![]() "On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, 'If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water'." John 7:37-38 Zambia and KwaZulu By God's grace, I have returned from my third Mission so far this year. After participating in the Lusaka Reformation FIRE Conference, I flew to KwaZulu/Natal to take part in the Ministers Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission. Reformation in Zambia In Lusaka, the capital of Zambia, the Frontline Fellowship Mission team was hosted at the Justo Mwale University for the Lusaka Reformation FIRE Conference. I was requested to give presentations on: Martin Luther – Captive to the Word, Biblical Faith and Modern Counterfeits, The Urgent Need for Reformation Today, Revival in the Bible and in History, Practical Steps to Reformation and How Can We Work for Reformation in Zambia Today. Our Missionary, John Clifford gave presentations on Justification and the Righteousness of God, The Call for Discernment, Soli Deo Gloria – The Call to Worship, Preach the Word and The Priesthood of all Believers and The Man of God. Resources for Reformation Participants came from all over Zambia and from Malawi and Zimbabwe. We ensured that all participants were given their own copies of the Coalition on Revival Reformation 500 FIRE Manual, Firm Foundations for your Faith booklets and the Biblical Principles for Africa book. Those involved in chaplain’s ministries were particularly delighted to receive the new, updated and expanded Chaplains Handbooks to equip chaplains working in the army, police, prisons, hospitals and Fire Brigade. We also had audio visual materials to equip Evangelists, including Digital Libraries on SD cards. From the Ends of the Earth After completing my part in the Lusaka Conference, I travelled through to KwaZulu/Natal for the Ministers Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission. Participants came from as far afield as Algeria, America, Armenia, Belgium, Burundi, the Congo, Chad, France, Greece, Germany, Hungary, India, Latvia, Lesotho, Mozambique, Namibia, the Netherlands, Russia, Romania, South Korea, Switzerland, Swaziland, Sweden, Togo and Zambia. When Blessings are Blocked
The Founder and Director of KwaSizabantu Mission, Rev. Erlo Stegen, related the story of when his mother’s garden was dying. There was no shortage of water. He climbed up to the reservoir and saw that it was full to the brim, but still the plants were dying. Something was preventing the water from reaching the soil. He opened up sections of the pipe and sucked and at one point, out came a frog’s leg! As he pulled the frog out, the water poured out. The Path to Revival Rev. Stegen asked: “What is blocking God’s blessing in your life and ministry? Do not touch what is unclean! Come out of the world and be separate. You can accept Christ countless times, but if Christ does not accept you – then you are lost for all eternity! God does not tolerate sin. If you want God to work in your life and community, get rid of your pride, selfishness and blaming others. You want God to work in your relatives? Let God first work in your own life and work Godly sorrow to produce repentance with all your heart. Deal with your own sin! What is not right in your own life? God cannot tolerate pride. Whatever separates you from God - Separate from it. Do not just be a hearer of the World, but a doer. Who may ascend the hill of the Lord? He who has clean hands and a pure heart. Are your hands clean? Is your heart pure? Are your lips without fault? ‘Come out from among them and be separate…’ 2 Corinthians 6:17.” Search Your Heart You may pray for God's blessings over your food, yet are the plates and cutlery stolen? You may ask God to bless your sleep, yet is any of your furniture stolen? Where do the sheets come from? Examine yourself. Have you stolen anything? Return it. Do you have other people’s property amongst your possessions? Return what you have borrowed. Replace what you have broken. Make full restitution. Restore those broken relationships. Take Up Your Cross You can study Theology, but if your hands are stained with sin and you have unrepented evil in your life, then it will not help. God looks at your heart. What is in your heart? Some people want to cast our demons and yet their heart is a nest of demons. We cannot expect God to use us to reach the world while we hold bitterness, unforgiveness and pride in our own lives. Revivals bring separation from sin and the world. Are you willing to pay the price? Back to the Bible We had a tremendous time of fellowship with Christians from all over the world, precious times of worship and intercession. These two conferences were a great reminder that while Reformation is our work – as we seek to get serious with God and back to the Bible, applying the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life, Revival is a sovereign act of Almighty God. Seek God for Revival We must work for Biblical Reformation. We must pray and trust God, who alone can send spiritual Revival. "Will You not revive us again, that Your people may rejoice in You?" Psalm 85:6 Please pray for our Mission teams who are ministering across 7 nations. Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support. Yours for Reformation and Revival Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: [email protected] Website: www.frontline.org.za
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August 2017