![]() The Crisis that Confronts Us The cost of unstable, inefficient, expensive and unreliable energy in South Africa is a staggering R89 billion per month in lost production, revenue and wastage. Central government in South Africa is corrupt, complicated, frustrating and unnecessarily time-wasting. Racist Black Economic Empowerment and Affirmative Action policies, with racial quotas not only in business, but also in sports, has led millions to leave this country, including over one million skilled workers. Every skilled labourer on average provides employment for 10 unskilled labourers. Chasing Away Employers and Investors With over one million skilled labourers having left South Africa over the last 24 years, the cumulative loss of employment to the country is staggering. Every year that the ANC has been in power, has added approximately one million more unemployed. Today, over 20 million people in South Africa are on some form of social services welfare grant. That is approximately ten times the income tax-payer base for the country. South Africa is being looted, with a R1.3 trillion budget being used primarily as a feeding trough for the political elite to enrich themselves at the expense of the general population. What Are People’s Concerns? It is clear that most citizens are deeply concerned about the rampant crime and horrific violence which has escalated throughout the country. Over half a million South Africans have been murdered since 1994. South Africa suffers from the highest rape rate in the world. Almost everybody is deeply concerned for the safety of their family and particularly their children. Indoctrination is Replacing Education The deteriorating quality of education, which in many cases seems indistinguishable from political indoctrination, has led to a major growth industry of thousands of independent schools and home schooling. All of this is a massive vote of no confidence in the ministry of education. Taxation, Corruption and Inflation Of course, most people are deeply concerned for the economy, the lack of jobs, unemployment, inflation and the deteriorating buying power of the Rand. Economist Steven Goodson, who was once a Director of the South African Reserve Bank, has stated that the buying power of the Rand has deteriorated to one-five-hundredth of its buying power in 1982. In other words, R1 in 1982 could buy more than R500 can today. The massive erosion of pensions, savings and earnings, particularly over the last two decades, has been catastrophic. Taxations, corruption and inflation are collectively looting the country. Deforestation Causes Drought Deforestation, the destruction of so much of the environment, including laying waste to entire forests by massive arson, wide-spread litter and destructive pollution are all a major threat to the environment and all the wildlife on our land, on our shores and in the oceans around us. Deforestation of the Cape has obviously led to the drought affecting us. As that also massively impacts on our country as an attractive tourist destination. The impact on jobs, the economy and the viability of our country is immense. Threats to Freedom of Speech, Religion and Conscience There are serious concerns for the erosion of free-speech, freedom of conscience and religious freedom. The CRL Commissions’ proposals to require all religions’ practitioners to register and be regulated by the state, is going ahead, despite wide-spread opposition and the legal evaluation that this legislation is: unnecessary, unworkable and unconstitutional. The Hate-Speech Bill being promoted by the Ministry of Justice poses a massive threat to freedom of Speech, freedom of conscience, freedom of association, freedom of the press and other foundational freedoms, which should all be non-negotiable in any free country. What is Wrong with Our Country? Corrupt, greedy, incompetent politicians. Unworkable and unaccountable centralisation. Black Economic Empowerment. Affirmative Action. Racist job reservations. Racial quotas in sports. Guilt manipulation. The politics of guilt and pity. Socialism. Welfare junkies. Inflation. Chasing away job creators, investors and tourists. Complacency towards crime. Tolerance of corruption. No municipal rights. Looting of the country by professional politicians, parasites and thieves. Crime, violence, murder and genocidal hatred being tolerated and promoted by politicians. Is There Hope For Our Country? Plainly what is desperately and urgently needed are leaders with clear, bold vision, fresh ideas and workable plans of action which can resonate with voters. It should go without saying that these leaders should be people of integrity and courage. Crisis and Opportunity Every crisis includes both danger and opportunity. At this moment the ANC is divided, disgraced and in disarray. The new leadership of the DA opposition is doing more than shooting itself in the foot by backstabbing its Founder, Helen Zille, Premier of the Cape. Along with the massive unemployment, outrageous levels of crime and violence, rampant inflation, riots and general failure of government on all levels, this has created widespread dissatisfaction, dismay and disillusionment. The water mismanagement crisis only compounds this. Encouraging Trends The rise of nationalism worldwide as evidenced in the stunning BREXIT vote of Great Britain, the Trump Revolution in the United States, the doubling of the votes of Marine Le Pen’s National Front in France, the dramatic growth of the Freedom Parties in Austria and the Netherlands, the steady growth of parties resisting the European Union and other globalist movements all indicate a dramatic increase of support for those rejecting politics-as-usual and globalisation. In the Western Cape the growth of interest in secession is also a remarkable development. Is Secession of the Cape of Good Hope Viable? Many countries in the world are products of secession: Switzerland seceded from Austria in 1291. The United States of America seceded from Great Britain in 1776. Belgium seceded from the Netherlands in 1830. Texas seceded from Mexico in 1836. Nicaragua seceded from Guatemala in 1838. Norway seceded from Sweden in 1905. Finland seceded from Russia in 1917. The Republic of Ireland seceded from Great Britain in 1922. Pakistan seceded from India in 1947. Singapore seceded from Malaysia in 1965. Bangladesh seceded from Pakistan in 1970. Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia seceded from Russia in 1991. Croatia and Slovenia seceded from Yugoslavia in 1991. Eritrea seceded from Ethiopia in 1991. Slovakia seceded from Czechoslovakia in 1993. East Timor seceded from Indonesia in 2002. South Sudan seceded from Sudan in 2011. What Policies Could Enable Cape Independence to Succeed? The basic building block of any successful society is the municipality. It is absolutely essential that municipal control is handed back to ratepayers and home-owners. Decentralisation is vital. The unicities are expensive, catastrophic failures. Cape independence can succeed by following the decentralised confederation model of Switzerland and the free enterprise models of Singapore and Hong Kong. A successful independent Cape of Good Hope would be an example of excellence for other regions of South Africa, such as the Kingdom of Zululand, to also become independent. In order to attract investors, the Cape would need to slash taxes, or preferably abolish them all together. By Cape Town becoming a tax haven, it would attract many investors, employers and tourists, so that literally hundreds-of-thousands of jobs would be created - ultimately millions. Free enterprise provides incentive by rewarding initiative, ingenuity and hard work. It would be essential to restore respect for life and property. The quickest way to do this would be to decentralise the police force down to the local level. One could consider the American model of voting for your local sheriff, or police chief. Local police forces, who are answerable to the municipalities and controlled by home owners and rate payers, will quickly restore law and order on the local, municipal level. Tourists are attracted to beauty and nature in safe, clean and neat environments. It would be essential to restore our beaches, parks, forests and mountains by eradicating crime, violence, litter, pollution and eye-sores. Remove the Political Gravy Train Trough Mosquitos breed in stagnant water. In order to get rid of the flies, close the trash can and move it out of the kitchen. By removing the political trough for parasites and political opportunists, public life can be cleaned up. No career politicians should be tolerated. No pensions for elected officials. No high salaries for elected officials. Mayors, town counsellors, premiers and members of parliament should receive no more salary than that for teachers, policemen, nurses or firemen. No corruption can be tolerated. Honest Money is Essential Corruption and inflation steal the most. Socialism, affirmative action, usury and corruption destroy economies. Honest money is crucial. Our entire banking system needs to be reformed by abolishing usury. Return Control of Municipalities to the Rate-Payers By ensuring that only rate-payers and home-owners vote in municipal elections, one will quickly withdraw the incentive for many welfare junkies and economic parasites to flock in to the area. Those on social grants/welfare have forfeited their right to vote. In the interests of removing conflicts of interest, those who need to be on any form of social welfare should not be voting on how to use the money of others. What Potential Voting Blocks Can Be Mobilised? Rate-payers – By handing back municipal control to them. Home-owners – By granting them primary control of municipalities. Parents – By handing back control of the schools to the local community and parents. Conservationists and Environmentalists – By reforesting the Cape, abolishing plastic bags, waging war on litter and pollution, cleaning up beaches, oceans and parks and criminalising littering and pollution. Animal activists – By protecting our wildlife, criminalising cruelty and eradicating poaching. Pro-lifers – By defunding abortion and stream-lining adoption. (It is outrageous that while an abortion can cost R800, adoption procedures can exceed R80,000!) Referendum on the right to life is needed. Investors – By abolishing VAT and replacing it with Total Economic Activity Levy. It has been proven that 1% Total Economic Activity Levy on all bank transactions will bring in more income than all of our VAT and Income tax combined. The key element here is that it must be across the board. VAT, GST and Income tax can be abolished and replaced by a simple economic deduction of 1% or less from each bank transaction, even of Anglo American, De Beers, Old Mutual and other economic giants. Businessmen – By being made welcome, by abolishing bureaucratic, time-wasting and expensive red tape and unnecessary interference. Cyclists – By securing pathways, bridges and underpasses for cyclists. Runners – By securing park, forest and long-distance runs that are safe and clean. Hikers - By securing safe and clean, reforested mountains. Religious Communities – By respecting freedom of religion and refusing intrusive interference and harassment by government. Families – By their right to protect their children being restored and their control over the education that their children receive being established. Foundations for Freedom By respecting the right to self-defence, freedom of religion, sanctity of life, sanctity of property, freedom of speech and freedom of communications, we can make the Cape a beacon of hope, just as Switzerland has been through the centuries. By being a tax haven with minimal taxes and no usury tolerated in the banks, Cape Town can exceed the economic success of Hong Kong and Singapore. Who Are our Potential Allies and How Can We Reach Them? The Coloureds, Malays and all Afrikaans speakers in the Western Cape should be attracted by the possibility of regaining control over their own communities and respect for their language. Environmentalists and conservationists such as SANCOB and animal welfare societies should be attracted by high priority for conservation and animal welfare. Neighbourhood Watches and Rate-payers Associations should be attracted by policies of decentralisation and placing policing back into the hands of municipalities and communities. Private and independent schools should be attracted by the abolition of intrusive, expensive and complicated registration, evaluation and accreditation procedures by the failed “Department of Education”. Home educators should be attracted by the respect for their protection and independence from all state interference. Businesses and investors will be attracted by the abolition of taxes and the restoration of honest money and a tax haven. Potential Media Outlets Community radio stations may be open to these fresh, bold and innovative ideas that offer hope for our communities. Community newspapers should be approached. We need to maximise the web, emails, Twitter accounts, Vimeo, YouTube, Facebook and other social media outlets. Effective video documentaries and clips promoting aspects of these solutions need to be edited and produced. Public meetings and marches can also be considered. Restoring Respect for Life and Property Our prisons are over-crowded and the criminal justice system has plainly failed. Foreign criminals need to be expelled and banned from returning. The prison system needs to be phased out and replaced with restorative justice for minor crimes. Restitution to the victims of the crime should be normative. Execution for murder and rape should be considered and the subject for a Referendum. Respecting the right of self-defence and placing no unreasonable obstacles in the way of law-abiding citizens to obtain firearms for self-defence would have a massive deterrent effect on violent crime. Free the Cape! CAPEXIT! For further reading see: Biblical Principles for Africa, Reformation 500 FIRE Manual and The Ten Commandments – God's Perfect Law of Liberty, available from: Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel: 021-689-7478, Fax: 086-551-7490, Email: [email protected] and Website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za.
Dr. Peter Hammond
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December 2024