6 October 2024
Sunday the 6th of October, International Life Chain Sunday 2PM at the entrance to the waterfront and International Conference Centre Traffic island and pedestrian bridge, Buitengracht Street downtown Cape Town, on Sunday 6 October from 2pm to 4pm. |
PRAYER & PRAISE UPDATEPrayer and Praise Update from
the Cape of Storms We praise God for our true friends, prayer warriors, co-workers, supporters and allies who stand with us in difficult times. Bad times are good for spiritual work. You do not actually lose friends; you just learn who your real friends are! |
Do you want to be part of this Outreach Project?
Be part of this Outreach Project:
Distributing Jesus Messiah books in Afrikaans |
PRIORITY PROJECTSFrontline Fellowship is a leading force in leadership training and networking for Reformation.
Frontline Fellowship conducts numerous seminars, conferences, or workshops. Through literature and leadership training, Frontline Fellowship is educating and enlisting tens of thousands of Christians to “disciple the nations…teaching obedience.” |
Africa for Christ
Africa Christian Network is an association of Bible based, evangelical congregations, ministries and missions dedicated to fulfilling the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout Africa. |
A Case for SecessionPower failures! Corruption! Crime! Racial quotas! Economic decline! There are many reasons why a region may choose to secede, to escape from oppression and from the chaos caused by a failed state. Is there hope for the future? |
Seminars and Services across The United States, England and South Africa
Ministry in Arizona By God’s grace, in Arizona, I enjoyed a tremendous time of worship and ministry at Heritage Baptist Church where I gave a presentation on the Greatness of the Great Commission. The time of Fellowship with this congregation was intense and encouraging. I was busy answering questions and counselling for hours after the service. The service began at 10:00 AM and concluded at about noon, but I was only able to leave after 5:00 PM. |