![]() To view the screen capture video of this presentation click here To view the video of this presentation click here To listen to this lecture click here To see the Power Point of this presentation click here The Great Collapse Globalists have been planning to stage a Great Collapse as a prerequisite for The Great Reset. A New Crisis and Pretext for the Great Reset With rising resistance to the dragged out Pandemic panic propaganda, the military conflict in Ukraine is being presented by corporate media as unprovoked Russian aggression and justification for further internationalist intervention. “These are the things you shall do: Speak each man the truth to his neighbour; give judgment in your gates for truth, justice, and peace.” Zechariah 8:16 Responding to Provocations However from the Russian perspective their military operation in Ukraine is actually a logical reaction to deliberate provocations by the Biden and Obama administrations. ![]() Creating a Crisis Biden’s administration has evidently created this crisis to deflect attention from serious political failures at home and to create a scapegoat for The Great Collapse, which the New World Order is so committed to. The Strategic Threat The immediate cause of this crisis was Biden's sudden, arbitrary and unilateral push to integrate Ukraine into NATO, placing anti-Russian armaments close to the Russian border. This has been the political, geographical and diplomatic equivalent of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, when the Soviet Union attempted to establish military bases in Cuba that could threaten American. Abusing Ukraine as a Political Football Ukraine has been used and abused by the US State Department for nefarious New World Order objectives. Ukraine did not ask for this. The European powers did not ask for it. In fact, back in 2013 and 2014, Germany strongly warned of the potentially disastrous consequences of this policy of absorbing Ukraine into NATO. “He who passes by and meddles in a quarrel not his own is like one who takes a dog by the ears.” Proverbs 26:1 ![]() Economic Considerations Germany also invested over Euro 11 Billion into the natural gas pipeline with Russia. Some even suggest that stopping this Nord Stream 2 pipeline has been the primary objective of the Biden administration, to avoid the influence of Russia increasing at American expense. Sponsoring a Revolution Setting up Russia and backing them into a strategic corner to essentially have no choice but to respond militarily was precisely what Obama, Biden and Clinton achieved in 2014 by sponsoring and encouraging the violent mob violence in the streets of Kiev and the colour revolution coup which removed Ukraine's elected pro-Russian president, replacing him with a client of the US State Department, who then rejected the economic alliance with Russia in favour of integrating with European Union and NATO. “It is an honour for a man to cease from strife: but every fool will be meddling.” Proverbs 20: ![]() The Crisis in Crimea That 2014 coup in Ukraine, especially as it threatened Russian interests in the Crimean Peninsula, was the geopolitical equivalent of if Russia had seized the US Pacific Ocean naval base in San Diego away from the U.S. The USA could never accept that. Self Determination To protect Russia’s strategic national interests Putin had no choice but to reclaim their territory, which had been Russian since it was liberated from the Ottoman Turkish Empire in the 1700s and which the population overwhelmingly supported in a referendum. The vast majority of the population in Crimea are ethnically, linguistically and culturally Russian ![]() The Gay Agenda Connection Barack Obama (who had come to hate Putin for opposing his LGBTQ agenda, banning gay propaganda to children in Russia in 2013) set up a series of provocative and threatening events like a row of dominoes: so as to be able to accuse Russia of aggression. “…Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord? Therefore the wrath of the Lord is upon you.” 2 Chronicles 19:2 A Pretext for a Protection Racket That Russian “military aggression" could then be used to restart the Cold War and justify U.S. military intervention in Ukraine as a pretext for plundering it. This initiated a campaign of Mafia-style piracy – a protection racket on an national scale – which was headed by Joe Biden as the godfather, with son Hunter serving as his in-country enforcer. “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are slaves of corruption…” 2 Peter 2:19 ![]() Civil War in Eastern Ukraine As a direct consequence of the Obama sponsored orange revolution coup and the immediate cancelling of minority (Russian) language rights, regions with an overwhelmingly Russian majority, such as in Donetsk and Luhansk, declared independence from Ukraine. This triggered a civil war which ended with a ceasefire in August 2014 and the boundaries being recognised by the Treaty of Minsk in 2015. Yet hostile actions by the Ukraine government armed forces continued sporadically. Over 15,000 civilians in these separatist regions of eastern Ukraine were killed by Ukrainian armed forces artillery and rocket barrages and airstrikes before this year. The Refusal to Give Non-nuclear Guarantees When Biden rejected Russia's demand for a promise that Ukraine would not become a base for anti-Russian nuclear missiles, Putin's predictable decision was to formally recognize Donetsk and Luhansk as independent countries and to enter into mutual defence agreements. That, from the Russian perspective, justified the current military incursion into these two states, including the offensive assault on Ukraine airports, weapons and military infrastructure. ![]() Establishing Defensive Buffer Zones Geographically, Donetsk borders Russia and has a stretch of coastline on the Sea of Azov (with access to the Black Sea) close to Crimea. Luhansk is immediately north of Donetsk and also borders Russia. The two states now form a friendly buffer zone for Russia between itself and U.S.