The next time animal rights and enviro-cranks get in your face about ancient trees or “endangered” fairy shrimp, ask them why they’re silent about this massive slaughter: Those are the words of Dr. Peter Hammond, founder and director of Frontline Fellowship. His headquarters are in South Africa, but his Christian missionary work takes him across the continent.Vast herds of elephant and the endangered Black Rhino, cheetah, leopard and antelope have been snared, speared, shot or blown-up. Huge forests have been destroyed and entire game reserves have been devastated.Some of the greatest game reserves in Africa have been in Zimbabwe. Now these wildlife sanctuaries are the scenes of unprecedented slaughter. He was born in Zimbabwe, where this bloodlust is going on right now as his country, in his words, “spirals downward into lawlessness and savagery.” He calls it “a national suicide.”
Under the Marxist regime of Robert Mugabe, the country is undergoing what is called “land redistribution.” Farms are stolen from whites and given to soldiers, gangs and Mugabe’s friends and family. In the process, white farmers and the blacks working for them are beaten, robbed and killed. The agricultural economy has been destroyed with more than 6 million people already starving. But there’s more, and Peter Hammond described it to me. It’s a story the mainstream media and environmentalists ignore. He said he sent out a report of the savagery and I was the only person in this country to respond. The only person in the country? Why am I the only media person to respond to his cry for help for Zimbabwe’s killing fields? It’s not dead people we’re talking about – as if that weren’t bad enough. It’s dead animals. All kinds – from family pets, to farm animals, to endangered and irreplaceable wildlife. The attackers maim and kill. For fun. Cows have their udders cut off or their feet cut off at the knees or both. Other animals – goats, sheep, horses – share the same fate and are left alive, to stumble around until they bleed to death. Family pets are tortured and, in one case, in an effort to get a farmer out of his house (while they were shooting into the home), the invaders set his horse on fire. That’s horrible enough, but what’s going on in the bush is literally destroying the country. Consider:
If this continues, there won’t be any tourists either. Properties have been burned out and tourists chased out of safari camps. Game rangers have been targeted, disarmed, assaulted and even killed. Peter Hammond is the voice in the wilderness. Let’s see who else cares. So far, the only sound is falling tears over senseless slaughter. (Original Articles: Worldnet Daily)
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