![]() Along with the first complete Bible in Moru, we also had the privilege of delivering the first copies of "The Doctor Comes To Lui." This long out-of-print book on the beginnings of the church in Moruland had first been published in 1938. However, with all the disruption and destruction of the war, no copies of this inspiring book remained in Southern Sudan. I sent out requests to several friends worldwide to hunt out a copy of this rare book. By God’s grace, Christopher Williams tracked down a copy of this precious book in a second hand book shop in England. ![]() We were delighted to receive the book and especially to see that the 27 photographs and 2 maps in the book were still in good condition. With some revisions and additions, including a Preface from Bishop Bullen Dolli, a Foreword from myself (along with the original Introduction from Bishop Llewellyn Gwynne – the first CMS missionary to Sudan) and with a new cover design, Frontline Fellowship printed the new edition of "The Doctor Comes To Lui – a story of beginnings in the Sudan." Two Moru pastors rejoice over "The Doctor Comes to Lui" book and a photograph of their grandfather, Gella, in it.The response from the Christians in Moruland was overwhelming. At a special thanksgiving service, numerous Moru church and social leaders stood up to extol the achievements of Dr. Fraser and to express their joy over the publication of this book. Many speeches were made."Dr. Fraser was a strong man who planted a strong church to survive hard times," declared one. "Dr. Fraser set a high standard and we are still trying to attain to that standard." The Chairman, Stephen Komoyang, explained: "Every decision we make as Moru people is affected by the pioneer work of Dr. Fraser. He brought us education and literacy itself. He introduced us to the Bible. Our churches today are the products of Dr. Fraser’s ministry. "This publishing of the Doctor Comes To Lui has opened up a new chapter in our history. You have done a great thing for us. This book now immortalises the life of Dr. Fraser. Let us all stand for a minute of silent prayer to honour the memory of Dr. Kenneth Fraser." Dr. Dimitri declared: "God loves the Moru people very much – for giving us Dr. Fraser to start the church in Moruland and even bringing us another like Dr. Fraser to strengthen the church in Moruland in this time of trial. We can see the hand of God in how He has protected the missionaries of Frontline Fellowship as they go where others do not dare to go. You are continuing the work begun by Dr. Fraser – especially by bringing us the Bible and leadership training." Stephen Komoyang described the dark days that followed 1955, with the war and especially the confiscation of church schools and hospitals; the expelling of all missionaries in 1964, and the systematic attempts to crush Christianity. "We thought that we had been completely abandoned and forgotten, but with the arrival of Peter in 1995 – in the same spirit as Dr. Fraser ministering to body, mind and spirit – with medicines, educational materials and Bibles we were revived. "We have witnessed the similarities with Dr. Fraser: your pioneering spirit, visionary leadership, excellent planning, courage to work under adverse and dangerous circumstances and your love for the Moru people. You have helped us to improve the training of our pastors and teachers, and your advocacy work in speaking up for our people with photos, articles, books and videos is very much valued. "A new chapter in our history was the training and launch of the chaplaincy which has had such a dramatic impact on the behaviour of the SPLA soldiers. There has been such a great improvement. We can see the hand of God in all this. Because of the work of Dr. Fraser, Moru Christians are leaders in evangelism throughout Sudan – even in Khartoum."Frontline Fellowship is now part of the Moru community. You are part of us. Even though you are white we love you as one of our own. You have given us back our history!" Dr. Peter Hammond
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