![]() To view this report as a PDF with pictures CLICK HERE Dear Friends and Intercessors "Oh, give thanks to the Lord! Call upon His Name; Make known His deeds among the peoples! Sing to Him, sing Psalms to Him; Talk of all His wondrous works! Glory in His holy Name; Let the hearts of those rejoice who seek the Lord! Seek the Lord and His strength; Seek His face evermore! Remember His marvellous works which He has done, His wonders, and the judgments of His mouth." 1 Chronicles 16:8-12 Ministers Conference One of the great highlights of this eventful past year has been the privilege of being a speaker at the Ministers Conference, attended by 1500 delegates, at KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu. Participants came from Angola, Armenia, Belgium, Benin, the Congo, Ethiopia, France, Gabon, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Netherlands, Nigeria, Romania, Russia, Swaziland, Switzerland, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The theme of the conference was: Lord Abide With Us. ![]() Bible School Consultation Another highlight was participating in the Bible School Consultation, hosted by Mukhanyo Bible School, near Pretoria. Seventy participants, representing twenty Bible Colleges from all over South Africa, Lesotho, Namibia, Malawi, Kenya, Zambia and Zimbabwe were brought together in a lovely Christian lodge, surrounded by wildlife. I was invited to present Spiritual Insights from Missionary Pioneers. I delivered presentations on William Carey – the Father of Modern Missions, Dr. David Livingstone – The Best Friend Africa Ever Had and Charles Spurgeon – the Puritan Prince of Preachers. The presentations and panel discussions were very beneficial as we examined problems and challenges facing Bible Colleges and examined the Geneva Academy model of effective partnerships between local sending congregations and the Theological Seminaries. The Geneva Academy In Geneva, the lecturers were full-time pastors who lectured part time at the Academy. The local churches supported the students who were assigned congregational responsibilities and fully integrated into the practical and spiritual work needing to be done in local congregations and outreaches. This well-rounded in-service training and practical hands-on Theological education produced experienced and dynamic pastors and missionaries. Obviously far more effective than our present emphasis on academics alone! Ministry context was the heartbeat of Reformation Theological training and we would be well advised to return to the principle of not calling the trained, but training the called. Literature 4 Africa We received 12 shipments of Bibles and books this year. This included 10 containers from Eagles Nest Ministry, one container from Edwin Hodges Ministry and a shipment from World Missionary Press. A total of 196 tons of Bibles and books. This broke down to 75,000 Bibles and books, 230,000 Sunday school booklets and tracts, 112,000 Bible study books and 342,560 World Missionary Press Gospel Booklets (WMP booklets are an average of 50 pages each, all Scripture). A total 760,000 books, Bibles, Bible studies, Sunday school booklets and Gospel booklets received from overseas for free distribution throughout Africa. Along with 120,000 books, manuals, booklets or tracts printed in-house by our Mission, this means that we received, produced or distributed around 880,000 Scriptural, Evangelistic or Discipleship items in 2015. During 2015 we delivered and distributed over 180 tons of Bibles, Sunday school materials, Christian books and Gospel booklets. 60 Tons of those were delivered to churches and ministries in Zimbabwe. Library Programme Boxes of high quality library books were donated to 50 Bible Colleges and mission bases in 9 countries. In addition over 200 books were posted to pastors and prisoners on our Library Programme postal correspondence programme, mostly to Zambia, Nigeria and Zimbabwe. 