We praise God for the successful completion of the Nuba Mountains Medical Mission. Ben, Dr. J. Pons, the eye surgeon and Johan of Doctors for Life travelled in January up to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan to set up the first speciality surgery theatre as a permanent clinic at the Mother of Mercy Hospital, which is the only referral hospital in the Nuba Mountains.
Dr. Tom had requested help to locate and purchase eye equipment suitable for operating in a third-world setting and to transport it to the Nuba Mountains. We approached Doctors for Life (DFL) for assistance. Knowing of their successful eye operation missions to Angola and Mozambique, we were convinced that DFL were the best people to conduct this medical mission to the Nuba.
A young Nuban medical student, Caesar, concluded his Ophthalmology training in October 2020. Dr. Pons was able to give him further practical training in how to conduct cataract surgery. By God’s grace, Dr. Pons, Johan and Caesar were able to perform 153 cataract surgeries, in many cases, literally enabling the blind to see! While the surgeries were taking place at the hospital, Ben hiked up and down the mountains to remote villages screening the Jesus film and distributing 1,500 Bibles. The team also distributed 30 audio Bibles to those who have trouble reading. A follow-up mission is being planned. The hospital has a great need for more reading glasses and audio Bibles.
“From beyond the rivers of Cush My worshipers, My scattered people, will bring Me offerings.” Zephaniah 3:10
To see the Missions to the Nuba Mountains of Sudan film Online, click here
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February 2021