Since the end of July the predominantly Christian villages of the Kaya region of southern Sudan have been subjected to systematic bombing by the Sudanese Air Force. The aerial attacks on the Kaya tribesmen mark yet another escalation of the Islamic governments’ war against the Christian South. The bombing seems to be designed to strike terror amidst the civilian population and to undermine resistance to the planned dry-season ground assault. Over 100 000 people lost their homes and fled the bombing. Since 1956 the successive Muslim governments of Sudan have waged a series of wars against the Christian and animist black population in the South. The Muslim leaders are determined to impose Islamic law even on the Christians. John Eibner of Christian Solidarity International related to me some examples of Islamic persecution of Christians in Sudan: The Episcopalian Bishop Peter El Birish was publicly whipped. He received 90 lashes without even having the opportunity to utter a word of defence. A young Christian deaconess was sentenced to 25 lashes for not wearing a head covering!
Bishop Gassis reported that in the Nuba mountains 150 000 Nuba families had been violently expelled from their homes. Their fertile lands have since been taken over by Arabic tribes. Over 200 000 Nuba people had been sold into slavery with the full approval of the government. Thousands of Nuba Christians have been massacred by government troops - many by crucifixion. French film maker Hugo d’Aybaury reported that on 24 December 1992 about 6 000 people were massacred in the Nuba village of Heiban. Father Bashir Abdul Samad testified that over 100 Nuba villages had been burnt down by government forces. John Eibner of CSI reported seeing formations of Muslim militiamen marching in Khartoum chanting “There is only one Allah and Muhammed is his prophet!” and “We are the soldiers of Allah!”. He also saw a bearded white-robed Muslim leader, brandishing a great sword, lead an assembled crowd of Muslims as they called for Jihad or “Holy War”. This was at a political rally to mark the fourth anniversary of the coup which placed the present regime in power. The churches in Southern Sudan have good reason to fear that “slavery and forced Islamization” lie ahead for them if the Sudanese government is allowed to continue their Jihad. Frontline Fellowship has received invitations to minister to the suffering Christians in Southern Sudan. Please pray with us for the Lord’s guidance, timing, provision and protection as we seek to respond to their cry for help. “The Sudanese will raise their hands in prayer to God." - Psalm 68:31
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