12 Participants of the Library Programme received Certificates upon completion of their assigned programme of Book Reports. Libraries for Pastors Every pastor, chaplain, teacher, evangelist and missionary, who attended any of our leadership training courses, received at least one book at each of the seminars or courses they participated in, including our in-house publications: The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith, The Authority of Christ and the First Day Sabbath, Biblical Principles for Africa, Answering Skeptics, Reforming our Families, The Power of Prayer Handbook, The Greatest Century of Reformation, Practical Discipleship, Discipleship Training Manual, Church History Manual, Great Commission Manual, Muslim Evangelism Workshop Manual and Bible Survey Manual. Book Donations from Authors We praise God for the books that were generously donated by authors Robert McNeill, Dr. Robert Morey, Dr. David Noebel, Dr. R. J. Rushdoony and Reformation Study Bibles edited by Dr. R. C. Sproul. We receive many encouraging testimonies from pastors and prisoners whose hearts were touched, minds renewed and lives transformed through the power of the printed page. New Publications In the last year we have printed over 120,000 publications in-house, including 10,000 copies of our new publication: The Authority of Christ and the First Day Sabbath, 2500 copies of a completely revised, redesigned and updated Putting Feet To Your Faith book (144 pages), 1000 copies of Chairman of the Board, Rev. Bill Bathman's new book: Going On – With a Nod From God (320 pages, 160 pictures). Reprints We also reprinted our best-selling Victorious Christians Who Changed the World, Power of Prayer Handbook, Church History Manual, and The Bible in a Nutshell (Genesis to Daniel). Translations Much progress was made on the translations into Afrikaans of Practical Discipleship, Answering Skeptics and The Ten Commandments – God's Perfect Law of Liberty. Revisions We are busy with complete revisions and expansions of our best-selling Greatest Century of Missions and The Ten Commandments – God's Perfect Law of Liberty. New Books Soon to be Published New books which are almost complete include: Sketches from South African History, A Christian History of Africa and Old Testament Survey. ![]() Bible Colleges As part of the faculty for Back to The Bible Training College in Mpumalanga, I presented 70 lectures on Missiology, Biblical Worldview and Church History to 120 students from 20 countries throughout Africa. There are 60 language groups represented on the campus of BBTC. William Carey School of World Missionsinvited me to present a Great Commission Seminar and Africa 4 Jesus College in Kimberley invited me to present a Biblical Worldview Seminar and Great Commission Seminar. Historic Events Through our Reformation Society, we drew attention to numerous historic anniversaries, producing PowerPoint presentations, articles for magazines, interviews on radio and postings on social media on: Katyn 75 (the 75th Anniversary of the Katyn Forest Massacre by the Soviet NKVD), Armenia 100 (the 100th Anniversary of the Turkish genocide of Armenian Christians, The Sinking of Lusitania 100 years ago, Magna Carta 800 (the 800the Anniversary of the sealing of this monumentally important document in establishing Biblical foundations for Faith and freedom). Waterloo 200 (the 200th Anniversary of the strategic battle of Waterloo), Hiroshima 70(the 70th Anniversary of the dropping of bombs), Trafalgar 210 (the Anniversary of the Battle of Trafalgar), Agincourt 600, and the 70th Anniversary of The Assassination of General George Patton. Outreach OpportunitiesWe also produced articles, presentations and radio programmes on historic personalities under attack in the media, including Jan van Riebeeck, Cecil John Rhodes, Paul Kruger and Andrew Murray, all of whose monuments were under attack in South Africa. These historic articles, audio lectures, presentations and social media postings led to invitations for me to give presentations at the International Arms Fair at the War Museum in Johannesburg, and at secular historic societies far and wide. The Crusades and the Inquisition When the American president tried to blame the Crusades and the Inquisition for Islamic terrorism in the Middle East, we used that as an opportunity to present programmes on TV, radio and in magazines and social media, and on the Internet, to teach on what the Inquisition really involved and how the Crusades were a reaction to five centuries of Islamic Jihad. Real History Evangelism Online These historic campaigns engendered enormous interest. There were over 92,678 page views on our ReformationSA.org website and 1,731,864 total impression (hits) on our Reformation500 Facebook page. This involved 88,587 engaged users and a total reach of 904,789 unique users. The main country accessing this page was the USA and the top demographic accessing our page were males