To view this with pictures as designed by Daniela in PDF, Click Here Dearest Family and Friends “Therefore, having been justified by Faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by Faith into this grace in which we stand and we rejoice in hope of the Glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance and perseverance, character; and character, hope.” Romans 5:1-4 ![]() To say that 2021 was a tough year for the Hammond family would be an understatement. Just over a year ago Lenora was going on hikes, paddling and Dragon Boat racing. To see her health deteriorate and collapse so completely in less than a year was extremely hard on everybody. ![]() Yet, Lenora did not complain. She remained steadfast in spite of extreme suffering. A strong Biblical Faith, built upon the Rock of God’s Word enables one to persevere and not only to endure hard times but to triumph in spite of tribulation. In May we welcomed Oliver David Combs, Andrea and Hunter’s third son, and our third grandson. Just as Jeremy was born just before we lost Lenora’s father, Bill Bathman and Joshua was born shortly before Lenora’s mother, Harriett Bathman passed away, so we have also experienced new life and growth along with death and human loss. ![]() For over 11 years, Lenora not only survived the curse of cancer and chemo but she was steadfast in the storm and thrived. Lenora was an enthusiastic, elegant and eloquent encourager of friends and family. She was not a fair-weather paddler. Even in cold, rainy and stormy weather, she was ready for paddling, running, or hiking. If anything, her battle with cancer made Lenora have an even greater zest for life. She did not take life for granted and sought to make most of opportunities, seizing the day: Carpe Diem! ![]() Even when physically weak, Lenora remained spiritually and emotionally strong. The secret of her steadfastness, despite suffering, is that she had a real, vibrant relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ. In the Sermon on the Mount, our Lord spoke of the wise man who built his house upon the rock and the foolish man who built on the sand. When the rain fell, when the wind blew, when the floods rose and the storm raged, the house built on the sand collapsed, but the house built on the rock stood firm. That has been our experience as a family this year. In the valley of the shadow of death, amidst floods of sorrows and storms of grief, our tears have flowed, but our Faith and our family has stood firm. ![]() Bad times are good for spiritual work. The Upper Room Bathman Memorial Hall, which Lenora poured her inheritance into, was packed to overflowing for the Memorial Service on 18 November. Her elder sister, Deborah, flew in from Austria and gave a moving tribute to her sister. Dragon-boating friends and colleagues and fellow counsellors from Reach for Recovery also stood up and related stories, anecdotes and joyful remembrances of how Lenora had encouraged, challenged and enriched all around her. ![]() On Saturday 20 November the whole Dragon Boating Fraternity in Cape Town turned out in Table Bay Harbour and all in our family, including my sister Vanessa who flew down from Johannesburg, took part in the Flower Ceremony and Dragon Boating Salute to a Dragon Boat Paddler and Helm extraordinary. At Livingstone House the Austrian flag flew at half-mast. ![]() On 22 November we held a God-honouring evangelistic Funeral service in the beautiful Dutch Reformed Church in Franschhoek. Dragon Boaters formed a Paddle Guard of Honour. We also brought some of the beautiful quilts that Lenora had made and laid them over the balconies and pews to demonstrate Lenora’s creativity and industry. Two of Lenora’s paddles, which she had used in representing South Africa in Dragon Boat events and races in Sarasota, Florida, in America, Florence, Italy, Vienna, Austria, Venice, Italy and in Malaysia and Spain were on display, along with the Austrian flag. ![]() Knowing Lenora’s love for music, we had Handel’s Messiah playing as guests arrived. Musical items were presented and over an hour of testimonies from family and friends celebrated the extraordinary life and legacy of Lenora Hammond. This included from two of Rev. Erlo Stegen’s daughter’s, Naomi and Ruth, who flew down from KwaZulu to participate in the service. ![]() It was Lenora’s express wish that I conduct her Funeral and Memorial service. Those were some of the hardest duties in my life. You can view my presentation on the Life and Legacy of Lenora Hammond at the Memorial Service as a screen capture video here. And the presentation as a whole as a video, click here. To view the testimonies and tributes, click here. ![]() To view the two-hour Funeral service, click here. A video of the sermon, Steadfast in Suffering can be viewed here. The Order of Service with photo collage can be viewed on our In Memorium Page,, along with written tributes and eulogies which we have received from family and friends worldwide. ![]() Our family was very grateful to have my sister, Vanessa, and Lenora’s sister, Deborah, helping in so many practical ways and strengthening our family during this most difficult time. Thank you very much for standing with us. We are most grateful for your prayers, encouragement and