On 15 March the Pinelands Town Hall was packed out with friends and supporters of Frontline Fellowship rejoicing over three decades of answered prayers. After a celebratory supper participants were treated to multi-media presentations on various aspects of the Mission’s wide ranging activities. These included film footage of South Sudanese pastors testifying of the tremendous impact of the Mission upon their congregations and communities. Messages were also read from leaders worldwide. For your encouragement and edification these are appended here: Consistency is often missing in many ministries around the world. Through the years some Mission societies and other Christian organisations lose their fire and with their lukewarmness they lose the vision. Frontline Fellowship, however, has shown remarkable consistency over these past three decades. The original Mission still remains the same.
Frontline Fellowship has come under fire, literally, in various war zones. However, it has also come under fire in the media and even some Christian circles. Dr. Peter Hammond has been accused of outrageous crimes and he has suffered for the Faith in ways which many do not grasp. We salute Frontline Fellowship for being willing to be in the frontline of the battle zones which have rages over these past 30 years. For this they have been belittled and misunderstood by many. May God give you the strength to continue fulfilling your calling. "He only is my rock and my Salvation; He is my high tower; I shall not be greatly moved. " Psalm 62:2 In His love Rev. Erlo Stegen Director KwaSizabantu Mission In the book of Isaiah we read that Israel’s leaders had a plan, but they overlooked the major component of the equation - God. They didn’t ask whether their blueprint fit into His revealed will for them. During the past 20 years that I have known Peter and the wonderful Hammond family, and the more I have learned about Frontline Fellowship and the dedicated people serving, the more I become aware that God is in every thought, decision and action. They do ask God for His revealed will for them. The world as we know it is changing at a rate that is unprecedented and the relevance and mission of Frontline Fellowship remains sharp and focused. It 's all about Jesus and His Great Commission and that is reflected in the ministry that I simply call ‘Frontline’, because that is where you are at, on the front lines! May our precious Lord protect, provide and bless you as you look to the next 30 years of deeply impactful ministry and thank you, for your faithful perseverance and for boldly proclaiming the 'Good News ' of our Lord Jesus. Sincerely in Christ, John Boyd President/CEO Mission Aviation Fellowship US Headquarters Peter Hammond's mission work manifest the reality of God with courage, conviction and grace. He and his ministry are to be commended and supported in prayer, praise and substance. I Congratulate you Peter on 30 years and rejoice that you are a friend and co-labourer in Jesus Christ's Kingdom. God bless you! Yours in Christ Dr. Ted Baehr Movieguide Well done Peter, Lenora and all the staff and contributors to Frontline Fellowship for the past 30 years. Success doesn't just happen, it requires commitment, faithfulness, loyalty, endurance, perseverance and much prayer. Frontline has these qualities ingrained into its ethos and mission - thanks to Peter's dedication and vision. Peter you will only find out in heaven one day the magnitude of lives you have influenced and touched. We salute you for your love and fear of the Lord. You have not only effected individual lives, but nations. To God be the glory. Our lives have been enriched by knowing and being associated with you and Frontline Fellowship. We pray God grants you the strength, finances, prayer support and words of encouragement to continue the good fight until He calls you home. We have no doubt you will hear the words "Well done, good and faithful servant" With love in Christ Erin, Tony, & Jackie Georgiou JOY! Magazine Congratulations to Peter Hammond and Frontline Fellowship on 30 years of defending the persecuted church and fighting for freedom and truth. Words are inadequate to express our love and admiration for what you have accomplished and what you will accomplish in the future. Your courage and determination are appreciated by us all at WND. Joseph Farah Editor and Chief Executive Officer World Net Daily As a partner with Frontline Fellowship in many different actions CFT extends warm congratulations for 30 years of faithful service to our Lord. Most Christian organisations fizzle out long before three decades have passed. Our Sovereign Lord has kept Frontline Fellowship in action despite many types of tribulations. We appreciate you for that and praise God for the many souls reached over the years. Only eternity will show the abiding fruit. A special thanks must go to the Founder and Director, Dr. Peter Hammond. Only someone with such 'vuma ' can successfully lead an organisation which is literally at the frontline of wars and criticism. Peter has learnt much and has endured many fiery trials through the years. In the midst of all the difficulties Peter has managed to keep on writing countless articles and volumes of excellent books. Future generations will appreciate this. "And the God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. "Romans 16:20 Danie Bosman President Christians For Truth To your Mission that celebrates 30 years in the Frontline, I want to thank God for your unwavering commitment to the Great Commission, and your undisputable faithfulness and loyalty to the Lord of the Harvest, the Lord Jesus Christ. I pray that the Lord will continue to give you courage and boldness to stand for Him and His Word even in places where cowards and sell-outs would not dare to make themselves known to be Soldiers of the Cross. May grace, peace and the love of the Lord Jesus Christ be multiplied to you all. May the King of Glory continue to bless you, supply all your needs and protect you, your family and mission team. Congratulations on your great achievements for the past 30 years. Yours in Christ, Dr. Kenneth Meshoe, MP President Africa Christian Democratic Party May the Lord be with you as you celebrate 30 years of Frontline's work. God has been with you through thick and thin. You can trust Him for the future. As David said, "The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me…" 1 Samuel 17:37 Rev. Kjell Olsen KwaSizabantu Mission Congratulations on thirty years of active service in the mission fields. We're very grateful for your heart for the nations. You have also served us here in Parliament by hosting a Biblical Worldview seminar which was a tremendous help to me as a new MP in 1999. Thank you also for the very useful CDs, DVDs and Books, which I still make use of today. God bless you richly, Peter and spare you for another thirty years of service. Steve Swart, MP African Christian Democratic Party On this special occasion, the ACDP would like to congratulate Peter Hammond, who founded Frontline Fellowship and all who have been involved in this work over the past 30 years. We join you in celebrating the Lord 's blessing on this work that has been exceptional, unique and even controversial. We salute you, knowing you have faced great odds and have persevered, that you have been faithful and that your dedication to this work you have been called to do has been unwavering. We pray you will continue to grow from strength to strength and that you will be guided ever more specifically by the Holy Spirit in everything you do. God bless you and keep you, Cheryllyn Dudley, MP African Christian Democratic Party We thank God for the work that Frontline did for the past 30 years for His Kingdom. We trust that in the future even more will be accomplished to forward the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. We pray God's richest blessings on Frontline Fellowship, its Director Peter Hammond and the work that Frontline is doing. Gerhard and Elmane Le Roux Onseepkans Mission We are thrilled by the answers to prayer you have experienced over the past 30 years, as God has guided, provided, and protected you and your family and workers. We praise God with you on the occasion of this milestone! To God be the glory; great things He has done! We feel it a privilege to have had opportunities to provide Scriptural materials for your ministry over many of those past years. We take great interest in hearing of God at work in so many ways, as you seek to reach lost people in war-torn areas and disciple new believers. I am amazed by all the writing that you are enabled to do, Peter, in the midst of everything. I thank God for His anointing upon you, that ministers to the body of Christ. I pray that He will continue to guide you and the ministry very clearly in the days ahead as you stay close to Him and abide in His Word. Yours in Christ's Glad Service, Vicky R. Benson Vice President World Missionary Press Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected]
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December 2024