and females between 25 to 34. Literature Evangelism New tracts produced this year included The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx, particularly designed for university campuses and Mitsuo Fuchida – From Pearl Harbour to Calvary, which was designed to coincide with the 70thAnniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima. My son, Calvin, who represented South Africa at the 23rd Scout Jamboree in Japan took copies of this Gospel tract designed to reach people in Japan during this Anniversary. I also wrote Corruption Undermines Rhino Conservation and Cecil and Canned Lion Hunting leaflets which were distributed at the March for Rhinos, to Parliament, and at environmental and conservation events, which included giving a presentation to the Old Mutual Green Team. We also produced a tract for Handel's Messiah, including a short biography on composer George Frederic Handel and a full programme with all 53 Scripture passages printed out, for distribution at concerts. Daniela's Choir presented Handel's Messiah at the Dutch Reformed Groote Kerk in Cape Town this last year for their 300th anniversary celebration. SermonAudio.com Frontline Fellowship has 257 sermons uploaded on SermonAudio.com, of which 79 were uploaded during 2015. Total sermons downloaded in 2015: 19,427 (8,386 were mobile downloads). Total sermons downloaded to date: 46,042. Most popular messages on SermonAudio include: Islamic Persecution of Christians (3360), Revival Amidst Persecution (2540), Christophobia (1060), Errors and Contradictions in the Quran (1000), The Crusades and Jihad (940), The Myth of Neutrality (940), Understanding the Crisis in the Ukraine (820), A Modern Idol (760). Sermon most viewed to date: Animals in Heaven (1927 views). E-Books We now have 22 books available as E-books including Bill Bathman's Going Through – Even If the Door is Closed and Going On – with A Nod From God. This year we also added Taryn's book: Porndemic – How the Pornography Plague Affects You and What You Can Do About It and The Pink Agenda – Sexual Revolution in South Africa and the Ruin of the Family. Other books of mine which Colin formatted for E-book publishing included the new revised and expanded Putting Feet To Your Faith, South Africa – Renaissance or Reformation?, The Authority of Christ and the First Day Sabbath and theDiscipleship Box Set. These now join Answering Skeptics, Biblical Principles for Africa, Character Assassins – Dealing With Ecclesiastical Tyrants and Terrorists, Church History Manual, Discipleship Handbook, Faith Under Fire In Sudan, Livingstone 200 Missions Manual, Practical Discipleship, Reforming Our Families, Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat (our best seller), The Apostles Creed – Firm Foundations for Your Faith, The Power of Prayer Handbook, The Ten Commandments – God's Perfect Law of Liberty and Victorious Christians Who Changed the World. SlideShare 168 of my PowerPoint presentations are available on SlideShare, which you can access through our www.frontline.org.za website. We have had 137,123 views so far. Some of the most popular of these PowerPoint presentations are: The Battle for South Africa (14,935), The Causes, Consequences and Catastrophe of World War I (13,904), Corruption and Greed – A Christian Response (12,353), Biblical Solutions to Crime (11,931), The Bombing of Cities in WW2 (10,439), A Christian Response to Xenophobia (10,026), Will Animals Be In Heaven (9,839), Ancestor Worship, Animism and the ANC (9,919), How Propaganda Changes Perceptions and People(9,476) and Marvels of Creation and Science (9,391). 43 Comments were posted on the site in response to these PowerPoint presentations. 59 of the PowerPoints were shared via email with other users and 298 of the SlideShare PowerPoints were marked as Favourite by the visiting users. ![]() New Power Points Some of the new PowerPoints posted over the last year included: The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia, The Christmas Truce in 1914, The Atomic Bombs – Were they Militarily Justified?, Are We Living in the Last Days?, What Did Jesus Look Like?, Will We Be Able To Fulfil the Great Commission in Our Generation?, You Are What You Read!, The Eschatology of Victory in the Greatest Century of Missions,Jan van Riebeeck – Father of the Nation, Lord Abide With Us, The Illegal Trial of Jesus and the Verdict of History, Freedom Betrayed, Magna Carta 800, Unequally Yoked, The