![]() By God's Grace, the Summit Youth Leadership and Worldview Training Course in Cape Town has been a great success. The Summit was launched by Dr David Noebel in Colorado Springs over 40 years ago. Frontline Fellowship has been conducting Summits in South Africa since 1997. Young people travelled from as far afield as Botswana and Northern Ireland. Many came through from KwaZulu, the Free State, the Transvaal and Eastern Cape. A contingent of 9 travelled through from KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu. The President of the African Christian Democratic Party sent his Personal Assistant and the head of his Youth League. Numerous other ministries, including Waymakers, The Ark and SACLA sent staff members to participate in the programme. Over 100 registered for the Summit in Cape Town. The Summit in Cape Town had 16 lecturers, including: one of South Africa's finest Creation Science lecturers, Philip Stott; Dr. Fritz Haus (a veteran of the Second World War who fought on the Eastern Front and in the Africa Corp under Rommel, later becoming the Protestant Chaplain in a prison of war camp. Rev Haus was the Old Testament professor at Baptist Theological College Cape Town and an experienced Baptist missionary); Mrs Dorothea Scarborough (who served with the London Missionary Society in the Gilbert Islands and is now the head of the Gospel Defence League); Rev. Bill Bathman (the Founder and President of In Touch Mission International, a missionary with over 50 years experience, mostly ministering in Europe, and behind the Iron Curtain to persecuted Christians in restricted access areas), Rev. Stephen Smyth (a Church of England in South Africa pastor, who used to be a policeman with the British South Africa Police in Rhodesia); Carl Fourie (a teacher and music critic); Joe Rice (an American missionary involved in church planting); Lawren Guldemond from Canada, Roy Reddy (an Indian evangelist with a powerful testimony of his conversion from Hinduism); Charl van Wyk (the Director of Africa Christian Action); Tim Keller (Field Director of Frontline Fellowship); Jeanine McGill (National Co-ordinator of Africa Christian Action), Rob McCafferty (Communications Director of United Christian Action), and Dr Peter Hammond (Founder and Director of Frontline Fellowship. The PT and sports was run by John Michael Tawse (a paratrooper veteran of the South West Africa and Angola War who is now involved in ministry in the Eastern Cape.) It was a great programme with dynamic presentations.
The Summit was situated at the Rocklands Conference Centre which is spectacularly situated on the slopes of a mountain amidst a forest, overlooking the sea. Most of the lectures were accompanied with PowerPoint or overheads. Manuals and lecture notes were available for most of the presentations. Outreaches were conducted in nearby Simonstown, Fish Hoek and Masiphumelele, an informal settlement. Many of the participants also had the opportunity to go to Boulders Beach and swim with the penguins. Participants of the January Summit in Cape Town wrote the following responses: "Brilliant! The Summit has been mind-blowing…brilliantly planned. The blessing of God on the Summit was unbelievable and constantly visible in everything that went on and in the general attitudes of everyone"; "The most valuable camp I have been on"; "Lots of fun and I learnt a lot"; "A brilliant well planned adventure"; "It's a must for every Christian young person"; "Brilliantly organised; excellent lectures; delicious food…"; "A very extensive course. Bible based and Christ centred"; "The best way to equip yourself for delivering God's Word"; "I have a new burst of boldness and enthusiasm to fulfil the Great Commission"; "I have learnt not to take what the world tells me for granted"; "I really have gotten closer to God! God has really spoken to me in the lectures!"; "I am more prepared for the spiritual battle"; "I have learnt how to defend my faith better"; "It made me realise how Christ has a purpose with my life"; "I have been challenged and convicted to absolute purity before marriage"; "I have been challenged in my walk with Christ to surrender to Him"; "It changed my worldview"; "I have a whole new perspective on seeing things. I have a major hunger for studying the Bible and reaching out to people"; "Decided to commit my life to Christ"; "A time of spiritual growth"; "Having highly educated Christians speak on the issues of the day"; "The beautiful camp site"; "Bible drill, the fellowship, the variety concert and the outreach"; "Mind renewing"; "Eye opening lectures"; "Would benefit everyone no matter where they are in their Christian walk"; "An up-to-date Christian view on what is happening in all areas of life"; "The Summit teaches things that we would never have learnt in school"; "I experienced the Lord for the first time, so strongly in my spiritual life"; "Life changing"; "Relevant and real"; "You can only gain from going to the