Reaching Muslims for Christ By God's grace, Pastors travelled from far and wide to participate in the Reaching Muslims for Christ Seminar in the Transvaal. Petra organised and hosted this seminar and 7 of their Pastors and Evangelists from Zimbabwe and 9 from Zambia travelled in to participate in this Muslim Evangelism Programme. The question and answer times were vibrant and there was tremendous interest in the book table. Large quantities of literature were distributed and many new contacts made amongst the over one hundred participants. Mission to Nigeria The day after returning from the Reaching Muslims for Christ Seminar, I packed through the night and headed off on a Mission to conduct a Biblical Worldview Conference in Nigeria. Our IT people had been working around the clock to produce all the audio visual materials, DVDs, Digital Libraries on SD cards and discs and much more for Nigeria. My luggage exceeded 90kg. At Cape Town International Airport, I was asked if I had another passport aside from my South African one. When I showed my British Passport, they expressed relief and the supervisor confirmed that, yes, I could be booked in for the flights to Nigeria. However, in Johannesburg the officials refused to allow me to board the flight to Lagos. For the next 24 hours, I was stranded in Johannesburg, fielding a flurry of calls, as our Mission in Cape Town and hosts in Nigeria raced around seeking to resolve the dilemma. However, the Nigerian officials were either unable, or unwilling, to help. So, sadly, I had to return to Cape Town. The first time in 35 years of Missions to 36 countries, that I had been refused entry to a country. None of my previous Missions to Nigeria had encountered such problems. Technology Bypasses Red-Tape At this point, Vaughan and Caleb in our IT Department, sprang into action and organised a live video stream connection, enabling me to give the presentations our Nigerian hosts had requested and even participate in question and answer sessions, discussions and prayer times with the conference participants in Nigeria. Our boardroom was transformed into a broadcasting studio with multiple video cameras and screens. I was even able to see the conference delegates live throughout the whole presentation, making the interaction surprisingly easy. These presentations were filmed and have been uploaded onto our video gallery on We praise God for the technology and opportunity to bypass red-tape, logistical complications and government-intransigence with virtual conferences! Definitely a ministry milestone for our Mission. Reformation to Remotest Regions Last week we had the joy of sending out our Missionaries, Abrie, Joseph and Francis, on another eight-country Africa Reformation Overland Mission. By God's grace, it is planned to cover over 17,000km and more than two months in the field. This includes outreaches in schools, Leadership Training at seminars, conferences and at Bible colleges, services in churches, film Evangelism, mass literature distribution in market places and delivering over 2.5 tons of Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels, Christian books and audio-visual materials to Mission stations, Bible colleges, Pastors, teachers and Evangelists throughout Southern and Central Africa. God's Work Done God's Way Will Not Lack God's Supply Like many of our projects, this was a real Faith Mission. Funds were desperately short and on several occasions I was asked whether we could really go ahead with this planned Mission, as there were no funds available for the fuel and other expenses. I needed to remind our field workers that God's servant is God's responsibility. Where God guides, He will provide. Many of our missions have been undertaken without the means to purchase enough fuel to reach the first destination. I have driven out of Cape Town without the resources to reach Pretoria. If it was not for books I sold in Bloemfontein, I could not have reached my first destination. Donations and book sales in Pretoria enabled me to minister in Zimbabwe and Zambia. Book sales in Lusaka enabled us to reach Malawi and Mozambique. On the way back we were selling spare shoes and our spare tyres in order to have enough fuel to reach South Africa again. There were many missions in the early years of Frontline Fellowship where I had to leave the vehicle at a church enroute and hitchhike to complete the Mission. On many occasions, I have crossed the border on foot and used borrowed dug-out canoes to reach hostile, restricted access areas, Marxist and Muslim countries, smuggling Bibles. The model for Faith Missions is found in the Book of Acts. It is amazing what the Apostle Paul and Timothy, Titus and John Mark accomplished without vehicles and funds. Answered Prayers Our team was already in the field when word came through of designated support, specifically for this eight-country Africa Reformation Overland Mission! Boxes with Love Since 1982, Frontline Fellowship has been ministering in Marxist Zimbabwe and delivering Boxes with Love containing over 40 items, including basic high-protein food, lotions, medicines and hygiene items for elderly Christians and pensioners, suffering in this communist country. Just in time before the team departed, a gift came in, sufficient for us to purchase the items needed and prepare 40 Boxes for destitute pensioners in Zimbabwe! Missions in the Mall On 9th August, over 66 volunteers joined our Missionaries and staff for Missions in the Malls, distributing over 6,300 leaflets and Gospel booklets and over 2,500 balloons. Every National Women’s Day, for the last 23 years, we have set up Literature tables and displays in busy shopping malls, in and around Cape Town. This involves distributing balloons with Gospel messages to children and Evangelistic and Bible-teaching leaflets to shoppers. We also offer free New Testaments, or Evangelistic DVDs (The Biggest Question), to those who complete our Spiritual Well-Being Survey. Where Will You Spend Eternity?
