![]() Great Commission Seminars We conducted three Great Commission Seminars in three different areas in Zambia, presented 19 lectures, delivered five devotions and showed the Jesus film five times. We have been on three outreaches and preached at a Sunday morning Worship service. We have had a total of 210 pastors and church leaders attend these GCSs this week. Materials Distributed
We have also been able to distribute a tonne of literature to these pastors and church leaders, including: 130 Practical Discipleship, 70 Answering Skeptics, 30 FF Hymn Books, 20 Muslim Evangelism Manuals, 3 Victorious Christians, 50 Bibles, 24 Robert McNeil books, about 40 Mark Cahill booklets, 5 Call for Discernment DVDs, 5 Islam Rising DVDs, 5 Amazing Grace DVDs, 6 The Biggest Question DVDs, 6 Basic Christian Teaching and Training boxsets, 5 Muslim Evangelism Workshop MP3 discs, and 6 Biblical Worldview Summit data discs. Chipata Great Commission Seminar The Great Commission Seminar in Chipata Compound was about 5km outside of Lusaka on the Great North Road, Chipata has a population of about 500,000. Chipata Compound is an informal settlement and somewhat rural even though it is so close to the capital city. Eager Participants The two-day seminar (Monday and Tuesday) was attended by 110 pastors, bishops, evangelists, deacons, elders, and church workers who wanted to make a difference in their communities. Some of these pastors travelled from as far as Ndola to attend this Seminar. Lectures and Devotions Tian gave a very good devotion on Trials and Tribulations and I dealt with The Greatness of the Great Commission, What is Missions, What is a Missionary, Evangelism Explosion, The Way of the Master, Gospel Literature, and I gave a devotion dealing with The Right Time, Person, and Question. Material Distributed At this GCS we were able to distribute 92 Practical Discipleship, 50 Answering Skeptics, 12 Searching Questions, 12 Unusual Topics, and 20 The Second Greatest Lie. For the group of pastors that had come from Ndola, I gave them a set of AV material including A Call for Discernment, Islam Rising, Amazing Grace, The Biggest Question, Basic Christian Teaching and Training, Muslim Evangelism Workshop MP3, and Biblical Worldview Summit data disc. I also gave a similar set to our host. I asked that they share this material with the other pastors and encouraged the other pastors to arrange to borrow, copy, and share this valuable info. Extra Material We had the privilege of helping these pastors and evangelists to get 200 boxes of World Missionary Press Gospel booklets from a nearby supplier who had made these resources available. During the lunch break between lectures, we off-loaded the bakkie of all our literature and drove about 15 minutes to where we collected more than a tonne of these valuable Evangelism tools. Jesus Film We screened the Jesus film at a nearby soccer field which attracted about 300 people of whom about 20 responded to the Gospel Message afterwards. Chongwe We left for Chongwe at 06h00 on Wednesday morning. Our next stop was at Bishop Rueben of Reconciliation Ministries International where we met with one of his pastors who went with us to one of their Church plants. Resupply Rueben was very happy to see us and we left with him some valuable discipleship and leadership training material for his Church leaders. Chikalawa Great Commission Seminar We then continued on to Chikalawa where we conducted a two-day (Wednesday and Thursday) Great Commission Seminar with 30 pastors and church leaders. Half of these participants were from Reconciliation Ministries International. The two-day Great Commission Seminar included a Devotion from Tian entitled Rebuilding the Wall and I presented lectures including: The Greatness of the Great Commission, The Right Time Question and Person, Patterns for Soul Winning, and The Way of the Master. Successful Outreach After the Way of the Master Evangelism training, we had an outreach into the villages so that we could put these valuable principles into practice. I was paired with Pastor James who interpreted for me as I used The Way of the Master principles in one-on-one personal encounters with some of the local people. This gave him a unique opportunity to see first-hand the effectiveness of what he had learned. He was so eager and grateful for this method of evangelism and said of it: "It is the hook that won't let any escape!" He and I were able to counsel four people to Salvation. Jesus Film We screened the Jesus film on both nights that we were in Chikalawa which attracted about 300 on the first night and about 600 on the second night and there were a combined response to the Gospel of about 50 people. Early Bird Our next appointment was in Chipata with Joel Kapasa. We woke up at 03h00 and were soon on the road to Chipata. We arrived at 06h30. Joel was very excited to see us. Chipalamba Great Commission Seminar He had arranged for us to go to Chipalamba where we held a two-day (Friday and Saturday) Great Commission Seminar with 70 pastors, Evangelists and church leaders. We conducted the training in the mornings till 14h00 and then went out for an outreach, putting into practice the lessons learned and inviting the locals to attend the Jesus film in the evening. I was teamed up with Evangelist Michael and he had the privilege of seeing first-hand how valuable the Way of the Master principles are in evangelism and as he translated for me we counselled eleven adults to Salvation. Lectures and Devotions Tian gave a Devotion entitled Rebuilding the Wall and I was able to present the following lectures: The Greatness of the Great Commission, The Way of the Master, Evangelism Explosion, Principles for Soul-Winning, Speak to the Conscience, and The Right Time, Person and Question. Material Distributed I gave each English reading participant a choice between Practical Discipleship and Answering Skeptics. I gave the organizing committee one of each book and also a Mark Cahill booklet. I was able to give a resupply to Joel Kapasa: 1 Victorious Christians, 30 FF Hymn Books, 20 Muslim Evangelism Manuals, 20 Bibles, 4 Robert McNeil books, and AV material: including A Call for Discernment, Islam Rising, Amazing Grace, The Biggest Question, Basic Christian Teaching and Training, Muslim Evangelism Workshop MP3, and Biblical Worldview Summit data disc. Sunday Worship Service I had the privilege of preaching at a Chipalamba church. We had a very blessed time of fellowship and worship with these joyful believers. I preached on Outrageous Courage and it seemed that the message was gladly and clearly received. Thank you for your prayers and support, we greatly appreciate it. In His service Michael Watson Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected]
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August 2017