Turkish Genocide of the Armenian Christians, Lordship of Christ in All Areas, Waterloo 200, Mitsuo Fuchida – From Pearl Harbour to Calvary, Pray for Japan, Rise of the GayGB and the Pink Inquisition, The Hard Words of Jesus, KGB - Active Measures, Disinformation and Subversion, Ten Things that are Undermining the Church, John Mark – the Evangelist, Hindu Evangelism, Evangelising Animists, The Assassination of General George Patton, Paul Kruger – Voortrekker, Commando and Conservationist, The Battle of Trafalgar, A Christian Response to the Refugee Crisis, Ten Reformers Who Changed the World, The Battle Over the Cecil John Rhodes Statue and Versailles – the Poisonous Spirit of Vengeance. Websites Frontline Fellowship is maintaining 17 websites, which have a total of 3520 articles. www.frontline.org.za had 149,781 page views (38,968 mobile traffic and 16,389 tablet traffic). Top countries accessing website: USA (34%), South Africa (29%), United Kingdom (4.8%), Kenya (3.5%), Canada (3.27%), Australia (3.2%), India (2.8%), Netherlands (1.27%), Germany (1.09%), Indonesia (1.09%). www.ReformationSA.org received 92,678 page views. Top accessing countries: USA, UK, South Africa, Australia, Canada, India, Kenya, New Zealand, Philippines and Germany. www.ChristianAction.org.za received 70,283 page views. www.LivingstoneFellowship.co.za 13,148. 74 Different types of browsers are used to access our websites and 24 different operating systems are being used. In 2015 we had 351,937 page views. Social Media Frontline Fellowship actively manages 11 Facebook pages with a combined page hit count of 5,319,960 and a reach of over 2.5 million unique users. This Facebook activity generated occurred naturally, using no paid advertising. By making page and post boosting a priority in 2016 we could more than double our reach. Frontline Fellowship Facebook page had 760,178 total impressions (hits) with 304196 total reach and 31,351 engaged users, commenting on, liking and sharing our posts. Africa Christian Action had 715,139 hits, with a total reach of 329,207 people and 32,132 engaged users. Literature 4 Africa had 263,463 total hits reaching 141,189 people with 12,571 engaged users. Reformation500 had 1,731,864 hits, reaching 904,789 people with 88,587 people engaged. William Carey Bible Institute had 223,060 hits, reaching 121,627 people with 8,254 engaged. Young Reformers Out To Change the World had 122309 hits, reaching 58,257 people with 5,367 engaged. Dr. David Livingstone had 38,305 hits, reaching 15,933 people 1,557 engaged. Victorious Christians had 18,583 hits, reaching 8,717 people with 699 people engaged. Wonderful Wildlife had 1,307,934 hits, reaching 698,163 people with 56,133 engaged. We Love God's Animals had 139,125 hits, reaching 76,790 people with 5,864 engaged. Videos Online Frontline is currently using YouTube and Vimeo as online distribution channels. Our Vimeo had a total of 10,476 video downloads during 2015. We had 1696 engaged users. On YouTube our top video watched was The Effects of Jimmy Carter's Foreign Policy on Rhodesia which enjoyed 1713 minutes of viewing. Most viewers who accessed our videos online were from the United States, South Africa, Australia, UK, Canada, Taiwan, Italy, Portugal and Germany. Frontline News In 2015 Frontline News dealt with Christians Under Fire in Africa, Nuba Christians Threatened By New Offensive, Churches Looted and Burned in Niger, Soldiers for Christ, Great Commission Course, Literature for Africa Container Offloading Record, Serving the Suffering, Back To the Bible Training College, Christians Targeted, Gay Agenda Helps Islamic Jihad in Nigeria, Reclaiming South Africa for Christ, Muslim Evangelism, Mission to Europe, Overcoming Obstacles, A Visit to Kuruman, Leadership Training, Africa for Christ, Armenian Genocide in Turkey – 100 Years Ago, and Resisting the Islamic Invasion Trojan Horse. In addition to the hard copies printed (between 2500 and 3000 copies for each edition) we have 23,198 total subscribers for our bulk emailing lists. And during 2015 we had 256 emailing campaigns. There are over 7,000 unique subscribers. In addition, of those who read the Frontline Fellowship News online through ISSUU, there were 88,665 impression and 8,712 reads. We have 783 Intercessors. Audio Visual Ministry We produced 31 new Livingstone Fellowship sermons and 35 Reformation Society lectures. Our Audio Visual Department now has 1242 resources