![]() Mobilise to Evangelise Our intensive three-week Great Commission Course in January included participants from as far afield as America and from the Orange Free State and KwaZulu-Natal. GCC 2023 included daily PT, regular hikes and mountain climbing, studying examples of excellence from Missions history, studies in missionary models seen in the Book of Acts, the full Call for Discernment Seminar by Justin Peters, Muslim Evangelism, understanding Atheism, Humanism and Hinduism, day trips to historic sites, such as the oldest mission station in southern Africa, Genadendal, Eagle Encounter, Cheetah Outreach, water sports, visits to Missions and a work party at a rural mission station, outreaches as far afield as Sea Point, Somerset hospital, Tableview, Klipheuwel, and Bo-Kaap, one on one personal Evangelism on the streets, mass literature distribution, door-to-door ministry, Sunday church services, assignments, exams and numerous practicals. ![]() Despite some stifling hot weather the participants persevered, keeping steadfast and focused as we seek to be faithful to the Lord, to study His Word and to do His work. Several of our participants had the joy of praying with people on the street and counselling them to salvation in Christ. ![]() On the last night after we climbed Table Mountain, Ryan and I spent the rest of Tuesday night into the early hours of the morning marking the many exams and assignments so that, at the conclusion on Wednesday afternoon, everyone could receive their certificates and marked exams and assignments before departing. “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth.” Isaiah 52:7 ![]() Written responses from GCC 2023 participants: "Awesome Camp! I have learned how to better share the Gospel, grown closer to the Lord in many ways and met some great brothers and sisters in Christ"; "Everything on the GCC programme was great!"; "Absolutely amazing atmosphere of teamwork. Even better than the previous GCC! Lots and lots of fun and happiness. I have benefited in confidence to be able to evangelise, in my communication skills and in perseverance. Appreciate the speakers incredible efforts"; “The GCC has been extremely beneficial and helpful"; "I have learned to speak better in public and do more outreaches, working even when down and tired!"; ![]() "Strong and manly. Great lectures and outreaches. Excellent discussions"; "to live and die for Christ the King, destroy Marxism and extend the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ"; "an uplifting and inspirational experience"; "I have benefited mentally, spiritually and physically. I have learned to re-evaluate my priorities and values"; "I have grown in the Lord and I really feel ready to share my Faith"; ![]() "we need to hear the truth in God's Word, do it with a passion and share it with others"; "the GCC is great for preparing individuals for Missions and Evangelism. It encouraged me"; "I am now prepared for street evangelism and Muslim Evangelism. I now have the confidence to approach people on the street"; "very stretching and strengthening!"; "There is nothing I know of quite like the GCC!"; "I am challenged, stretched and inspired"; "the Public Speaking Workshop was the best. Thank you all again for everything! May God continue to bless Frontline"; " ![]() Comprehensive, Intensive and Practical Our intensive, boots-on-the-ground, body, mind and spirit practical training course for prospective missionaries involved: 60 lectures/presentations; 12 speakers, 14 Bible Drill sessions, 8 Just a Minute debating skill games, 5 workshops, 10 practicals, 17 vigorous PT sessions, 8 hikes, 10 outreaches, including to the Waterfront, Sea Point promenade, Somerset hospital, Tableview, Klipheuwel and to a Muslim community, church services in neighbouring communities and a TV interview with many of the participants of the GCC on LovingLifeTV and a radio interview on From the Frontline https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/ . ![]() The programme also included 16 films, 8 exams and a series of 10 assignments, including completing the 50 page Discipleship Training Manual. All hikes and mountain climbs included participants carrying backpacks of Arabic Scriptures. The sunset hike up Lion’s Head included us reading through the whole of the Sermon on the Mount, singing hymns of worship and an enthusiastic time of intercession overlooking the city. ![]() At sunset on the summit of Table Mountain, at 1087 metres above sea level, we sang hymns & prayed for the fulfilment of the Great Commission throughout Africa. “How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings Good News, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things, who proclaims salvation…” Isaiah 52:7 ![]() Resources for Missions The textbooks of the GCC: Putting Feet to Your Faith, The Great Commission Manual, Security and Survival Handbook and The Greatest Century of Missions are available from Christian Liberty Books PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel: 021-689-7478, email: [email protected] and website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za. ![]() If you are interested in our primary textbook, the Great Commission Handbook is available in ring-bound format. I have been revising and expanding the Great Commission Manual for over 25 years and have now shaped it into a handbook format. As soon as funds allow we will have it printed and published. ![]() Audio Visuals of GCC presentations will continue to be updated on the https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org website in the coming weeks, such as these: ![]() Revivals in the Bible and in History To see a video of this presentation, click: https://vimeo.com/792598926 To listen to an audio of this message, click: https://www.sermonaudio.com/sermoninfo.asp?SID=125231325297571 The Family, Faith and Upbringing of David Livingstone To view the video, click here To listen to the audio, click here ![]() Resistance to Revolutionary Reset This video in which GCC participants were interviewed was removed by Youtube during the live stream for "breaking community standards" ! Now uploaded on LovingLifeTV website. Over 10,000 views already… https://archives.lovinglifetv.com/video/557/live-dr-peter-hammond-resistance-to-revolutionary-reset?channelName=Scott&fbclid=IwAR1viSqTQAjP7Xh5T0-3bkKhaCpiB44wZItWtwLWeaxVcpWbQj9YFIYE05o ![]() Persevere in Prayer and Action Please continue to pray for the participants and those we reached during outreaches on this Great Commission Course. “I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, Who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His Kingdom: Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching.” 2 Timothy 4:1-2 Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission in His service Dr. Peter Hammond
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December 2024