Massive attendance at Funeral service for Rev Erlo Stegen Sunday 8th October was an incredible experience at KwaSizabantu mission in KwaZulu-Natal as multiplied thousands of people poured in from all over the country and even from around the world to pay tribute to an extraordinary Missionary Pioneer and Revival preacher, Erlo Stegen who passed away at age 88 on 26 September.
Testimonies of Revival The first time I heard of the remarkable ministry of Erlo Stegen, it was in 1980, at the 6th South African Infantry Battalion at Grahamstown military base. Marius Pretorius related to our Bible study and Prayer Fellowship extraordinary testimonies of the Revival at KwaSizabantu Mission. I must admit to being more than a little sceptical. The many healings and miracles sounded too good to be true. However, when I was invited to speak to a parents conference at KwaSizabantu Mission, January 1987, I was able to see for myself that Marius had actually understated the case. On Tuesday,26 September, I arrived at KwaZulu-Natal just as the news broke, that Uncle Erlo, The Founder and Director of KwaSizabantu Mission had passed into eternity at age 88. As I arrived at the Stegen home, I was asked to speak to the family and co-workers gathered on the lawn. I reminded our good friends that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. That he took our griefs upon the Cross. Our Lord Jesus Christ wept at the tomb of his friend Lazarus. He reminded Martha that her brother would rise from the dead. Martha acknowledged that he would rise on the last day. Jesus declared: I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me shall live, even though he dies. Rev Erlo Stegen has run the race and kept the Faith .There is a crown laid up for him in glory. We must praise God for a life well lived and for the life and legacy of this extraordinary Bondservant of Christ. KwaSizabantu Mission is the most extraordinary and successful mission station on the continent of Africa. KwaSizabantu originated 70 years ago when God graciously sent Revival among the Zulus. The founder of KwaSizabantu Mission, Rev. Erlo Stegen is the second youngest of 5 brothers. In his testimony, he explains that when he was growing up, he only went to church because his parents compelled him to go. His attitude was: “When I’m grown up, I’ll throw all this religious stuff overboard.”Then God began to convict him of his disobedience towards his parents, his quarrelsomeness with his brothers, and the wickedness of his own heart. “I was a lost sinner, in spite of the fact that I said my prayers and went to church. God says, ‘The soul that sinneth, it shall die’.” Ezekiel 18:4 “If sin rules a person’s life, that soul shall die, unless he confesses his sins and forsakes them. I cried to God, ‘Lord Jesus, I need you! Change my life and save me from my sins’.” |
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