available, including 132 Biblical Worldview Summit lectures, 243 Reformation Society lectures, 248 Livingstone Fellowship sermons, 205 MP3 boxsets and 39 Data discs. During 2015 our AV department produced and distributed 797 CDs, 1306 DVDs, 530 MP3 audio boxsets and 109 Data Digital Libraries. Kathleen designed 89 posters, adverts, certificates, sleeves and discs and uploaded 82 of our sermons and lectures on our SermonAudio.com. We also produced The Great Commission Course 2015 boxset, which include 3 MP3 audio discs containing 71 lectures and one Data Library including 16 PDF books and manuals, 17 lecture notes and 52 PowerPoint presentations. ![]() Articles, Sermons and Correspondence My secretary informs me that this last year she typed 553 of my letters, 30 sermons, 140 Frontline Fellowship emails, 103 Reformation Society email, 40 lectures, 43 articles for JOY! Magazine, 10 Prayer and Praise Updates, 10 Answers to Critical Questions, 2 Film Reviews, a Tribute and numerous chapters for the various book projects that we are working on. Research and Writing Projects Some of the articles which I produced this year included: Understanding the Crusades, What Every Christian Needs to Know About the Inquisition, The Crusades and Jihad, The Battle Over the Cecil John Rhodes Monument, Katyn 75, Racism, Xenophobia and Hate, The Armenian Genocide in Turkey 100 Years Ago, Freedom Betrayed, What Can We Do To Help Persecuted Christians Survive this Tsunami of Violence?, Magna Carta 800, Waterloo 200, Does the US Supreme Court's Redefinition of Marriage Really Matter?, A Visit to the London Missionary Society Station in Kuruman, Mitsuo Fuchida – From Pearl Harbour to Calvary, Were Atomic Bombs Necessary to End World War 2?, The KGB, Active Measures, Disinformation and Subversion, The GayGB and the Rise of the Pink Inquisition, Ten Things That are Undermining the Church Today, The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx, How Can Bible Schools Become More Effective?, The Great Siege of Malta – 450 Years Ago, How the New World Order is Hijacking Civilisation, Evangelism on the Streets, President Paul Kruger, Admiral Horatio Nelson and the Battle of Trafalgar, Why Celebrate the Reformation?, Putting Feet To Your Faith, and The Assassination of General George Patton – 70 Years Ago. Sermons Produced New sermons produced in this last year included: Are You a Martha or a Mary?, Lord Abide With Us, Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah, Micah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah and Haggai in our Old Testament Survey, Are You In the Will of God?, The Foolishness of Pride, Vocation Provides Purpose and Direction, Biblical Faith and Modern Counterfeits, and Spiritual Stamina. Conferences, Courses and Colleges This year I drove long distances, and had 13 flights, speaking at over 464 meetings, including 62 church services, 117 radio programmes, 15 TV programmes, 250 lectures, conducting 18 Leadership Training Courses, including the Great Commission Course, Security and Survival Seminars, Great Commission Seminars, Reformation and Revival Seminars, Persecution and Revival Seminars, a Bible School Consultation, the Ministers Conference, and numerous Biblical Worldview Seminars, Great Commission Seminars, Reformation Seminars and Evangelism Workshops. I also spoke at History Societies, the War Museum and at a Jericho Walls Prayer Network Camp for Muslim Evangelism at Rocklands, Simonstown. Christian Action The Christian Action Magazine included: The Failure of Atheism and the Triumph of Faith in Russia, Understanding the Crusades, Confronting Comrades with the Gospel, March for Life, Standing for Life, The Ugly Truth About Fifty Shades of Grey, Magna Carta 800, A Response to Xenophobia, Was the Use of Atomic Bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki Militantly and Morally Justified?, South Africa Mission, Ministers Conference, Monuments and Museums for Destruction, Russia Bans Internet Pornography, The Rise of the GayGB and the Pink Inquisition, The KGB, Active Measures and Subversion, Missions In the Mall, Man-centred Religion, The Heart and Soul of Karl Marx, A Biblical Response to Protests, Gender Mainstreaming – The Attempt to Abolish Male and Female Distinctives, Agenda 2 – Masters of Deceit, Twenty Years of Salt and Light Radio, Life Chain Sunday, Reformation Seminar – Franschhoek, Evangelism on the Streets, Perversion Normalised and Empower Youth To Fight the New Drug. Ministry Milestones Ten years ago, after an eleven nation Mission to Europe, the Lord led me to launch the Reformation Society. 