-controlled Ukraine. The Putin strategy is similar to what the U.S. has done in the Balkans and other places and is comparable to similar U.S. actions. Distraction and Scapegoat With the world's attention now riveted on Ukraine, the U.S. media has begun blaming America's internal economic troubles and failings on the Ukraine/Russia conflict. The U.S. elites now have their distraction and their scapegoat in the form of “unprovoked Russian aggression.” The first casualty in war is truth. "Deliver my soul, O Lord, from lying lips and from a deceitful tongue. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord. But those who deal truthfully are His delight." Proverbs 12:22 ![]() The Power of Propaganda Many politicians and journalists in America are beating the war drums and working up a patriotic fervour to rally behind the president, punish Vladimir Putin, support Ukraine and get US involved in the war. Those who advocate caution, or try to explain the complications and context of this conflict, are being branded unpatriotic traitors. The war has the potential to spiral out of control and involve many more countries in Europe and even further afield. "Therefore, having put away falsehood, let each one of you speak the truth with his neighbour…" Ephesians 4:25 Lost Opportunities for Peace It is well to remember at this time that the USA under Obama and Biden: refused Russian president Vladimir Putin's proposals for Russian membership in NATO, rejected proposals for a neutral and demilitarised Ukraine, refused restoration of minority language rights for Russians in Ukraine, denied requests for autonomy in Donetsk and Luhansk and most recently rejected requests for guarantees that American missiles would not be placed in Ukraine. "Then Jesus said:… 'And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.'" John 8:31-32 ![]() Lessons to be Learned One would hope, at this time of tragic crisis and war, that lessons could be learned. Meddling in other countries, sponsoring revolutions and coups to topple foreign governments, can have catastrophic consequences. (This is true not only for the Ukraine, but also for Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria.) Violating agreements and ignoring warnings can be disastrous. Abolishing minority language rights for Russians in Ukraine and refusing requests for autonomy in regions with a Russian majority population was not wise. Continuing to expand NATO and the European Union eastwards, despite repeated warnings from Russia, was viewed as threatening Russia's strategic security. Refusing the application by Russia to join NATO was, in hindsight, perhaps not the best policy. Isolating, enforcing sanctions and threatening Russia not only drove this potential ally away from the West but forced them to make a deal with China. Russia could be a powerful ally to counter the rising threat of Red China. Alienating and demonising Russia has not improved the security of NATO. American meddling in Ukraine has not improved the lives, or security, of Ukrainians. "Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6:7 ![]() Lessons of History As Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, declared: "If we do not know our own history, we will simply have to endure all the same mistakes, sacrifices and absurdities all over again." "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 The New World Disorder The ultimate objective of globalists is the establishment of a single world government. Most of their actions are guided by their objective of creating political, military and economic conditions favourable to the establishment of such a New World Order. All of the major innovations in foreign policy since World War II — the establishment of the United Nations, the WHO, World Trade Organization, the IMF and the World Bank, the establishment of the European Union and the formation of permanent international military alliances, especially NATO — have had as their purpose replacing independent nations with world government. ![]() The Great Reset Revolution The Great Reset is the title of a book by founder and leader of the World Economic Forum –Klaus Schwab. The book articulates how United Nations Agenda 21 and Agenda 2030 will radically restructure everything throughout the world. One could call the Great Reset the Great Revolution. Its goal is ultimately a global welfare state where everybody will be dependent upon a globalist state for everything. It will necessitate the abolition of faith, families and nations. “Who will rise up for Me against the evildoers? Who will stand up for Me against the workers of iniquity?” Psalm 94:16 Radical Restructuring of Everything “The Great Reset” aims to fundamentally reengineer industries, societies, education, agriculture, relationships and even human beings. Its advocates, such as WEF leader Klaus Schwab, declare that “all aspects of our societies and economies” need to be “radically restructured.” Even “our thinking and behaviour” will have to dramatically change. “And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them.” Ephesians 5:11 ![]() Pray for the Christians in Russia and Ukraine "Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the Word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you, and that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men; for not all have faith." 2 Thessalonians 3:1-2 Peter Hammond Director Frontline Fellowship
Bill Hinderliter
4/3/2022 19:26:41
Dear Dr. Hammond.
Stephen Hurworth
5/3/2022 15:20:58
Absolutely spot on Peter
31/3/2022 15:06:47
Well presented structural and factual position of the actual events that have lead up to the current tragedy taking place in the Ukraine and exposes the Liberal wests Hypocrasy when dealing with countries that do not want to conform to there concept of the one world order and dominace of other nations under the false pretext of National sovreingity and democracy.[a lot more factual events could have been inserted on the wests double standards and dates eg given to back up this position]
Colleen Oranmore-Brown
6/4/2022 09:55:39
Thank you. I am now beginning to understand The Great Reset and how world events are beginning to fit together as we get closer to the End Times scenario.
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