![]() The task is great and the workers are few ‑ nobody can do everything, but we can all do something and what we can do we must do and what we must do we will do by the grace of God who gave us our life, talents, gifts and opportunities. Here are some suggestions: STUDY THE BIBLE both personally and in a group of like‑minded believers. The objective truth of God's Word must be the inspiration and solid foundation for all our actions. Until we know God's Word we can be easily mislead and deceived. Read through and study every Book of the Bible. PRAY for our country, for parents, pastors, teachers and government officials. Constantly remind your church and prayer group of the urgent needs and Biblical issues for prayer and action. Pray through the Psalms. Join the prayer meeting of your local church, school, or workplace. ![]() BE WILLING to be active, make yourself available to Christian Action groups. We need people willing to help with artwork, translations, typing, mailings, literature distribution, hospitality for foreign guests or missionaries, letter writing campaigns, petitions, marches, counselling and other projects. ARRANGE MEETINGS for us at your local school, church women's group and/or youth group and invite one of our speakers to spread the Word and promote the vision. GIVE generously to support Christian workers, projects, seminars and publications. ![]() ORGANISE prayer chains and prayer meetings. Establish or join our Email or WhatsApp group prayer chain to pass on urgent prayer requests or to mobilise action. ORDER or duplicate Christian literature and newsletters and distribute them widely to friends, family and colleagues at work. Share Action Alerts, articles and videos on your social media. ESTABLISH a Christian Action group in your church for prayer and study, strategy and action. BE COMMITTED to God, to your family, to your community, to your church and to evangelism. ACCESS LIVINGSTONE FELLOWSHIP Bible Studies and sermons from www.livingstonefellowship.co.za. SEEK GOD for wisdom, for His will and His work which He wants you to do. ![]() SUPPORT HOME EDUCATION, obtain Bible-based Christ-centered school textbooks from Christian Liberty Books, PO Box 358, Howard Place 7450, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel: 021-689-7478, Fax: 086-551-7490, Email: [email protected] and Website: www.christianlibertybooks.co.za. UPHOLD BIBLICAL STANDARDS, proclaim God's Word and fight for the right to life of the pre-born and the protection of families, freedom of speech and religious freedom. Join the Reformation Society, or start a Reformation Society in your home town, Email: [email protected]. ![]() SPEAK UP at home, school, work, church and university - for God, for righteousness and for Biblical principles. Oppose secular humanism, fight against evolutionism, abortion, pornography and other evils. Promote and distribute Make a Difference! A Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa, Porndemic: How the Pornography Plague Affects You and What You Can Do About It, The Pink Agenda: Sexual Revolution in South Africa and the Ruin of the Family, Reformation 500 FIRE Manual and Biblical Principles for Africa (also available in Afrikaans and French) books. Audio-visual resources include: Christian Action 6 disk Audio CD Boxset, Salt and Light MP3s, Biblical Worldview Summit MP3s,the South Africa for Christ MP3 Disk, Reformation 500 Audio Visual Boxset, American and Europe Reformation 500 Audio Visual Boxset and the Australia for Christ Audio Visual Boxset. ![]() BE INFORMED about the reality of what is going on in our world and in our churches today. Subscribe to E-updates, like the Facebook pages or Twitter feeds of ministries such as: Answers in Genesis, P.O. Box 510, Hebron, KY, 41048, USA, Tel: 888-582-4253, Websites: www.answersmagazine.com, www.answersingenesis.com, or subscribe to the Answers magazine. ASSIST News, Email: [email protected], Website: www.assistnews.net. Christian Action Magazine from Africa Christian Action, P O Box 22632, Claremont, 7735. Tel: 021-689-4480, Email: [email protected], Website: www.christianaction.org.za. Chalcedon Foundation, PO Box 158, 3900 Hwy 4, Vallecito, CA 95251, USA, Tel: (209) 736-4365, Fax: (209) 736-0536, click here to Email, Website: www.chalcedon.edu. Covenant Nations Magazine, 121 Low Etherley, Bishop Auckland, Co Durham DL14 0HA, Tel: 01388 834 395, Email: [email protected], Website: www.britishisrael.co.uk/covnations.php. Doctors for Life International, P.O. Box 6613 Zimbali 4418, Tel: 074-112-9093, Tel: 074-107-8818, Abortion helpline: 081-441-6462 & 073-745-5740, Prostitute helpline: 079-0464-200, Email: [email protected], Website: www.doctorsforlife.co.za, www.Facebook.com/doctors4life. Frontline Fellowship News, PO Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, Tel: 021-689‑4480, Fax: 086-494-8070, Email: [email protected], Website: www.frontlinemissionsa.org. From the Frontline Podcast, uploaded Tuesdays at 9pm on: http://fromthefrontline.podbean.com. Gospel Defence League, P.O. Box 36129, Glosderry 7702, Cape Town, South Africa, Tel: 021-689-4480, Email: [email protected], Website: www.gospeldefenceleague.org. G2 Bulletin, Tel: 1.800.4WND.COM, Email: [email protected], Website: www.g2bulletin.wnd.com. Henry Morton Stanley School of Christian Journalism, PO Box 74, Newlands, 7725, Cape Town, Tel: 021-689-4480, Email: [email protected], Website: www.hmsschoolofchristianjournalism.org. Life Alerts, compiled by Doctors for Life. Fortnightly Email compilation of the latest news on bioethical and family issues from around the world. Subscribe on www.doctorsforlife.co.za, Tel: 032-481-5550, Email: [email protected]. McAlvany Intelligence Advisor – MIA, P.O. Box 84904, Phoenix, AZ 85071, Toll Free: 1-877-622-5826, Int.: 602-445-2733, Website: www.mcalvanyintelligenceadvisor.com. Reformation Society, P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725, Cape Town South Africa, Tel: 021-689-4480, Email: [email protected], Website: www.ReformationSA.org. World Net Daily, 2020 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, Suite 351, Washington, D.C. 20006, Fax: 541-474-1770, Fax: 571-612-8619, Tel: 800-496-3266, Websites: www.WorldNetDaily.com. For Pro-life and Pro-family News, subscribe to Email updates from www.lifenews.com and www.lifesitenews.com. Some Key Addresses: For any objections to Radio or TV programmes contact the Broadcasting Complaints Commission of South Africa: BCCSA, PO Box 412365, Craighall, 2024, Tel: 011-326-3130, Fax: 011-326-3198, Email: [email protected], Website: www.bccsa.co.za. For objections to advertisements contact the Advertising Standards Authority: ASA, PO Box 41555, Craighall, 2024, Tel: 010-900-1336, Email: [email protected], Website: www.asasa.org.za. For complaints about a film or publication contact the Film and Publication Board, Private Bag X31, Highveld Park, 0169, Tel: 012-003-1400, Email: [email protected], Website: www.fpb.org.za. ![]() How does one lodge a complaint with the Film and Publications Board? There are no special forms for the lodging of complaints about a film, DVD or computer game. All it takes is a letter either mailed, faxed or Emailed to the Chief Executive Officer of the Board. It is important, if you want the FPB to follow up any complaint, to give as much information as possible. The following information is especially required:
In the case of a complaint about a publication, an original copy of the publication must be submitted with the complaint. If it is not practical to submit an original copy, a scanned copy must be submitted: Film and Publications Board, Private Bag X31, Highveld Park, 0169, Tel: 0800-000-555, Fax: 011-483 1084, Email: [email protected], Website: www.fpb.org.za. For E.TV programme complaints contact: 4 Stirling St, Zonnebloem, Cape Town, 7925, Tel: 083-1222, Email: [email protected], Website: www.etv.co.za. For government departments go to: www.gov.za/about-government/contact-directory. For Municipality Contacts look in your local phone book or try doing a search on www.google.co.za or call Enquiries: on 1023 (contact details change regularly). As a matter of principle, in all your communications: Be specific, avoid arguments, understate rather than exaggerate and always be courteous, but firm. In your first communication give the person concerned the benefit of the doubt and assume that ‑ once informed ‑ he/she will agree with your principled stand. ![]() WRITE to your local newspaper, favourite magazine, Member of Parliament and others on the basis of the information we provide you with. Complain about anti‑Christian, anti‑life, anti‑family, immoral or inaccurate articles or statements. Letters to the Editor: Beeld - [email protected]. Business Day - [email protected]. Cape Argus - [email protected]. Cape Times – [email protected]. City Press - [email protected]. Daily Dispatch – [email protected]. Daily News – [email protected]. Daily Sun - [email protected]. Die Burger - [email protected]. Independent on Saturday – [email protected]. LandBou Weekblad - [email protected]. Mail and Guardian - [email protected]. Pretoria News – [email protected]. Rapport – [email protected]. Saturday and Sunday Argus - [email protected]. Sunday Times – [email protected]. Sunday Tribune – [email protected]. The Citizen - [email protected]. The Herald – [email protected]. The Mercury – [email protected]. The Sowetan - [email protected]. The Star – [email protected]. The Sunday Independent – [email protected]. The Witness - [email protected]. Volksblad – [email protected]. Remember ‑ when writing letters to the editor ‑ be brief, accurate, specific and polite, but firm on topical and relevant issues. Always remember to include your name, address, phone number and signature. ![]() One person can make a difference. You are never too young, too old, too insignificant, too handicapped or too busy that you can't make a difference! How do I get started? Obtain a copy of Make a Difference: A Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa, Biblical Principles for Africa (available in Afrikaans and French) and the Christian Action Starter Pack. Join a Christ‑centred, Bible‑based church. Attend that first meeting. Write that Email. The most important thing to remember is, as long as you're sincere and polite, that there is no wrong way to write a letter to a public leader or to an editor. "Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them” Ephesians 5:11 "Stand firm... contending for the Faith of the Gospel without being frightened in any way by those who oppose you.” Philippians 1:27, 28 Dr. Peter Hammond Africa Christian Action PO Box 23632 Claremont 7735 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689 4480 [email protected] www.christianaction.org.za
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