support. May God continue to be your joy and strength. ![]() Peter’s Page Reaching Remote Regions Despite bureaucratic obstructionism, we still managed to send our Africa Overland Mission team on a four-month mission across remote regions of Zambia, Malawi and Mozambique, distributing tonnes of Bibles and books and conducting seminars, services, conferences and outreaches, even in regions where over 95% were Muslim and in some areas where not even the pastor had a Bible, or a New Testament! ![]() Missions to the Transvaal, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu Despite being very ill at the time I started our year off with the Biblical Worldview Summit and conducted missions to the Transvaal, Mpumalanga and KwaZulu. To celebrate 30 years of Back to the Bible mission I helped organise their 14,000-book Emmanuel Library in a new facility and presented a week of lecturers on the Reformation History. I was a guest speaker at KragDag in the Transvaal where over 6,000 farmers gathered. I was also invited to be a speaker at the Youth Conference at KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu. In this last year I have conducted over 440 meetings, including more than 200 radio and TV programmes. ![]() Conscience Captive to the Word of God With 2021 marking the 500th anniversary of Professor Martin Luther’s courageous stand before the emperor, 18 April 1521, we organised and hosted the Reformation 500 Conscience Captive to the Word of God Conference. Conscience Captive to the Word of God was a recurring theme for many of our services, seminars, radio and TV programmes. Ministry Milestones This year also marked 30 years of Africa Christian Action and to mark this we hosted the Faith, Family and the Future Conference on Ascension Day. 2021 also marked 30 years of conducting Biblical Worldview Summits. This year also marked a major milestone with South Sudan celebrating their 10th anniversary of Independence after a successful struggle for self-determination and secession. ![]() 2022 will mark 40 years since my first cross-border mission into Mozambique, April 1982. For this I am planning to have my book: Frontline – Behind Enemy Lines for Christ completed, published and available in time to mark this four-decade milestone of ministry in Restricted Access Areas, serving persecuted churches. Witnessing Through the World Wide Web This year I have launched new websites: www.CapeofGoodHope.Africa and Frontline Fellowship maintains 16 active websites which have over 300,000 articles and links. In this last year these websites received 269,447 page views from 122,617 new users. Our IT people uploaded 113 new videos onto our Vimeo channel, which now has 642 videos with a total of 26,053 views this year from 15,354 visitors. We also have 185 videos on our You Tube channel which had 39,572 views this last year. This year we uploaded 104 new sermons, presentations and lecturers onto our sermonaudio page which now has over 1,000 messages of mine available online with over 202,000 listeners. Another 32 new Power Point presentations were uploaded onto slide share, making a total of 353 of my Power Point presentations now available online. Downloads this year: 109,235. Our From the Frontline radio podcasts now have a total 200 programmes available online. ![]() Moving Mountains of Materials Literature for Africa will mark 20 years of supplying hundreds of tonnes of Bibles, New Testaments, Gospel booklets, Christian textbooks and Sunday school materials throughout Southern and Central Africa. This year we distributed 2,496,603 Scriptural, evangelistic and discipleship resources, completely free. That is over 71 metric tonnes of Bibles, books, Sunday school materials and Gospel booklets. Digital Libraries for Restricted Access Areas We now have the technology to mass produce Digital Libraries on SD and micro SD cards which can even be used in cell phones. This is particularly strategic for our ministry in North Africa where William Carey Bible Institute marked an important milestone as one of our satellite schools in North Africa held its first graduation service for WCBI students in this Arabic speaking, Muslim country. For Reformation and Revival This year marked 20 years since we moved into Livingstone House and one year since we began meeting in the Upper Room. The Reformation Society, which has been meeting every Thursday night for the last 16 years, has doubled in attendance since the Upper Room was built. This year we also held a Classical Music Concert on Heritage Day and a number of Variety Concerts, including for the Great Commission Course and for the Home Education Fair. We have also hosted Biblical Preaching Workshops and a Creation Science seminar in the Upper Room. Writing Ministry In addition to editing Frontline Fellowship News and the Christian Action Magazine, I also produce the Gospel Defence League and edit the Fish Eagle and Rhosarian magazines. Numerous magazines worldwide carry my articles and I have on-going commitments to a variety of magazines, radio programmes and TV stations worldwide. I researched and wrote 74 articles and generated more than 1,000 memos and 3,200 letters this last year. Open Air Street Preaching Throughout the year I have had numerous