2005 was a watershed year in so many ways. It was in that year that I published Slavery, Terrorism and Islam – Historical Roots and Contemporary Threat which brought about death threat fatwas from Muslim extremists. Lenora came down with Hepatitis which knocked her out of action for five months. Out of all the turmoil of 2005, the ministries of the Reformation Society, Livingstone Fellowship and JOY! Magazine were launched early in 2006. JOY! Magazine In November we celebrated the 100th issue of JOY! Magazine. In February it will be 10 years since JOY! Magazine was launched. Over the last ten years over 3 million JOY! Magazines have been printed. JOY! Magazines are sold in 2500 stores worldwide. The monthly readership of JOY! Magazine exceeds 150,000. I have had the privilege of writing over 70 articles (570 pages) which have been published in JOY! In the seven years of the JUIG! Tydskrif, I have had 112 articles published (430 pages). JOY! Digital was launched in 2014 as a free website, updating daily, with interesting articles and news. 50,000 users visit the site every month. In this last year JOY! has also launched a Bible School, which I have had the privilege of lecturing at. "So shall my Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it." Isaiah 55:11 20 Years of Salt & Light This year marked 20 years of Africa Christian Action's Salt & Light radio programme broadcast every Tuesday night on Radio Tygerberg 104FM in Cape Town. We are informed that this makes Salt & Light the longest running Christian community radio programme in South Africa. It can be listed to on www.104fm.org.za through live streaming worldwide. Christian Liberty Books By God's grace, the ministries of Christian Liberty Books continued to grow throughout 2015, particularly providing textbooks to home schoolers and Christian schools. CLB has 2,720 customers on the data base. 484 parcels were processed and mailed in the last year. That averages to about 40 parcels a month. Best sellers in 2015 were Slavery, Terrorism and Islam, The Authority of Christ and the First Day Sabbath, Porndemic, Biblical Principles for Africa, Victorious Christians Who Changed the World, Character Assassins, The Power of Prayer Handbook, Faith Under Fire in Sudan and Putting Feet To Your Faith. The best-selling DVDs were Audacity, Polycarp and Andrew Murray – Africa for Christ. The most popular MP3 box set was South African History. The most popular audio CDs were Andrew Murray and the Legacy of the 1860 Revival and Jan van Riebeeck and the Attack on South African History. Field Worker Reports In January John Clifford was Commissioned as a Missionary of Frontline Fellowship having completed his requirements to earn the Frontline Fellowship Fieldworker's badge. In December John Clifford graduated from Global Theological Seminary with highest academic Grade Point Average. On 20 December he was ordained as a Minister of the Gospel at a special service with his congregation in Tableview. During 2015, aside from his full time studies, John completed 50 outreaches, presented 11 sermons, 31 lectures, 11 Devotions and took a college chapel Assembly. He also was involved in 5 radio programmes, led 18 Bible studies, 3 home group meetings, 2 prayer rallies and completed a Mission to Zimbabwe. 132 meetings in total. Our Missionary David Frew completed 4 missions this year, delivering 20 sermons, 60 lectures, leading 75 Bible studies and 45 prayer meetings. He conducted 9 Leadership Training Seminars, 12 outreaches and a variety of other meetings including radio. A total of 203 meetings in the year. David and his wife, Tessa, adopted a baby girl and their family moved to a new, more secure farm house in Limpopo. Zimbabwe has continued to be David's primary mission field focus. Taryn Hodgson completed two missions, presenting 36 lectures, led 4 Bible studies, 4 prayer meetings, 3 Leadership Training Seminars, participated in 24 outreaches, 58 radio programmes, a TV interview and numerous school meetings, a total of 100 meetings. Taryn wrote articles for JOY! Magazine and JOY! Digital, and continues to co-host Salt & Light radio programme and co-edit Christian Action Magazine. This year marked 10 years that Taryn has co-ordinated Africa Christian Action. She organises the Sanctity Life Sundays, National