By God's grace, our Reclaiming Africa for Christ Biblical Worldview Summit (BWS) was greatly blessed. Over 100 delegates participated from as far afield as America and Australia, Ghana and Nigeria, Romania and England, Zambia and Zimbabwe and from all over South Africa. There were also many day visitors who joined in on different aspects of the programme. The weeklong Biblical Worldview Summit (29 June - 6 July) included 14 lecturers, 8 films, outreaches in the nearby town and townships, visits to the Huguenot Monument and Museum, a parallel children's programme, Evangelism Workshops, a Science and Scripture Workshop, Public Speaking and Debating Workshop and a Christian Action Workshop. Some of the topics dealt with included: The Battle for Your Mind, A World War of Worldviews, Reclaiming the Nations for Christ, Rediscovering Our Christian Heritage, Reviving Our Churches, Restoring God's Creation, Reforming Our Society, Mind Poison - The Hollywood Assault on the Christian Worldview, The Worst Disaster, The First Battlefield, Education - Laying Foundations for the Future, The Crisis in Zimbabwe, Combating Crime, Reclaiming Young People for Christ, Idols for Destruction, Revitalising our Families, Returning to God in Repentance and Restitution and much, much more.
The lecture notes, Biblical Worldview Manual and audio CD's of all of these presentations are available from P O Box 358 Howard Place 7450 Pinelands, South Africa; Tel/Fax: 021-689-7478; Email: [email protected] Tuesday, 3 July, included a conference within a conference, with the Christian Action Network(CAN) Conference overlapping as part of the BWS. With numerous ministry leaders, missionaries and pastors affiliated with the Christian Action Network participating in the BWS, the CAN Conference was integrated into the programme. The Christian Action Network now has over 40 ministries, mission organisations and church denominations affiliated. Member organisations of CAN stretch as far afield as Nigeria and Malawi, Kenya and Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe, Burundi and South Africa - all committed to working for Biblical Reformation and praying for Revival. Under the conference theme of "For Reformation and Revival" the CAN delegates prayerfully considered The Franschhoek Declaration which was discussed and, with adaptations and additions, was unanimously adopted. The Franschhoek Declaration includes statements on the authority of Scripture, the sanctity of life, marriage, education, homosexuality, economics and ethics. The Declaration addresses, in a Biblical manner, the attacks on the family by those who are seeking to legitimise homosexual perversion as "marriage", ordain for the ministry those who are involved in unrepentant immoral lifestyles, and the state's interference in the parental responsibility of disciplining their children. The farm confiscations and land invasions of Zimbabwe, and threats to the farming community in South Africa were also addressed. Christian education and other critical issues confronting the church today were also dealt with. The Franschhoek Declaration can be viewed on the website. Some of the written responses received from participants of the Biblical Worldview Summit include: "Insightful, well thought out presentations that didn't shy away from rattling personal cages. I leave more confident about the infallibility of the Word of God and on speaking to people about the topics."; "Well organised - disciplined and focused."; "Eye opening! My faith in God has been strengthened. My faith in the Christian worldview has been restored"; "I loved the broad spectrum of issues dealt with"; "Excellent - by far the best Christian worldview training camp"; "Almost every aspect of the Summit was just beautiful!"; "I have been Revived!"; "The BWS gave me a clear and wider view on Church history, science and politics"; "Well organised with diverse subjects discussed in depth"; "The BWS has led me to be vigilant in my personal life, to hate evil more, to love people more, to love God as I should"; "The BWS has been an amazing experience - the best camp I've ever been to. It was definitely worth the plane trip. All the staff and families here have been very friendly. I'm so motivated and inspired to get out and serve and make a difference in my community! The Summit changes lives, it has changed mine!"; "I have been challenged to return to the Word of God"; "Superb information based on God's Word with Scriptures to support every point made. I value the BWS as very precious. I'm going home with a greater hunger to study God's Word. Thank you very much to your whole team for teaching us to take such a strong stand. The BWS is very effective and it was a great privilege to participate"; "I've been pushed out of my comfort zone (or couch). I now have more confidence to evangelise. The outreach was my first time and I doubt that I would have ever done it otherwise"; "A great course"; "Very relevant"; "The BWS moved me, motivated me, and inspired me very much"; "Very well organised, relevant and to the point"; "An amazing blessing!"; "Great motivational teachings, backed up with plans of action"; "The lectures were very interesting. The best I've ever heard"; "I've benefited immensely"; "I'm going to start a Bible study"; "I'm going back to change my community!" Thank you so very much for praying for the Biblical Worldview Summit. Please do continue to keep all involved in the Great Commission Course in your prayers. The three-week Great Commission Course includes mission candidates from as far afield as Australia, Romania, England, America, Zambia and Ghana. This involves an intense programme of daily lectures, practicals, assignments and outreaches. By God's grace several participants of the BWS and GCC have had the privilege of leading people to Christ in the streets. Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Fax: 021-685-5884
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