![]() To see a video presentation on this article, Click Here To see a Screen Capture presentation on this article, Click Here To listen to an audio presentation on this article, Click Here To see a PowerPoint presentation on this article, Click Here To view the Loving Life TV interview: Unpacking the War in Ukraine Learning from the Conflict As we mark six months of war in Ukraine, what are the lessons we can learn? First of all, Russia and Ukraine have the largest numbers of Christians in Europe. It is tragic that millions of Christians are pitted against one another and are suffering as a result of this conflict. Secondly, from missionary friends working in Ukraine and Russia, we know that much of the narrative in the mainstream media is shallow, superficial, lacking historic context, misleading and dishonest. From my travels and ministry throughout Eastern Europe with Rev Bill Bathman, I learned much of what Ukrainians suffered under communism, particularly under the brutal dictatorship of Josef Stalin. ![]() Listening to the Ukrainians From the Ukrainians themselves I learned how they had been betrayed on numerous occasions by the British and American governments, by the Versailles Treaty which betrayed them into the hands of the Soviet Union at the end of the First World War and during and after the Second World War as well when vast quantities of military aid from America, Canada and Britain rescued Stalin's brutal communist regime. The Yalta agreement in which FDR and Churchill betrayed not only the people of Ukraine, but over 3 million Russians, Ukrainians and other East European people living in Western Europe were forcibly repatriated to Stalin’s Soviet Union. This Operation Keelhaul (which was kept secret for over three decades) was so treacherous that even hundreds of thousands of Russian and Ukrainian children, who had been born and brought up in freedom in the West, were forced at gun and bayonet point into the hands of the Soviet NKVD. Many were shot out of hand and the rest lived out the rest of their existence as slave labourers in Arctic hellholes of the Gulag. Some Ukrainians have said to me that they believe the American policy is to “fight to the last Ukrainian.” ![]() A Proxy War During the Cold War in the 1980s, we knew that we were fighting the Soviet Union. The USSR was supplying weapons and training and using the Cubans and Angolan FAPLA forces in Angola as their proxies in the war against UNITA freedom fighters and the SADF. In the same way many Ukrainians and Russians today see that the war in Ukraine is actually America (and their NATO allies) using the Ukrainians as their proxies in a war against Russia. ![]() Globalism versus Nationalism At this time, America and the EU/NATO represent globalism. Russia, which used to be globalist, now is nationalist. In a real sense the conflict is about the globalist/WEF New World Order Great Reset and Russian resistance to it. (View: Is the War in Ukraine part of the Great Collapse before the Great Reset? ) ![]() Paganism versus Christianity The Kiev regime of Volodymyr Zelensky is very liberal, much like its American State Department sponsors. Ukrainian government is pro-abortion, pro-LGBTQ. Whereas the Russian government of Vladimir Putin is pro-family, opposed to the privileges for perverts agenda and supportive of Orthodox Christianity. While Zelensky is hailed as a great hero of democracy in many quarters of the West, his humour and track record as a comedian is often vile, perverted and pornographic. It is also troubling that Zelensky has banned every political party in his country except his own. And closed down every media outlet except the government’s propaganda agency. It is hard to understand how a man who bans free-speech and throws journalists and opposition political leaders into prison, can be lifted up as a paragon of freedom and democracy. ![]() Corruption and the Arms Trade Ukraine is also identified as one of the most corrupt countries in the world and certainly the most corrupt country in Europe. The Biden and Pelosi families’ involvement in the corruption in Ukraine is well documented. When vice president, Joe Biden boasted that he had pressured the Ukrainian government to fire the attorney general that was attempting to investigate the company his son was involved in, he threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid until the AG was fired. This was done within a matter of hours! According to a CBS news documentary, less than 30% of the billions of dollars of military aid sent to the Ukraine actually ends up in the frontline of the conflict. Most disappears and is sold in the illegal arms trade, often finding the way to terrorist sponsoring regimes. Doubtless to the financial benefit of government officials of Zelensky, whose personal wealth seems excessive for a comedian turned president. Human Trafficking Ukraine also has some of the largest numbers of women trafficked into the sex slavery industry worldwide. ![]() Biological Warfare Laboratories The United States Department of Defence maintains numerous biological warfare laboratories and research facilities in Ukraine where their personnel enjoy diplomatic status and where the Ukraine government has no jurisdiction. Few of these laboratories have the required safety criteria to undertake the kind of dangerous research they are doing. In June 2022, the Pentagon confessed to funding 46 biological research facilities in Ukraine over the last 20 years. This was after revelations by Russia's investigative committee were published. When serving as a senator for Illinois, Barack Hussein Obama helped negotiate a deal to build a biological research laboratory in the Ukrainian city of Odessa. Metabiota, a company financed by Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca partnership with the Communist Party of China and its People's Liberation Army, was awarded a $18,4 million federal contract for DTRA in Ukraine. USA has provided over $350 million to fund over 1,850 projects for the Science and Technology Centre in Ukraine (STCU), whose