Day of Repentance, March for Life, Women's Day Outreaches, Missions in the mall, charity book sales, Life Chains and formed the Western Cape Alliance for Life. We praise God that this year Taryn was courted by one of our Missionary trainees, Abrie Lourens, and they were married on the Day of the Covenant, 16 December. Trainee missionary Ryno Rademeyer completed his second Mission to Malawi upon the request of Rev. Piet Erasmus to help run Sola Scriptura College at Mzuzu, Malawi. My son in law, Hunter Combs, is completing his Masters in Theology at Phoenix Theological Seminary. He is regularly involved in EE street evangelism and student outreaches, and has been fully involved in ministry and outreaches in Cape Town, including in the organising and preparation for the Great Commission Camp and Course. Christian Action Network We now have 123 members of the Christian Action Network representing over 7000 congregations and 5 million Christians in 19 different African countries (Benin, Burundi, Cameroon, Congo, Ethiopia, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, South Africa, South Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe). Security and Survival Workshops With so many churches being attached and Christians martyred, Frontline Fellowship has designed Security and Survival Workshops and Manuals to assist vulnerable Christians in threatened areas. We are developing a comprehensive strategy to help churches set up security ministries and provide practical, hands-on, training for farmers, families, congregations, missions, ministries, Bible colleges and vulnerable communities. As a Mission of Christians from a military background, dedicated to serving persecuted Christians for over 33 years, we have experienced ambushes, attacks, aerial bombardments, rocket and artillery fire, theft, terrorism, capture and imprisonment. Utilising lessons learnt through these experiences, we are offering training for Christians to be able to withstand and resist Islamic terrorist attacks. "But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the Faith and is worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8. Jihadists have had an open playing field with no other team to prevent them from scoring endless goals. Churches are seen as soft and easy targets for terrorism. And it is not only churches. Farmers in South Africa are facing ongoing terror attacks. "Do not be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, great and awesome, and fight for your brethren, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your houses.” Nehemiah 4:14 IT Department We praise God for the addition, at the beginning of this last year, of Reinhard Behrens, an experienced IT security specialist who sacrificially joined our staff and has worked wonders to overhaul and upgrade our entire system. As a result we now have a server room established with a Central Back Up System established for the entire Mission. A central support process has been established and a Unified Threat Management Device, superior to a firewall, protecting our perimeter. The entire local network area has been re-wired and all network points are now 1000GBPS. Security has been improved on all levels and data flow with Synology security has eased the system and user management. All of our websites are being upgraded and adapted to accommodate the great increase in mobile devices and tablets, accessing our websites. As Frontline Fellowship has been rapidly moving into the digital marketplace, this has greatly increased our ministry capacity. Digital Libraries are enabling Christians in restricted access area to obtain Bibles, both digital and audio, as well as films in literally hundreds of languages. Reinhard has also trained our son, Christopher, as a Support Engineer in our Communications Office. Webmaster Attacked In January, Brendon, our mission Webmaster, was attacked and stabbed from behind 15 times by two assailants at Muizenberg railway station. Although his injuries were serious and life threatening he recovered and learned to walk again. The thieves not only stole his wallet, keys and cell phone, but attempted to use his cards and cell phone to access accounts and computer network. Reinhard, who had just completed the Great Commission Course and had joined our Comms Office that week, was able to go online and delete all information off Brendon's cell phone remotely. Brendon recovered, but asked our blessing