opportunities to be an open air preacher to protesters marching and rallying against the lockdown lunacy, masquerade madness, salvation by vaccination Covid Cult and the increasingly irrational and intrusive state-regulations that have silenced, sidelined and shut down thousands of churches country wide. Numerous ministry opportunities have developed out of these, including to Muslim communities. The municipal elections this year caused us to update our Biblical Issues Voters Guide, which we have been putting out since 1992. We also produced other Voters Guide on where the parties stand on decentralisation, self-determination and secession and where political parties stand with regard to masks, lockdowns, mandatory vaccinations and vaccine passports. All this led to many radio and TV interviews and many counselling opportunities. Cape Independence Forum As Chairman of the Cape Independence Forum, I regularly host meetings and am invited to speak and pray at a variety of events. We have regularly updated the Cape Independence Handbook which is available freely online on our www.CapeofGoodHope.Africa website. You can also visit our new: TheCapeofGoodHope Facebook page. Interest and growth in the Cape Independence Movement is growing exponentially. Rhodesia Ministry As Chaplain to the local Flame Lily Foundation-Cape Peninsula for the last 6 years I conduct their Remembrance services each November and give regular presentations to members, in either the MOTH Hall, or the local Methodist church hall in Fish Hoek. We are caring for 14 destitute Rhodesian pensioners and supplying food parcels to pensioners in Zimbabwe, along with our Boxes with Love programme. ![]() Multi-Generational Ministries of Multiplication Our mission is always a beehive of activity with missionaries, chaplains and teachers coming to resupply from our store which acts as a spiritual armoury and quartermaster for many ministries. We are involved in a ministry of multiplication with a multi-generational vision. It is a tremendous joy to see each of our children involved in our camps, courses, outreaches and increasingly publications and radio programmes too. Daniela had the joy of typesetting and doing the cover design for her Aunt Debbie’s book: “She Who is Called to Teach” which we had the privilege of printing this year. With Deborah’s extensive and innovative teaching experience in four countries, on three continents and two hemispheres, there is much to encourage, edify and empower educators in her insightful book. ![]() I continue to be involved in sword-fighting, archery, target shooting and hiking and enjoy taking my grandsons on adventurous expeditions in the forest, up the mountain and through the rivers. We look forward to all the new possibilities and projects of the new year. We are about to start a new Biblical Worldview Summit and shortly after that are expecting another container shipment of 18 tonnes of Bibles and books to sort through, categorise and designate. Thank you very much for all your love, prayers, encouragement and support. May God continue to be your joy and strength. Africa for Christ! Peter Hammond [email protected] ![]() Designing with DANIELA Greetings to you all and a wishing you a wonderful New Year! What a great hope the new year brings. This has not been an easy year, but it has been a meaningful one. Amongst the heartache, there was a lot of good in this year as well. Only by God’s grace. ![]() In January 2021, it was a joy to participate and assist with leadership at the Biblical Worldview Summit in Hermanus by the beach-side. It felt like a bubble away from the ‘corona world’. Our Mission community has grown more this year, with the extended lockdown and the opening of our Bathman Memorial Hall at the Mission House. This year has been filled with many wonderful events, music concerts, conferences, talks and birthday parties in our new blessed space, The Upper Room. We are so blessed to have more space to host these occasions, which was possibly by the generosity of our Mother with her inheritance and investment. ![]() In June we had a winter Great Commission Course which was a wonderful time of more learning, outreaches and hiking. I am grateful that I can work remotely from home, which gives me the freedom to be involved at the Mission and could spend more time with my Mom this year. God’s timing is always perfect. I also illustrated and was published in a children’s Afrikaans book titled ‘Die Groot Kompetisie’ by Marieta McGrath. ![]() We said one of the hardest goodbyes that could have been said this year. We miss our Mother everyday and wish that she was still here. We are comforted to know that she is out of pain and rejoicing with our Lord. We didn’t want to believe the doctors when they said that time was running out. My Mom had outlived so much of what the doctors predicted. She fought to the last day with grace. God prepared our hearts for what was to come. We are so grateful for all our friends and family who have so generously supported us during this very difficult time. I have been deeply touched by the abundance of love and support. May God bless you all richly. Thank you so much for your prayers and continued support to our family and mission! With much love, — daniela ![]() FILM MAKING with CHRISTOPHER -- Hello friends and supporters from far and all over. Greetings! Twenty twenty-one. This year has been a bittersweet one. A year full of surprises and of colossal heartbreak. Yet through it all, I take hope knowing that nothing takes God by surprise. He is good and faithful and his grace is sufficient to carry us through the darkest of times. I started off the year tackling my final year of studies. My 4th year of my BA in motion picture medium. I majored in Editing and took a second subject in Data Management. I was surprised at how fast this year went. My studies flew by and I was able to take the most of my academics and completed assigned practicals and apply them to projects that came my way. ![]() As of November, I completed my degree and am no longer a student. “Officially unemployed” as they say. As it stands, I am currently searching and applying for work where I can be a full-time film editor. Please pray that the Lord will lead and guide me to a full-time job where I can hone and use my skills that will bring glory to His Name. ![]() As many of you are aware, we lost our dear Mom two months ago. Her 11-year battle with cancer has finally come to an end. Although we knew her time was running out, and her body deteriorated rapidly in the space of a few weeks, nothing can prepare you for the trauma and loss we all feel. Watching my mother suffer the way she did for her last 3 weeks on this earth broke my heart every single day, yet it showed me how strong of a character she truly was. ![]() To be perfectly honest, Christmas felt empty this year. Life without our dear Mom has been the biggest adjustment I have had to make yet. Life doesn’t slow down for anyone and it’s my prayer that the Lord will carry me through this incredibly dark time. As my mom has often said to me, “life goes on!” And go on it will, as we prepare for our Biblical Worldview Summit in this first week of 2022. It is also my prayer that this year will be a year full of productivity, consistency and opportunities that will shape, develop and sharpen my character to one that brings glory to Jesus. Happy New Year! “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever.” Hebrews 13:8 — Christopher ![]() COACH CALVIN -- This past year has proved to be a year filled with learning curves, perspective and countless things to be grateful for. While it was hard to go through the loss of my Mother, her lessons and values that she instilled in me are what have kept me upright and grateful. ![]() Ingratitude is theft. And while we can all list many things that we are not happy about, it can and always should be trumped by an even bigger list of what we are grateful for. 2021 saw completing my 2nd year of studies towards my Sports Science diploma, many many hours of coaching and personal training at schools, or with private clients and my biggest log of training ever. ![]() I clocked just over 4300 kilometres (2672 miles) of running and made two small improvements to my 3km (8:58 down to 8:46) and my 5km (15:38 down to 15:21). My 10km time still remains at 32:50, and I trust it will fall very soon this coming year. God has been more than patient and gracious with me this year, having blessed me with very busy months that consisted of studies, training, coaching, working, uncle duties, ministry opportunities and many more. ![]() My Mom always said to me that I thrive on being busy. She also wisely stated that it is a privilege to be busy. And that as long as you are grateful for the long hours and do not use it as a distraction from other areas of your life, you will be filled with joy and peace, by God’s Grace. I will be continuing my 3rd and final year of studies in Sports Science, while keeping at it with my training, coaching, private clients, involvement with Frontline Fellowship and many more things throughout this new year that we all have been blessed with. I challenged myself to be more grateful, more open minded, and to remain content in all situations for this next year. And I trust God to be the firm foundation for my life and to keep me on my toes with what He has planned for me. — CALVIN ![]() The COMBS CORNER -- Twenty-twenty-one didn’t turn out to be anything we expected it to be. While the year was one of significant spiritual growth as a family and a beautiful reminder of God’s faithfulness, it was also a year beset with heartache and tears. JANUARY: Shaping Worldviews It began, as always, with a tremendous week in Hermanus for our annual Biblical Worldview Summit. Despite the national announcement (less than a week prior to our long-awaited camp) that we’d be re-entering Level 3 of the National Lockdown, the education and conference exemption allowed our ministry to move forward as planned after negotiating permission from the relevant authorities. Keeping attendance under the 50% capacity, adhering to sanitation standards, the eight day seminar was invigorating and enriching! We established new friendships, strengthened existing relationships, and left the conference inspired and motivated to continue the work God has called us to! ![]() FEBRUARY: Refining Reformers Hunter and our missionary co-worker, Daniel, make a like-minded, dynamic duo, creating their own, unique