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Dearest Friends and Family! “‘For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,’ says the LORD.” — Isaiah 55:8 Isaiah summed up the year 2019 quite accurately for me! I certainly had no idea what a tumultuous year was ahead. Knowing, Loving and Serving God makes the paths we navigate daily so much more secure. Understanding that His purposes and plans are not always ours is not something to fear but to actually look forward to. In March I was in Arizona with my mother and between my sister Debbie from Austria and I, we were able to arrange for her home to be sold in record time and to move Mom to an independent living facility. She had her own apartment there and in a sense felt she was given a new lease on life. Upon my return home in April we were given the news that my cancer has spread into my bones. My hip was treated with radiation. As I am Stage Four now, I am considered incurable. But again I am reminded of the God we serve.
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May 2023