![]() On Tuesday,26 September, I arrived at KwaZulu-Natal just as the news broke, that Uncle Erlo, The Founder and Director of KwaSizabantu Mission had passed into eternity at age 88. As I arrived at the Stegen home, I was asked to speak to the family and co-workers gathered on the lawn. I reminded our good friends that Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted. That he took our griefs upon the Cross. Our Lord Jesus Christ wept at the tomb of his friend Lazarus. He reminded Martha that her brother would rise from the dead. Martha acknowledged that he would rise on the last day. Jesus declared: I am the Resurrection and the Life. He who believes in Me shall live, even though he dies. Rev Erlo Stegen has run the race and kept the Faith .There is a crown laid up for him in glory. We must praise God for a life well lived and for the life and legacy of this extraordinary Bondservant of Christ. ![]() We have lost a great leader, friend and example of excellence, but he has gained everlasting Life and a "Well done good and faithful servant!" from the Lord he so faithfully and energetically served for over 7 decades. While we remain in the land of the dying. Uncle Erlo is now in the land of the living. Where there is no need for oxygen machines, wheelchairs or crutches! His 6 daughters, Hulda, Ruth, Naomi, Elisabeth, Dorothy and Esther, assisted by their husbands and children, have diligently cared for Uncle Erlo in their home, for the last 2 years of ill-health. He died of multiple organ failure, particularly renal failure and respiratory failure, It has been an extraordinary labour of love. ![]() Uncle Erlo could not have asked for more loyal and loving daughters, or grandchildren, or sons-in-law. They have been magnificent in Protecting and ministering to their father’s medical needs during these difficult months. Knowing from personal experience what is involved in caring for a loved one at home, the Stegen daughters, their husbands and children need our earnest prayers at this most difficult time. There is, of course, Grief, shock and a deep sense of loss, here at KwaSizabantu mission, but also much appreciation, gratitude and rejoicing over the incredible life and phenomenal legacy of this great Christian leader and missionary pioneer. Everyone has stories of his generosity, counsel, ministry and inspiring example. ![]() His children and grandchildren are absolutely amazing. Pouring their hearts and souls into hospitality to the many guests. On Tuesday night there were over 100 guests in the Stegen home! The place is a hive of activity and generous hospitality. At this stage it is Uncle Erlo's daughters who are seeking to comfort those of us who are meant to be coming to support them! They have been caring for their father from home for two years! It has been an incredible marathon relay race of love in action. A magnificent team effort of each of the daughters, their husbands and the grandchildren, all of whom took turns caring for Uncle Erlo around-the-clock ![]() God's Apostle to the Zulu Yesterday, Wednesday, 27 September, the Premier of KwaZulu-Natal came and spoke at the Stegen home: "Reverend Erlo Stegen's contributions to the spiritual, economic and social fabric of KwaZulu-Natal were immense, and his loss will be felt deeply by all those whose lives he touched. His dedication to his faith and his tireless efforts in promoting peace, unity, and compassion have left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of many. "Reverend Stegen played a huge role in stimulating the economy of the province for many years. Through his farm and factory - based in KwaMaphumulo, he employed many local people who provided for their families and next of kin," said Premier Dube-Ncube "As we grieve this profound loss, let us also take comfort in the legacy that Reverend Erlo Stegen leaves behind - a legacy of faith, love, and service to the community. His teachings and his work have undoubtedly left a lasting impact on KwaZulu-Natal.” King Goodwill Zwelithini described Erlo Stegen as: “God's Apostle to the Zulu.” ![]() There is a steady stream of dignitaries, chiefs, pastors and leaders from throughout KwaZulu and Swaziland coming through to the Stegen home and every evening tributes are being given by friends from far and wide. There are fulfilling the traditional Zulu customs of welcoming all who come to pay their respects and giving everyone an opportunity to speak about their remembrances. I have heard some of the Zulu saying: our father has left us and we are orphans! One person spoke of a Great Tree has fallen and now we can measure its length. And the many saplings that have sprouted under its shade must now grow and flourish. Last night we even heard from guests from Romania and Germany. ![]() The teamwork and generous catering and complex logistics involved in all the hospitality and catering for the many guests is impressive. The Stegens and their co-workers have the gift of hospitality. I am concerned that after the daughters have devoted over 2 years to caring for their ailing father at home, they must be physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted, but now they are determined to run another marathon of hospitality for the many well-wishers and members of the wider community who naturally want to see Erlo Stegen's children at this time. My family knows how exhausting caring for a dying loved one is. The resilience, Love, loyalty and dedication of Hulda, Ruth, Naomi, Elisabeth, Dorothy and Esther are a tribute to their father. ” looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our Faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the Cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the Throne of God.” Hebrews 12:2 ![]() Required Reading for all Missionaries and Theological students One of the best ways of learning from the life and legacy of Erlo Stegen is to study his life. The best book produced on his testimony and ministry, so far, is Bondservant of Christ. Having read every word of this inspiring book, Bondservant of Christ by Elfrieda Fleischmann, I cannot recommend it highly enough.As someone who has regularly visited KwaSizabantu Mission since 1987,I can testify to the truth of this remarkable book. Having also read Kurt Koch’s landmark God among the Zulus and other books on