US personnel worked under diplomatic cover in Ukraine. ![]() An Unnecessary War This certainly is an unnecessary war. It was, like many conflicts, avoidable. From 2008 when American and Ukrainian leaders began speaking publicly of Ukraine joining NATO, the Russian government made very clear that was unacceptable. From 1999 Russian President Vladimir Putin attempted to join NATO on numerous occasions, but was rebuffed. Therefore Russia regarded the expansion of NATO eastwards, incorporating what used to be Warsaw Pact allies of Russia and even countries which used to be part of the old Soviet Union, as a strategic military threat. Yet the warnings were disregarded. As recently as January of this year, 2022, Putin requested an assurance from the American president Biden that no American missiles or bases would be placed in Ukraine. Biden refused to give such an assurance. Even in February 2022 Putin requested an urgent meeting with Biden to discuss the Ukrainian crisis. Biden refused. The USA and its NATO allies pushed ahead with integrating Ukraine into the Western alliance. Considering how America had responded to Russia attempting to place missiles and military bases in Cuba in 1962, it should have been obvious that Russia would not be willing to have a similar threat in their backyard either. (You can view Understanding the Ukraine Crisis here) ![]() An Avoidable War Even after Russia launched what it termed its special military operation into Ukraine, President Putin offered a peace proposal that, if accepted, could have ended the war in week one. The conditions: 1. Ukrainian neutrality – no joining of NATO. 2. Acknowledgement of Crimea as Russian and 3. Recognition of the independence of the two separatist republics in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine. ![]() The Historic Context None of these were radical requirements. They were actually really just maintaining the status quo as of February 2022. Crimea had been Russian consistently since it had been liberated from the Ottoman Turkish Empire in the late 1700s. Crimea had only been integrated into Ukraine by the arbitrary decision of Soviet dictator Nikita Khrushchev (who was himself a Ukrainian). As the vast majority of the population of Crimea were and are Russian and as the population overwhelmingly chose to be part of the Russian Federation in a Referendum in 2014, Ukraine had no control over it anyway. The separatist republics of Donetsk and Luhansk, in the Donbas region of eastern Ukraine, had been recognised in the Minsk Agreement of 2014. Although they had still been subjected to artillery and rocket bombardments by the Ukraine military, with the loss of thousands of lives since 2014, again, Ukraine had no control over these regions. Donetsk and Luhansk citizens had voted overwhelmingly for secession and independence after the new Kiev government, installed by violent riots, orchestrated by the United States government to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine, removed the minority language rights of Russian speakers in Ukraine. (You can view the documentary Ukraine on Fire which gives the historic background to this: https://youtu.be/9TjeW5pPHg0 ). Regions in Donbas of over 90% Russian speakers were not willing to have their children educated in anything other than their home language. ![]() An Unwinnable War There is no way that Ukraine has any realistic chance of defeating the Russian military which is over 10 times larger than their own forces. This is an unwinnable war. Rather than trying to subjugate regions which are historically, demographically and linguistically Russian, and rather than trying to ally themselves with NATO, peace will have to be made with Russia sooner or later. Why must tens of thousands more people suffer before the inevitable is acknowledged? ![]() Blessed are the Peacemakers Our Lord Jesus Christ taught: “ For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it lest, after he has laid the foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him, saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish’? Or what king, going to make war against another king, does not sit down first and consider whether he is able with ten thousand to meet him who comes against him with twenty thousand? Or else, while the other is still a great way off, he sends a delegation and asks conditions of peace.” Luke 14: 28 – 32 See also: Understanding the Ukrainian Crisis
And Is the War in Ukraine part of The Great Collapse before The Great Reset? Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship PO Box 74 | Newlands | 7725 | Cape Town | South Africa Tel: +27 21 689 4480
Dan Elmendorf
30/8/2022 18:14:39
Peter, Your comments are very good. If you would like to do an interview on this, please let me know!
Heero Hacquebord
2/11/2022 15:28:43
Contrary to its title, this article, unfortunately, does not at all give "a Christian perspective on the war in Ukraine". It merely repeats Russian propaganda. It is incredibly sad to see Christians write, distribute and believe such distorted information. Having lived in Ukraine as a Christian missionary for 25 years now (in various cities), I feel fairly qualified to call this article not only unhelpful but hugely hurtful. The atrocities that Putin and his army are perpetrating in Ukraine against women, men and children are hellish. Putin's aims in Ukraine are clearly not to take back "historical lands", to fight globalism, to create a buffer zone against NATO or to oppose secularism. He wants to eradicate the Ukrainian identity, history, language, culture and people. It is a form of genocide. Please, do not in any way support this evil!
Daniel G
8/2/2024 03:35:05
Mr Hacquebord, I saw your video sent to the OPC last year. I found it interesting that the soldiers in the pictures were wearing the Nazi black sun symbol on the Azov patches. That's very much in line with the Russian narrative about the radicals in Ukraine. The very radicals that Ukraine claims doesn't exist.
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December 2024