Great Commission Course - Jan 2014 Participants came from as far afield as New Zealand, United States of America, Kenya, Nigeria, Zambia, the Congo and from all over South Africa. At the Great Commission Camp, which formed the first part of our three-week Great Commission Course, we also had participants from Holland and Russia. Stretching Minds and Muscles Each morning, with the exception of Sundays, began with rigorous PT and frequent runs through the forest and around Rondebosch Common. Most mornings were filled with Devotions and lectures on a wide range of Mission subjects. Each afternoon was packed full of practicals and outreaches, on the streets, in townships, at taxi ranks, at railway stations and in shopping malls. We conducted child Evangelism and open-air services, door-to-door Evangelism in Muslim and Hindu areas, mass literature distribution at bus stops, taxi ranks and train stations, and ministry in the Malls and on the streets of Cape Town. Cape Town for Christ
Our team members had the opportunity of witnessing to Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, New Agers, Atheists, Evolutionists, Agnostics, Animists and Wiccans. To Roman Catholics, Cult members, to backsliders, the disillusioned and disenchanted, to rich and poor, to well educated, to the homeless who live on the streets, to shoppers and security personnel, and many more. Each Sunday GCC participants preached at numerous congregations in townships in and around Cape Town, including assisting with church planting projects. The Power of the Printed Page The evening programmes frequently ended well past midnight. Many of our participants had the privilege of praying with people on the streets and leading people to the Lord. Many thousands of Gospel booklets and Evangelistic tracts were distributed. These also included Way of the Master/Living Waters tracts and our own in-house Frontline Fellowship tracts. Packed and Productive Programme The Great Commission Camp and Course included 14 Devotions and sermons, 70 lecture presentations, 20 films (including the eight-part Evangelism Basic Training Course of Way of the Master), 8 workshops (Evangelism, Survival, First Aid, Film Evangelism, Self-Defence, Public Speaking and Debating Skills, Vehicle Maintenance, Repairs and Recovery and Bushcraft), and 20 practicals. There were also day trips to the Andrew Murray Centre, Huguenot College, the church where Dr. Andrew Murray ministered and the Africa Institute in Wellington, which sent out hundreds of missionaries throughout Africa following the 1860 Revival. A tour of the Castle (the oldest building in the Southern hemisphere). Interaction with wildlife at the Eagle Encounter and Cheetah Outreach. A work party at the KwaSizabantu Mission, Moreson. Participants also each had the opportunity of presenting a testimony, or message, on Radio Tygerberg during our Salt and Light programme. For many of the participants this was their first opportunity to minister on radio. Night Hikes and Mountain Marathons There were 7 hikes, most of which were at night, and included scaling Lions Head and Table Mountain. These hikes were undertaken with each participant carrying hundreds of Arabic Gospel booklets in sealed boxes, which had to be kept dry as part of the practicals. Hiking included hiking in rivers and in the rain. The Great Commission Course participants sang great Hymns of the Faith on top of Lions Head and Table Mountain, including: Amazing Grace, For the Beauty of the Earth, How Great Thou Art, Rise Again Ye Lionhearted and For the Lord is our Defence, accompanied with pipes, penny whistles and recorders. Study to Show Yourself Approved Unto God Participants also worked through a 50-page Discipleship Training Manual, 7 written assignments and 7 exams, including two map tests, 3 Missions exams, an Islam quiz and a Bible Exam. Camp Responses Participants of the Great Commission Course 2014 wrote these responses: "Inspirational and effective"; "Excellent, very, very well planned and well thought through, extremely relevant to our times"; "Informative, creative, challenging and inspiring"; "I have been strengthened. I have wrestled with God. I have learned a lot and now I have a new way of looking at the world"; "Absolutely brilliant!"; "Excellent all-round learning experience"; "Really good team and Christian spirit, well put together, wonderfully challenging!"; "I have become a bolder witness for Christ, especially at one-to-one witnessing"; "Packed with activities. Probably the most comprehensive, in-depth crash course on the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ out there"; "Outstanding!"; "Godly friendships, Godly discipleship"; "I have learnt a lot about discipline and benefited both spiritually and physically"; "I have gained the passion to want to learn more about the Bible and God"; "It is hard-core, reality and so Biblical. It presents one with the refreshing truth. I've been equipped to be an Evangelist"; "Full power-packed lectures"; "Wonderful!"; "Very informative, very practical, a life changing course! You cannot leave the same way you came" "Good, hard, tough, vigorous, blessed, victorious, focussed, intelligent and necessary"; "It has been a great experience. I love the combination of physical exercise and learning and spiritual growth". GCC Audio Resources A Great Commission Course 2013, 4-disc boxset is now available. This includes 3 MP3 discs containing 73 audio lectures and a data disc containing 5 Manuals, 90 lecture notes and 82 PowerPoint presentations. The Great Commission Course 2014 audio lectures will also soon be available in MP3 format. GCC Textbooks Available The textbooks: The Greatest Century of Missions, Practical Discipleship, Discipleship Training Manual and the completely new, revised, expanded and updated Great Commission Manual are also available from Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, tel: 021-689-7478, email: [email protected] and website: Social Media and Upcoming Events For more information on upcoming Great Commission camps, seminars and courses, visit: and view Upcoming Events. You can also view Great Commission Course pictures on the Frontline Fellowship Facebook page. Mission Speakers Available To invite a Frontline Fellowship Missionary to visit and minster at your school, or congregation, contact [email protected]. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Fax: 021-685-5884 Email: [email protected]
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