"You are worthy, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honour and power, for You created all things and by Your will they were created and have their being." Revelation 4:11 We need to know God and we need to make Him known. The Most Important What comes into our mind when we think of God is the most important thing about us. No person is greater than his religion, and no religion is greater than its concept of God. Who is God The essence of idolatry is the entertaining of unworthy thoughts about God. We must purify and elevate our concept of our Almighty God for He is gloriously infinite and majestically eternal. He is the righteous One, the God of justice, the God of wrath and judgment. He is the most holy God, the God of glory and grace, of love and mercy, the God of Creation and Salvation. Our worship, in spirit and in truth, depends upon our understanding of who God is.
"Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." 1 Thessalonians 5:18 Taking God's Blessings for Granted Dr. Martin Luther observed that we exhibit a degree of thankfulness in life in reverse proportion to the amount of blessing we have received. In Tabletalk, Dr. Martin Luther wrote: "The greater God's gifts and works, the less they are regarded." The blessings of life, health, freedom and food are not really appreciated unless they are lost, or threatened. Because sunrises and sunsets occur daily, they are taken for granted. |
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