping to lift the spirit of many who are losing hope. We live in desperate times that need to be challenged. Evil lurks in places less obvious than Luthuli House, land grabs, crime, corruption threaten our democracy and you give courage and hope to those whose strength is ebbing.” – T. O’C. The Bible is the Greatest Gift “We just wanted to thank you very much for the really lovely Bibles that you gave us. We are so enjoying reading them. They both have very interesting commentaries, which makes studying the Bible even more absorbing. Thank you for your thoughtfulness we so appreciate it.” – B. & P. M. Gifts and Giving “Thank you for reminding us why we give gifts at Christmas and what our greatest gift is - salvation through Jesus Christ - it is His Birthday that we celebrate on Christmas. Your comment about man reckoning time from midnight to midnight - darkness to darkness - reminds us how hopeless and dark our time on earth is without the Light of the World - Jesus.” - G. J. H. Inspiration “May Christmas give you all the assurance of our Saviour's promise of His speedy advent in His appointed time, not as a babe, but as our Sovereign God and Redeemer. Thank you all for your Christmas wishes and wonderful faithfulness in e-mails sent, which continuously inspire and uplift with the unfailing Love of our Saviour. May He continue to bless you all in the work you are doing for Heaven.” – L. S., Zimbabwe SA Voters Guide “I owe you all a big ‘Thank you’ for the assistance in surveying the political parties. We really worked well together, and we received some fruits for the efforts (an extra 7 seats in parliament for Christian values). We should keep building from here, and prepare for the next municipal elections. I would like to keep educating the voters on these manifestos, that your team has worked so hard at over the past many years.” – D. H. Your JOY! Magazine Articles “I always loved your articles in the JOY! Magazine. Bible teaching is very close to my heart, the absolute Alpha and Omega!” – M. L. Prayer and Praise Updates “This is most informative, encouraging and uplifting for those of us in SA who are feeling the strain of the present difficult times. You are all doing wonderful work. I pray much for Lenora and her sister as they have been through so much in the last few months. I can just imagine how Lenora is desperate to get home in her very fragile state. We were never promised an easy journey as we follow the Lord’s will for us.” – C. O-B “Thank you for your regular devotions and regular newsletters. They are a source of encouragement and insightful. I use some of your material in my cell group, especially that on Reformation, Luther and Zwingli. I am pleased to hear of your latest acquisition of more literature to enlighten the African continent.” – S. N. Inspiring Frontline Fellowship Newsletters “Thanks so much for 2019 Edition 2. I appreciate it very much! May God richly bless you and provide in all your needs!” – C. M. vd V. “I received the regular mail you send to me. I appreciate all the precious helpful and sound edifying Frontline Fellowship News. They are always valuable to all those who get to read them.” – F. T. Classic English Literature & Latin Seminar “I listened to your podcast on English Literature and I was fascinated. I learned so much about the authors, I heard of Milton and know of all the others, but now that I know so much more about them I am sorry we never really read them as books. Well my youngest son has not done British literature for high school yet and he needs to do it. I told him that his first lesson will be listening to your podcast and pic 2 books read them and write a paper on them. Thank you for your information. I am collecting them all in a folder to have easy access to them and not to lose any. I know you are very busy and I am truly appreciating you taking the time to correspond with me. It does give me courage.” – M. Praying the Imprecatory Psalms for Justice “Thank you brethren, this is powerful and inspiring. We are equipped with all wisdom to read this article.” – E. N. Cultivating an Attitude of Grattitude “Thank you for mentioning my dear father in this wonderful article. I am so grateful for all the honour, respect and acknowledgment you continue to give him, as he served our Lord his entire life. He would have been 100 years old this week. Your communications and daily articles are a constant source of information and blessing to me, for which I thank you. I commend and salute you for being an extraordinarily effective and faithful servant in His Ministry. The sheer volume and prolific output of your writing is a miracle in itself. I wish you many continuing blessings.” – Prof. M. H. “It is a noble thing that you honour the past saints. Thank you also for the very blessed Thanksgiving celebration. It was the liveliest I have yet experienced and your staff excelled themselves with food and friendliness. I pray that God's hand may continue to rest on and direct the Frontline Mission and give it great success.” – D. S., Cape Town “Thank you most sincerely for the invitation to your Thanksgiving Luncheon. It is encouraging to see what you have achieved and hear of your future plans.” – B. & R. K., Hermanus Pearl Harbour, Mitsuo Fuchida and the Power of Gospel Literature “Wow, Peter. What an inspiration this email is to me. Thank you so much!” – B. T., Arizona Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org
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