![]() President Donald Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW Washington DC 20500 USA Dear President Donald Trump Greetings in the precious Name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. The people who we serve in Sudan want us to communicate to you their deep gratitude and appreciation for your endeavours which are giving hope to long-suffering persecuted Christians in North Africa. Thank you for taking a stand for Christianity and for speaking up for those who have long-suffered oppression and persecution for their Faith. On behalf of our Mission and the many Christians we serve in Sudan, we want to Thank You for your effective diplomatic efforts which have brought unprecedented and unexpected relief to the long-suffering Christians of the remote and war-devastated Nuba Mountains of Sudan.
Last year we noticed that your administration came in for some stinging criticism for lifting economic sanctions on the radical Islamic government of Sudan. However, as Missionaries who have been heavily engaged on the ground serving the people of South Sudan and of the Nuba Mountains of Sudan, we have witnessed the positive effects of your administration’s diplomatic efforts to persuade the government of dictator Omar al-Bashir of Sudan to cease and desist all hostile acts against the beleaguered people of the Nuba Mountains in South Kordofan, the Blue Nile and those in Darfur. We are well aware that Omar al-Bashir faces International Criminal prosecution on charges of crimes against humanity, including genocide. From our observation, along with victims and survivors on the ground, we have no doubt that al-Bashir should be charged before the International Court of Justice for these crimes. However, we have witnessed the cease-fire during our missions to South Sudan and the Nuba Mountains in January/February last year and November/December last year. We have just concluded a mission, during which we travelled throughout the Nuba Mountains of South Kordofan in Sudan, reaching 130 schools. The people of the Nuba are enjoying unprecedented peace under this cease-fire. This enabled many more schools to be established, churches planted, buildings repaired, crops harvested and all the other essential aspects of life which have been virtually impossible under the incessant aerial bombardments of the government of Sudan’s Antonovs, MiGs and Mi-24 Hind helicopter gunship. Since our Mission first began working in the Nuba Mountains in 1996, we have come under aerial bombardments, including being strafed by Mi-24 Hind helicopter gunships. We have witnessed the devastation of the scorched earth tamsit (combing) campaign of the National Islamic Front (NIF) government of Omar al-Bashir. Our recent Mission was the culmination of a 14 month project to print, ship and deliver Bibles and books to the remote and rugged Nuba Mountains – an island of Christianity that continues to survive in a sea of Islam. When this project began we had no idea that the negotiation initiative by the Trump Administration in the United States would bring about an unprecedented cease-fire in the Nuba Mountains. According to our hosts and contacts on the ground, no bombing or any acts of military aggression have been experienced in the Nuba Mountains over the last year. Our Mission teams enjoyed this window of opportunity provided by this unexpected and unprecedented cease-fire to reach 130 primary and secondary schools in the Nuba Mountains, distributing to them 32,000 Bibles and 43,000 The Story of Jesus Christ full colour picture books. The people of the Nuba Mountains are excited to learn the Gospel, while simultaneously using them as their textbooks to learn English. Even Muslim schools in the Nuba Mountains were delighted to receive these Bibles and picture books as they wanted to use them to teach their children to read and speak English. I have been a Missionary for over 36 years, concentrating on Restricted Access Areas, serving persecuted Christians throughout Africa. I am the author of Faith Under Fire in Sudan, which documents the longest war in Africa and how the Christian Faith has flourished, even under fire in North Africa. Over the years I have brought many missionaries and ministries into Sudan to help these long-suffering people, including Franklin Graham’s Samaritans Purse, who are doing superb work saving lives and healing bodies. In case you, or any of your people would be interested in the story of those who are benefiting from your refreshing foreign policies, which are undoing much of the extreme damage caused by the reckless and irresponsible Clinton and Obama foreign policy disasters, I will be mailing a copy of the hard backed third edition of Faith Under Fire in Sudan, along with a DVD containing documentaries on Sudan the Hidden Holocaust and Terrorism and Persecution – Understanding Islamic Jihad, which American film makers of Jeremiah Films produced while on Frontline Missions to Sudan. We know that you are greatly criticised for your policies, but please know that there are people in Africa praising God that there is a courageous man who understands the situation and is using the Art of the Deal to bring relief to the long-bombarded and beleaguered Nuba tribes of Sudan. You, your family and administration remain in our thoughts and prayers. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for Faith and freedom Dr. Peter Hammond Director
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