These surveys incorporate Evangelism Explosion and Way of the Master questions in order to lead people to think on eternal matters and consider the claims of Christ and the Commandments of Scripture. Questions include: “Where do you think people go when they die? How would you describe God? If you could ask God for one thing, what would it be? Should God punish traffickers, murderers and rapists? If yes, how should He punish them? What do you think a person has to do to go to Heaven? Do you consider yourself to be a good person? May I ask you a few questions/take you through a quick test, to see if that is true? Have you ever told a lie? Have you ever stolen anything? Have you ever looked at another person with lust? Have you ever hated someone? Have you ever taken God's Name in vain? If God was to judge you by His Ten Commandments, would you be innocent or guilty? If you were to die today, would you go to Heaven or Hell? Does this concern you? What is stopping you from asking God for forgiveness, repenting and surrendering your life to Christ right now? May I pray with you now?” God's Word Never Returns Void More than 38 shoppers were happy to have us share the Gospel and pray for them in the three different malls. Thousands of leaflets and balloons and scores of New Testaments and DVDs were distributed. “Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? On the heights along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; beside the gates leading into the city, at the entrances, she cries aloud.” Proverbs 8:1-3 A Christian History of Africa At the end of this month, I am heading off to present a week of History lectures at Back to the Bible Mission in Mpumalanga. Frontline Board member, General Shai Mulder, is the Principal of this outstanding College, which is training over 100 students, Pastors and Evangelists from 20 countries in Africa, on a three-year programme that goes through every Book in the Bible. In preparation for this, I have completed new chapters and picture selections for an updated A Christian History of Africa Manual. Colin worked around the clock to have these printed and bound in time for our Mission team to deliver and preposition. Book Projects and Upcoming Events In preparation for my October Reformation 500 Mission to Europe, we are busy expanding, updating and completely revising our Greatest Century of Reformation book. We have also completely expanded and updated our Livingstone Fellowship Hymn Book and produced a new Afrikaans publication: Die Weerklank van Martin Luther. Reformation 500 Audio MP3, DVD and Data Boxset Christopher has completed our Reformation 500 Boxset, which includes 4 discs, containing 14 films, 23 audio lectures and 13 PowerPoint presentations on The Greatest Century of Reformation, Martin Luther – Captive to the Word, Ulrich Zwingli and the Reformation in Switzerland, William Tyndale and the Reformation in England, Anne Askew, - A Daughter of the Reformation, John Calvin – A Heart Aflame and A Mind Renewed, John Knox and the Reformation in Scotland, Ten Reformers Who Changed the World, Ten Things That are Undermining the Church Today, A Call to Prayer for Revival and Work for Reformation, Biblical Foundations of Calvinism, How the Reformation Changed the Church and How We Can Impact Our World for Christ. This boxset included DVDs of the Reformation 500 celebrations with the Eurochor, Reformation 500 Conferences that I have conducted this year, in Zambia and the United States and much more. Understanding the Forces Behind Terrorism and How to Defeat It A series of presentations which I gave to the Reformation Society on Terrorism in Great Britain, The Historic Roots of Terrorism and The Forces Behind Terrorism and How it Can Be Defeated have been uploaded on our page and on our video library on The latest Gospel Defence League letter dealing with this can also be downloaded and printed as a leaflet for distribution. Click here. Bibles for Sudan Ben is praising God for how his project to print 10,000 Bibles for Sudan has been so wonderfully provided for, with a printer in Europe giving a commitment to print 40,000 copies for the price that we would normally have to pay for 10,000! In a most wonderful way, God has provided both the best printer and provision for transport to South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains. 40,000 hardback Bibles and 50,000 Creation to Christ picture books. Please continue to pray for the Christians in South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains that all of these precious and powerful Scriptural resources will be able to be safely delivered and distributed to those who will most appreciate and best study, teach and apply these Biblical principles in this most desperately needy war-torn region. “Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith.” 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for Reformation and Revival Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: See also: Let The Earth Hear His Voice (Prayer and Praise Update – July) Through Fire and Storm (Prayer and Praise Update - June) Mission to America (Prayer and Praise Update - May) The Greatest Missionary is the Bible Noah’s Ark, the Flood and Creation Workshop Your support is needed and much appreciated. Our banking details are: (For South African supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for. (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: initial and surname and what it is designated for.
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December 2024