program for Biblical Preaching Workshops to teach local pastors and Christian leaders how to interpret and preach Scripture in a Biblically sound manner. This is a foundation we, as graduates from a Christian University and Seminary, frequently take for granted… making this workshop an essential resource for people who have not had access to a Bible-based education. ![]() Focusing their teaching on the prophetic book of Habakkuk, they taught the participants the essentials in preparation, interpretation, preaching, and applying the Word of God. The four-part workshop ended with the students preaching sermons they prepared from Habakkuk. It’s a true privilege to be able to invest in and disciple Christians who are eager to gain a deeper knowledge of Scripture. Hunter celebrated his 32nd birthday on February 8th, and on the 21st, I celebrated my 30th birthday! It was one of those momentous milestones that reminded us how much we have to be grateful for! This was also the 10th birthday we celebrated together as a couple! I’m so blessed to say I spent my entire 20s with Hunter by my side, and now we get to experience our 30s together. We may be in an entirely different season of life now than we were when we first met, but God has been faithful to grow us and mature us over the years. We are excited to see what this next chapter holds. ![]() MAY: The Combs Crew Grew Our family grew with the addition of Oliver David on May 11th. Born safely via caesarean, he weighed in at a healthy 3.65kg (8.05lbs) and measured 50cm (19.7inches) long! (Our smallest baby yet!) While I was pregnant with Ollie, I had two big requests of Him. First, I prayed that God would give us a happy, “easy” baby. Second, I prayed fervently that our transition from two to three boys would be easier than it was going from one to two. God answered our prayers in a BIG way by making our transition from two to three far more “seamless” than our adjustment from one to two. Make no mistake, we still lovingly refer to our crew as a circus, but we are far more at ease this time around than ever before. Jeremy and Joshua welcomed their baby brother with open hearts and open arms. Their love and acceptance of the new, noisy addition of Oliver has been unbelievably beautiful and gratifying as parents to observe. Ollie, likewise, is fascinated by his big brothers and absolutely thrives on the endless adoration he receives from them. Our home may be slightly more chaotic these days, but our hearts are full! God is so gracious to have blessed us with this unexpected gift of Oliver. As far as our family is concerned, Ollie was, hands down, the greatest highlight of 2021! ![]() JUNE & JULY: The Great Commission Ambition For the first time in 10 years (when Hunter first travelled to Cape Town to meet my family in 2011), Frontline hosted a winter Great Commission Course (GCC). Another big difference was the entire three-week course was hosted on our Mission property! In the past, we always spent the first week at a campsite and relocated to the Mission House for the remaining two weeks. Alongside my Dad and fellow missionary, Daniel, Hunter was one of the key leaders for this course. Hunter, my Dad, Daniel, and Alieske (another one of our missionaries), revamped the structure of the GCC. The focus of the course was on evangelism to Muslims and cross-cultural missions. This year’s format allowed for more quiet time and discussion groups, which promoted more introspection and conversation to digest the important topics taught throughout the course. We had an eager group of participants who helped make the experience fun, educational, and memorable! ![]() JULY & AUGUST: Fellowship with Our Austrian Auntie After far too many flight cancellations from British Air, my Mom’s sister, Auntie Debbie, finally landed on South African soil! It was a full month, spent enjoying coffee and countless hours of conversation. It was a joy to introduce my Aunt (who also has a son named Oliver) to our Oliver. Her three great-nephews absolutely adore her! Every morning, our two older boys would take turns reading with Auntie Debbie. Josh would go first, and then Jeremy’s turn would follow. Jeremy, however, had a more school-like structure where he practiced reading, writing, counting, and more! As an expert educator, Auntie Debbie thoroughly assessed Jeremy and his readiness for First Grade. In fact, during her stay, we took a tour of a small, local, Christian primary school to see if it would be a good fit for Jeremy. It was a joy to have her a part of this exciting process! Soon after, Jeremy went to the school to be assessed and was accepted to be a part of the class for the 2022 school year (our schools follow the calendar year and begin in January)! He will begin school on the 17th of January, and what an exciting change that will be for our family! Another highlight included my Aunt and my Mom editing Auntie Debbie’s entire book, She Who is Called to Teach. Having been inspired by my Mom to write about her 40+ years as a teacher and professor, my Aunt had done the tireless work of writing in the lead up to her visit. Together, she and my Mom (with help from my Dad) made the necessary tweaks before submitting the book for publishing! It was a proud moment for