Summit. Every young Christian should hear about how you can defend your faith and lead others to Christ. "A wonderful fun time in a Christian environment"; "It's life changing!"; "Vital and necessary for every young Christian"; "The Summit builds character. "The Summit taught me what it means to apply the Lordship of Christ over all areas of my life." "It has opened my eyes to what is happening in the world and given me Biblical insight to tackle these problems. It has set me up in a Biblical routine. Life changing!" "The Summit is vital in today's world." "The Summit really is the best course." In response to the question: Has this course led you to make any decisions? We received the following: To fully surrender to the Lordship of Christ _______32________ To join a local church _______15________ To offer your services to your local church _______20________ To spend more time in prayer for your country _______42________ To read more good Christian books _______51________ To read at least _2_ chapters of the Bible everyday _______38________ To seek God for Revival in your heart, home and church _______45________ To join (or start) a Christian Action group _______27________ To disciple at least one person per year (many said more than one)_____34________ Other decisions: "Start an exercise routine"; "Prepare for ministering the Christian faith in non-Christian countries, particularly to convert Muslims to Christ."; "To come back next year!!"; "Be more pro-active, stand up for what I believe in"; "The Summit was excellent!!"; "Get myself armed"; "To be baptised"; "To serve God in all aspects of my life and to be involved in actions against the influence of humanism in our country"; "To commit my life to Christ alone and to work for Him"; "To ensure my children are raised in a Godly way"; "To seek the Lord with all my heart"; "Exercise every day. Pray for an hour a day. Honour my parents. Hate sin."; "To spend more time reading the Bible"; "To base my perceptions on world issues on Biblical principles"; "To do outreach in my political career"; "To abstain from sex until I am married"; "To be willing to do whatever God wants me to do". Analysis of Response Forms In response to the question "What has been the most helpful lectures/presentations or events to you? 7 responded "all" or "everything"; 38 identified Understanding Communism, Behind The Iron Curtain and In The Killing Fields; 23 Understanding Humanism and Return to Paganism; 23 the Evangelism Workshop and Outreaches; 18 Creation Vs Evolution; 12 the Sunday church service; 14 the fellowship; 12 The Great Christian Revolution; 11 PT; 10 Our Christian Heritage; 9 Choosing the Love of Your Life; 9 Minds, Morals and Movies; 9 The Ten Commandments; 9 Power for Praise or Perversion; 9 Worldviews; 8 Biblical Principles for Government; 8 Where in the Universe Are We; 7 Bible Drill; 7 Self Defence; 6 Love, Courtship and Marriage; 6 Your Relationship to God; 6 the Variety Concert; 5 The Lordship of Christ in All Areas of Life; 5 The Scarlet Thread of Redemption; 4 Terrorism and Persecution video; 4 Bitterness or Forgiveness; 4 Biblical Economics; 4 Praise and Worship; 4 Biblical Worldview; 3 The Right to Life; 3 Just a Minute; 3 Homo-Fascism in South Africa; 3 Responding to Islam; 3 Dualism; 2 Electronic Media; 2 Redeeming Education; 2 The Law and Grace; 2 the Bible exam; 2 Relativism; 2 Membership Matters; 2 Crime and Punishment, 2 Standing Up for the Gospel; 2 Christian Courage; and Quiet Times were also mentioned as highlights. In response to the question: How did you come to hear of the Summit? Most participants reported that they heard of the Summit through personal invitations and word of mouth. 16 wrote that they came because of the recommendation of past students of the Summit, 15 because their pastor or mission leader recommended them to, 7 because their father or mother sent them, 4 because of the recommendation of a teacher, 7 mentioned e-mails and the web, 2 listed the Biblical Principles for Africa book leading them to log onto our web where they learnt of the Summit, 11 responded to adverts in Christian Action or Today magazine, or the Summit pamphlet which they picked up at church or a book shop. The rest were direct invitations by members of Africa Christian Action or Frontline Fellowship. All the Summit lectures and presentations are available on audio tape. So too is the Understanding The Times book by Dr David Noebel and Biblical Worldview Manual by Dr Peter Hammond upon which most of the presentations were based. These can be ordered from Frontline Fellowship. For information on the next Summits to be conducted near Durban (2 - 7 April), and Cape Town (3 - 9 January 2005) visit www.frontline.org.za Upcoming Events. Further Summits are planned in Zambia. Frontline Fellowship, P O Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, South Africa Tel: +27-21-689-4480 e-mail: [email protected]
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