A Challenge
Some years ago, Dr. Peter Hammond met with General Godfrey Miyanda in Lusaka, Zambia. General Miyanda had also been a prisoner in Lusaka Central Prison under the Kaunda regime. General Miyanda later served as Vice President of Zambia and as Minister of Education. On this occasion Dr. Hammond delivered to him a pile of great Christian books to assist him in his ministry. However, as General Miyanda looked at the high pile of books, he groaned. He loves reading, but the demands of his office gave him little time for study. He asked: "Don't you have a small book? One that summarises all of these?" A Powerful Discipleship Tool It was in response to that challenge that Biblical Principles for Africa was produced. It represents over three decades of study, ministry, conducting Biblical Worldview Summits throughout Africa and writing. This compact, 128 page book is designed to be a powerful discipleship tool - for government officials, businessmen, pastors, teachers, journalists and citizens throughout Africa. One of our Most In-Demand Books This book has already been translated into French and Afrikaans, and gone through five editions and six printings of over 27,000 copies. The completely revised and expanded English edition of Biblical Principles for Africa is practical and packed full of tried and tested Scriptural solutions to Africa's most pressing problems. It deals with economics and education, crime and punishment, ethics and entertainment, families and free enterprise, politics and poverty, God and government. There are chapters on The Battle for Your Mind, The War Against the Children, Poverty - It's Causes and Cure, Rediscovering the Christian Work Ethic, Understanding Other Worldviews, A Practical Strategy to Restore Biblical Values and so much more. A Handbook for Reformation in Africa This handbook for Reformation and Revival in Africa is conveniently pocket sized so as to be carried and read in aircraft, on trains, in Parliament and in waiting rooms. It's 20 chapters are incisive and on target, Biblical, practical and solution focused. Click here to view the cover design, Table of Contents and sample Chapter of this E-Book, which can be ordered online. Endorsements and Reviews: "Biblical Principles for Africa is an awesome Handbook and it needs to be in the hands of every one of our people. We need God fearing men and women in government." Mrs. Cheryllyn Dudley, MP "I am very grateful to you for sending me Biblical Principles for Africa and for your prayers. With the task I have ahead of me, I really need God's wisdom and thank you for your foresight." Dr Bingu wa Mutharika, President of the Republic of Malawi "Dr. Peter Hammond's new book Biblical Principles for Africa has been needed for a long time. This book is full of spiritual and civic education of the world, awareness against sin, the world and the devil; not only that, the development of the whole human being in mind, body and spirit. To fight against three enemies - disease, poverty and ignorance which has affected the war-torn South Sudan, Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile regions of Sudan. This book has touched the human life politically, socially, economically and religiously. Biblical Principles for Africa well summarises the key points, and is full of material for capacity building; with historical background and Biblical foundations. I appeal to Dr. Hammond to write more books by the help of the Holy Spirit. Biblical Principles for Africa is highly recommended." Bishop Bullen Dolli, Lui Diocese, Episcopal Church of Sudan "Not everyone will agree with Peter Hammond's stance on all things. However, Biblical Principles for Africa is a challenge to the current acceptance of a value system that is foreign to the Bible. Peter's rapid-fire approach to a vast range of issues should at least provoke thought and discussion amongst those who read his very useful little book." Bishop Frank Retief, Presiding Bishop, Church of England in South Africa "I am very impressed with Biblical Principles for Africa. I feel that this small book cannot be only for Africa but the world at large. It will help both the African Christian Leaders as well as world Christian Leaders. It will also be useful for the community leaders as well as family heads to enable them promote our moral and ethical values. I therefore, highly recommend it to be widely used by Christian leaders, parliamentarians, community leaders and heads of families. May God bless it to be fruitful, to influence and change the lives of leaders in our society." Rev. Canon Kenneth Baringwa, Mundri Diocese, Episcopal Church of Sudan. "This comprehensive yet concise book, Biblical Principles for Africa, by Dr Peter Hammond is a wonderful handbook which highlights the values which flow from the Biblical truths that should govern our society and our behaviour. It provides a basis for a successful God centred society as opposed to a failing secular humanist people centred society. This book is a blessing and should be studied by everyone seeking real peace and progress in our land. It is a proven road-map for success in South Africa and Africa." Hon. KDS Durr - MP, Past Ambassador and High Commissioner for South Africa to the Court of St. James, London "Whether Christian readers agree or