to leave at the end of November. He is now involved in Evangelism up country. Staff Changes We were sorry to say goodbye to Kathleen, who over the last two years has dramatically improved our Audio Visual Ministry and Johan Meyer who, for seven years, has run our Christian Liberty Books. All this increased the work load of our Mission Manager, Colin, who rose to the challenge of running CLB during its busiest month of the year, December, to fulfil homeschooling orders and Christmas purchases, as well as preparing for all the logistics of our Great Commission Course. In IT we welcomed Reinhard and Christopher who have filled the gaps left by Brendon and Kathleen. We welcomed Jonathan as our new Storeman to run our growing Literature 4 Africa ministry. He has moved mountains and greatly improved this ministry. Livingstone House Building Extensions To maximise our facilities and cope with continued growth of the Mission, architectural plans have been approved to build onto the Mission House, converting our loft area and building a second floor to accommodate a multi-purpose hall and 3 more bedrooms and a bookstore. We are trusting the Lord for funds to go up into our roof area this year. Livingstone Missionary School For several years Frontline Fellowship has been praying over acquiring a farm to establish Livingstone Missionary School. With the increasing demands for our camps and courses, we are seeking to establish Livingstone Farm, which will be a site for Wilderness Bush Camps, Leadership Training Courses, youth camps, school and Church camps, Biblical Worldview Seminars and Summits, Great Commission Courses, Security and Survival Training Programmes and the Livingstone Missionary School. We have identified a suitable remote and mountainous region. We are now trusting the Lord for the funds needed to purchase the farm and adapt it to these needs. Mobilise to Evangelise In order to expand our Mission's impact and capabilities, we are convinced that acquiring and developing Livingstone Missionary School will enable us to develop the most effective, hands-on, practical training facilities for the many missionaries needed to reclaim Africa for Christ. The needs are urgent, the opportunities unprecedented, yet the labourers are far too few. The only way we will be able to respond to the overwhelming demands and requests to serve suffering Christians throughout Africa, is to recruit an army of mission workers. Livingstone Farm will be the Missionary Training Centre that we pray will prepare and mobilise the kind of disciplined, self-sacrificing, vision of victory missionaries that Andrew Murray mobilised through the Africa Institute, following the 1860 Revival. Thank you The Missionaries and Staff of Frontline Fellowship join me in expressing our deep gratitude for your prayers, encouragement and support. We have so very much to praise and thank God for. He has protected us from all danger, blessed and multiplied our humble, inadequate efforts, for the extension of His Kingdom and to serve the suffering Church. We are deeply grateful for all of His gracious provisions and magnificent answers to so many prayers. It is a privilege to be His sons and daughters, His servants and soldiers, serving the suffering, training and mobilising soul winners and nation transformers. By God's mercy, we trust our Lord Jesus Christ for even more productive and effective years of ministry ahead. Vision for Victory Frontline Fellowship exists to glorify God by working for the fulfilment of the Great Commission. We seek to serve suffering Christians, to speak up for the persecuted, exposing the persecutors, concentrating on neglected areas, evangelising in restricted access areas, working for Biblical Reformation and praying for spiritual Revival throughout Africa and Europe. It is our fervent prayer that God will mercifully empower a Biblical Reformation and send spiritual Revival to transform Africa and Europe for Christ. The Great Commission is our supreme ambition. We work and pray to see lives changed, families strengthened, churches revived and communities transformed by the grace of God and by the power of His Word, the Bible. Yours for the complete and utter destruction of communism, Islam, humanism, and for the fulfilment of the Great Commission. Dr. Peter Hammond Director Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 Email: [email protected]
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