us all to receive the finished copies just hours before my Aunt boarded her flight home to Austria! ![]() SEPTEMBER & OCTOBER: When Peace Like A River… My Mom’s health took a downward turn in the last half of 2021. As her pain increased, so did her hope of what she had to look forward to! By this point, she had ceased all traditional medical care and had shifted gears to alternative, naturopathic care. Amongst other things, these treatments included vitamin infusions, ozone/oxygenation therapy, Rife (essentially an electromagnetic antibiotic), and physical therapy. My Mom’s oncologist also introduced her to a palliative care doctor and nurse. After much discussion with her new doctor, my Mom determined she wanted to spend her final days in the comfort of her own home, with her family around her. We didn’t realize at the time how close we were to the end… Dr. Brown and sister Cynthia were truly instrumental in my Mom’s care during her last months of life. Our family, however, were my Mom’s primary caretakers, managing her medication, seeing to her needs, loving her and serving her in any way we could. It took a physical and emotional toll on us all, but we wouldn’t have had it any other way. We are so grateful we were all able to love her up close and give her the best possible care 24 hours a day up until the end. ![]() NOVEMBER: When Sorrows Like Sea Billows Roll After 11 years fighting a courageous battle against cancer, my Mom was finally “promoted” to Heaven on November 9th. While it wouldn’t be accurate to say her passing took us by surprise, the speed by which the cancer progressed in her final months of life were a shock to us, nonetheless. My Mom was the strongest person I’ve ever known! No matter how much her health declined over the years, she always came back stronger. So, naturally, we assumed that would be the case this time. Only, it wasn’t. After her complex hip replacement in December, 2020, removing a significant amount of cancer on her right hip, she entered the New Year of 2021 in a season of recovery. Week by week, she regained her strength. We were hopeful this surgery would offer her a new lease on life, with the worst behind her. To our surprise, the surgery (while urgently necessary) seemed to have awoken cancer cells throughout her skull, spine, and left hip. She spent much of 2021 going in and out of hospital, with admittance being over a week-long at times. Despite the exhausting shuttling between home and hospital, my Mom continued to uphold her steadfast faith in God’s perfect plan and timing for her life here on earth. It ultimately boiled down to whether we trust in Him or not. She constantly encouraged us to surrender our fears to Him and to make the most of whatever time we had left with her. This is a perspective we chose to wholeheartedly embrace! Although life will NEVER be the same again, we rejoice knowing my Mom is now fully healed, complete, and at joyful peace in Heaven with Christ! What hope we have in Jesus, and what a beautiful reunion we have to look forward to one day in Heaven! ![]() DECEMBER: It is Well With my Soul On December 17th, Hunter and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary! We took the opportunity to celebrate by spending the weekend in Noordhoek, just 40 minutes away from our home. Oliver was our sweet little stowaway, while Jeremy and Joshua spent the weekend with dear family friends who live on a gorgeous farm (this is the same family whose oldest daughter, Talita, took care of our older boys when Ollie was born)! Our boys had the time of their lives while we thoroughly enjoyed the retreat from daily life, reflecting on the past decade together. Christmas was a bittersweet experience for our family this year. They say the first holiday after losing a loved one is the hardest, and boy, “they” weren’t kidding. For the first time in my life, I found myself looking forward to the holidays being over. I also found myself dreading New Year’s Eve, desperately digging my heels in, emotionally speaking, because I couldn’t imagine entering a new year without my Mom. However, on January 1st, I felt as if a weight had been lifted. While our hearts are still broken, I know God will mend these shattered pieces. Some days will continue to be harder than others, but we serve a loving and faithful God! ![]() With Love and Thanks Thank you, as always, for your faithful love, prayer, and support of our family! We praise God for you and for the crucial role you play in making the ministry we do possible. May God bless you and your family abundantly as you continue to serve Him in 2022. “We cannot see what loss, sorrow, and trials are accomplishing. We need only to trust. The Father comes near to take our hand and lead us on our way today. It will be a good and blessed New Year!” (L. B. Cowman, Streams in the Desert) With much love in Christ, Hunter, Andrea, Jeremy, Joshua, and Oliver P.S. If you’d like to partner with us in ministry by giving online, here are the giving details: To view this with pictures as designed by Daniela in PDF, Click Here
ricky carlin
22/1/2022 03:32:58
Truly inspiring family.
Rita Kerr
20/2/2022 04:42:24
Prayers continue for your family and ministry.
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