disagree with the line taken in every section of Biblical Principles for Africa, they will find the volume educational, controversial and creatively proactive. If it helps any to apply their Christian faith more deeply to Africa’s compelling issues at this time, I am sure the author will feel well rewarded." Michael Cassidy, President of Africa Enterprise "Biblical Principles for Africa is an excellent handbook that will challenge us all and become a valuable tool in our Christian witness in a heathen secular world. Much of my lifelong preaching has majored on Christ and His guidelines and rules for a God-pleasing and God-ordained life for the lost world - all themes which Biblical Principles for Africa explores. I am sure it will have an impact in our nation. Biblical Principles for Africa has such a clear ring of truth, commendation of God's Holy Will and Purpose, that I wish it will have a tremendous impact upon the people of South Africa. As many more people get disillusioned with unworkable und unholy Government policies and projects. My prayer is that many will turn to the Scriptures which you have so ably expounded." Rev. Fritz Haus, Stellenbosch, South Africa "Dr Peter Hammond must be congratulated by all Christians who believe in Biblical truth for writing this masterpiece Biblical Principles for Africa. His bold and direct approach in confronting serious issues facing the nations is admirable. Above all his commitment to Scripture and belief in Biblical solutions for all problems in this age of compromise is refreshing and encouraging. The major problem facing our nation today is crime. Our humanist government is failing to stop this scourge of crime because they do not know why people commit crime so readily. We all know that you cannot offer a solution for a problem you have not identified. Dr Peter Hammond has accurately identified the causes of crime and has consequently offered Biblical solutions for those problems. If government does not heed his words of advise and wisdom based on God's Word, then they will never eradicate crime from our streets and homes. "South Africans will have to prepare themselves to either live with crime with the present government in power for the rest of their lives, or to vote into office a new government that will heed the wisdom of God's Word and fearlessly apply Biblical principles to contemporary problems. "I highly recommend Dr Hammond's book Biblical Principles for Africa to all Christians who want to inform themselves about what the Bible says regarding the problems facing us as a nation. For those Christians who want to be part of the solution, this book is a must read as it will equip them in how to apply Biblical solutions to contemporary problems." Rev. Dr. Kenneth Meshoe, MP, President of the African Christian Democratic Party. "The question is often asked: Why is Africa so beset by such enormous problems and tragedies? War, poverty, disease and now the killer which threatens to wipe out millions of Africans, HIV/AIDS. What are the reasons for our continent topping lists of needy countries for hand outs by other successful nations? Why shouldn't Africa itself be a provider for other developing nations in Asia and South America? "The prosperity of every nation depends on how it responds to Biblical principles. Poverty and misery are guaranteed when God's Word is deliberately neglected. In the same way blessings and prosperity are assured for all peoples who take God's commands seriously. "This is plainly declared in Deuteronomy 28. In this eternally valid promise God vows that He will set that nation 'high above all the nations of the earth' if they 'diligently observe all His commandments'. The blessings in the next 13 verses will 'overtake' the person and that nation which carefully observes Biblical principles. The same Scripture passage also promises all manner of awful consequences upon those who do not obey God's commandments. The evidence of verses 14 to 68 can be observed every day. "Biblical Principles for Africa is a Manual on the way of blessing, for individuals, nations, Africa and the world. The author, Dr Peter Hammond, is not writing about theories that are of no earthly use. He has worked for over twenty years in African nations, has observed the cultures, problems and sins which destroy millions of lives. The principles in this book are based on the tried and proved principles of God's Word. I advise you to study this book for yourself, promote it in your church, send it to family and friends, and give copies to government officials in your area. "If people in Africa begin to practice the values found in Biblical Principles for Africa then we can truly pray 'Nkosi Sikelela iAfrica'." From the Foreword by Rev Erlo Stegen, Director of KwaSizabantu Mission Hardcopies of Biblical Principles for Africa in English, Afrikaans, or French are available from: Christian Liberty Books Tel/Fax: 021-689-7478 Email: [email protected] Website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za Other Frontline E-Books include: Practical Discipleship – Bold and Biblical Faith in Action The Power of Prayer Handbook Reforming Our Families Answering Skeptics Victorious Christians – Who Changed the World The Apostles Creed
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