the Revival, attended almost every Ministers Conference, I thought I knew a lot about the Mission, but Bondservant of Christ revealed so much more. In fact no one can comprehend just how much God has accomplished, by his grace, through Rev Erlo Stegen and through his family and faithful co-workers. KwaSizabantu Mission is the most extraordinary, exemplary and effective Mission in all of Africa, possibly in the world. When I asked Rev. Bill Bathman, if I was overstating the case to declare that KwaSizabantu Mission is “the most blessed and effective mission in Africa”, he replied: "Peter, you can upgrade that to the world. I have ministered in 114 countries and there is no ministry on earth to compare with KwaSizabantu Mission in terms of missionary effectiveness and spiritual impact." I cannot think of any ministry, or government department for that matter, which has accomplished more to practically help people than Uncle Erlo and the Mission of KwaSizabantu. ![]() Bondservant of Christ should be Required Reading for all missionaries and Theological students. It is an inspiring case study of an Example of Excellence in Missions, ministry and Revival. This inspiring and challenging book consists of over 300 pages, with over 209 photographs, many of them in colour, including the historic context, conversion and calling behind the Revival. It reveals the historic roots of the unique work of God at KwaSizabantu mission, beginning with the Revival in Germany in the 19th-century and the launch of the North German Mission Society in Hamburg and the Ministry of Louis Harms and the ship they built, the Kandaze to transport Christian missionaries and farming families to reach Africa for Christ. Bondservant of Christ is an extraordinary record of the family background and early life of Erlo Stegen, who from his teenage years has been dedicated to reaching Zulu people for Christ. Bondservant of Christ Should Be Required Reading for all Missionaries and Theological students To obtain your copy of the inspiring Bondservant of Christ book: https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/item/KSBBONDSERVANT To view the LovingLifeTV (based in Australia) programme where I was invited to tackle the attacks on KwaSizabantu Mission: Kwasizabantu Mission - Revival Under Fire in Zululand: click here: https://vimeo.com/846320535 You can learn more about KwaSizabantu Mission visit the official website: https://www.ksb.org.za/ ![]() Protesting the Unethical Journalism of FakeNews24/7 On Wednesday 16 August, a group of Christians in Cape Town made a public stand against the unethical journalism of FakeNews24/7 who produced a stream of outrageous attacks on Christian missions. Investigative journalist and Author Gerda Potgieter was part of this protest outside the headquarters of News24. Gerda completed a masterpiece of investigative journalism: a Journey to the Truth: the case of KwaSizabantu Mission.Facts can really Ruin in a good story Responding to the sensational scandal mongering and irresponsible failure of News 24 to do basic background research on the unsubstantiated allegations they gave such prominence to, Gerda has unravelled the web of deceit and intrigue behind the extraordinary malicious campaign led by Adrian Basson and his so called News24. They produced over 117 articles against the exemplary KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu Natal. A Journey to the Truth reads like a detective novel, it is a real page turner, I could not put it down. Christian Truth versus Pagan Lies The truth behind the rumours and accusations needs to be known. Ultimately this book, although beginning with the negative attacks, is positive, uplifting and inspiring. I think it needs to be Required Reading for every journalist. Exposing shoddy and superficial scandal rags and demonstrating real investigative journalism, doing the hard work necessary to get to the facts and present the truth. It is not often that one has the opportunity to unravel complex intrigues in order to get to understand the reality behind the headlines. Gerda has done us all a great service in producing this landmark book. She proves that facts can really destroy a good story. ![]() A Journey to the Truth - the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission You can see the Video/interview with Gerda Potgieter, investigated Journalist, editor of Devoted magazine and author of a Journey to the Truth here: https://vimeo.com/manage/videos/850051900 Facts can really Destroy a Good Story To watch the video of the Book Launch: a Journey to the Truth - the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission click:https://vimeo.com/847131174?share=copy To watch the Video of the presentation on a Journey to the Truth : the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission click https://vimeo.com/848334315?share=copy Required Reading for every Journalist A Journey to the Truth : the Case of KwaSizabantu Mission is available from Christian Liberty Books: https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/item/9780639797038 PROTESTING THE UNETHICAL JOURNALISM OF FAKENEWS24/7 https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/news/protesting-the-unethical-journalism-of-fakenews247 ![]() Bondservant of Christ Should Be Required Reading for all Missionaries and Theological students To obtain your copy of the inspiring Bondservant of Christ book: https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/item/KSBBONDSERVANT See also: https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/articles/70-years-of-revival-at-kwasizabantu The funeral of Erlo Stegen is scheduled for Sunday, 8 October at 10 AM. It will certainly be livestreamed as well. https://www.ksb.org.za/ A Memorial Service to Celebrate the Life and Legacy of Rev Erlo Stegen was held at Livingstone House on 06 October 2023 at 18:00. ![]() To view the "Order Of Service" click on the image below. ![]() To watch the Memorial service as a video click the image below: ![]() To listen to the Memorial Service audio only click the image below: ![]() To view the Memorial Service Presentation click on the image below: Writen by: Dr. Peter Hammond [email protected] PO Box 74 | Newlands | 7725 | Cape Town | South Africa Tel: +27 21 689 4480
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