![]() I am happy to record my deep appreciation to the unchangeable God of Heaven for the gifted ministry of Dr. Hammond. My first recollection of Dr. Hammond was sitting around a table in a local hotel in Belfast Northern Ireland, witnessing a conversation between him and the late, Dr Ian R.K. Paisley. I was totally absorbed with respect for both men as they shared their analysis of the spiritual state of the world in general and Europe and Africa in particular. The Biblical insights that God had clearly bestowed upon His servants was challenging, inspirational and influential. Each had a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ which was reflected in their love for the precious Word of God, and in their love for the eternal souls of the people. I felt that I was in the company of two spiritually giants. It was an honour to prayerfully listen to them discuss matters relating to the Kingdom of our God.
During Dr Hammond’s visit to Northern Ireland he ministered to the congregation of which I was the Pastor. His unique style of ministry linked to his ability to adapt to some of the most threatening of situations left a deep imprint upon the hearts of the people as he sought to bring the message of the Gospel to the region’s beyond. To us he stood out as a man amongst men. We could not and would not forget his visit to Northern Ireland. Some years ago my wife and I along with two other friends had the opportunity to visit Cape Town. Dr. and Mrs Hammond kindly took time out of their busy schedule to meet with us and show us around the City and many places of interest. Their fellowship enriched our hearts. Dr. Hammond; many people have been richly blessed through the ministry that you have received. You have proved that God’s Grace is sufficient for you and that no good thing does He withhold from them that walk uprightly. Hebrews 13 v 8 The location of your celebration reminds of the favoured Andrew Murray whose ministry continues to transcend the boundaries of several generations. I have every confidence that such will be the benediction of our gracious God upon a life that has preserved the history of the past, and has presented the only hope for the future in the Lord Jesus Christ. In Joshua 10 verse 14 we read, “And there was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD heartened unto the voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel”. May that be the testimony of your 60th Birthday. God bless, Dr. David Mcilveen. Belfast, Northern Ireland. Dear Dr Peter, We pray God's richest blessings over you by way of Ps 20. "May God give you the many desires of your heart!" We are so proud of you. We thank God for your energy and love for God. You inspire us to give our very best to Him! We are also praying for your family, especially your dear wife!! May God have mercy on you all! Once again thank you for the privilege of being part of the BIBLICAL WORLDVIEW SUMMIT and of Frontline Fellowship! Your friends in CHRIST, Winning Africa for Jesus! General Shai and Dr Elreza Mulder Back to the Bible Mission, Mpumulanga Dear Peter and Lenora It’s been special to be in partnership with you especially in getting Bibles into the hands and hearts of more people there in Africa. It was very Special a few years ago to visit your mission and thanks again for the interview that I know many people have heard. Be assured of our prayers and standing with you. For me 60 seems young now almost 21 years ago in my life. I am in the midst of reading your amazing book on Prayer and thank the Lord for your commitment to prayer meetings. So much more I could say. Happy Birthday Peter. In His grip George & Drena Verwer Operation Mobilisation, Special Projects England Brother, I greet you in the blessed Name of our Lord Jesus Christ and pray His greatest blessings upon you, your family and ministry. I pray for you regularly and trust that you will be used mightily in His kingdom and for His glory. Being your older brother (now 75) I wish to give you a passage that I recite morning and evening and trust it will be a blessing to you. It is a wonderful truth to acknowledge and confess daily. Lam. 3:22-23: It is of the LORD’S mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness. I recently preached a message from this text titled “Why You are Still Alive.” Truly, His mercies are great and wonderful. I look forward to your next visit to the states and trust that we can get together for fellowship, training and worship. May the Lord Jesus Christ be pleased to bless and keep each of you. In Christ, Pastor John and Alice Weaver, Georgia, USA What a warrior for Christ Peter has been for so many decades... leading, teaching, lecturing, inspiring, preaching and praying... and not the least writing… fearlessly. As a Christian in public life I always knew we could count on him... May God continue to Bless his ministry. With warm personal regards, Kent Durr (Former Ambassador and High Commissioner to the Court of St James ... member of Parliament for the ACDP in Upper house and in the Assembly... etc.) I first heard Peter on Christian radio in February 1988. I had been a Christian one month. Of course, hearing what Peter said about Africa and the inroads he was making into Angola and Mozambique, etc., pricked my heart that missionaries need support. So that radio broadcast began our 32-year relationship with Peter and his family. Our Christian friend who we introduced to Peter's ministry said, "Peter accomplishes more than any one person I know." And that is so true. We are grateful for Peter and his friendship and the educational materials he shares with his supporters. I think the second most important decision Peter has made in his life — the first being accepting Christ Jesus as his Lord and Saviour — was marrying Lenora. Together, they have such a beautiful family, one that continues to grow and bless us even here in the United States. I cherish the visit we made to Cape Town and stayed with his family, going hiking and visiting the animal preserves. I also cherish the time Peter came with his family to Florida. We love and pray for Peter and his whole family. Happy 60th Birthday, Peter! Your friends, Diane & Floyd Peede USA Happy Birthday, Peter! “I always thank my God as I remember you in my prayers, because I hear about your love for all His saints and your faith in the Lord Jesus. I pray that your partnership with us in the faith may be effective in deepening your understanding of every good thing we share for the sake of Christ. Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, dear brother, have refreshed the hearts of the saints.” Philemon 1:4 “We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labour prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” 1 Thess 1:2, 3 Peter, apart from my parents and pastors, you are the person to whom I owe the most in my walk with God. Attending those early Biblical Worldview Seminars blew my mind with info-overload! They stretched my knowledge of the application of Scripture, and challenged my walk with God. Somehow from the very beginning of our relationship, you entrusted me with teaching others: I thank you for that confidence expressed in me. It forced me to think through much of what I believe as a Christian, and helped me clarify my faith and the doctrines by which I professed to live. Thank you for the opportunity to host Salt and Light, both 20 years ago, and now recently these past two years once more. Thank you for your uncensored confidence in me; through these interviews, I met wonderful saints who stretched me spiritually and embarrassed my weak commitment to Christ. Thank you for confiding in me about your personal and family joys and woes. Thank you for listening to the advice I, on one or two occasions, could offer you. Thank you for your uncompromising stand for the right to life of the unborn child. Thank for that example of perseverance through incarceration, financial constraints, family obligations, staff struggles, worldly vitriol, fatigue, being misunderstood (and being understood!) Thank you for your love of history, and the blessing your substantial research has been to myself and so many others. Indeed, as Christians we have a rich heritage and a wonderful, all-powerful God who works His grace, despite us His church, and is bringing glory to Himself through Jesus Christ our Lord. May God continue to use you and your family, until He returns at which time “the earth will be full of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, even as the waters cover the sea.” Habakkuk 2:14 And may God be with you until we meet again, in this world, or the next. Your brother in Christ, Carl P Fourie New Zealand Dear Dr. Hammond, Happy Birthday! When I think of you and your ministry, Proverbs 20:6 comes to mind, “Most men will proclaim each his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?”Thank you for being a faithful man of God who is constantly pouring out your life for the service of your King. I know there are so many people that the Lord has allowed your life to impact. And only when you get to heaven will you be able to know just how many lives were changed because of your obedience to Christ. But please know that I am one them! The training I received from the Great Commission Course continues to be used in my life. It was also one of the best times of my life! And I was blessed to be able to watch and observe an imperfect man serve a perfect God with all his being. You truly live out what C.T. Studd said, “Only one life will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last!" May the Lord continue to bless your life above, beyond, and exceedingly beyond all you can ask or think. And to Him be glory in the Church of Jesus Christ now and forevermore! With A Very Grateful Heart, Lindsay Schultz - GCC 2016 Tennessee, USA Peter is SIXTY Serious – He is careful and considerate in his application of the Bible to all areas of life. Intense – He has strong opinions - based on God's Word. Xample – You can gladly imitate Peter's ministry exploits. Tireless – He puts great effort and energy into God's work. Youthful – Putting aside the fact that he is a grandpa - we had loads of fun ministering together. "The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26 Happy 60th birthday! Charl van Wyk Cape Town Peter — 60th Birthday God has truly blessed my brother, as he has dedicated his life to seeking Him. From a teenage boy he was touched and called to the Lord. He was obedient and through many obstacles persevered in changing lives to know Jesus. From a small boy he showed interest in history and love for animals. Although not being brought up in a very religious home, he found his own way and answered the call. We all know Peter has been a perfect role model to many and was also blessed with a supporting wife and together they have brought up four children follow their examples. Now as we are aging and celebrating a 60th birthday with him, he has not slowed down. Both here and internationally he still touches so many people, still climbs mountains and supplies Bibles to all that wants to hear the word. Now a grandfather to two little boys, his family can all be so proud of him. As a sister I cannot have asked for a better little brother to look up to. May the Lord keep you safe to do his work as you have for so many years. Love you my brother, Vanessa Dear Peter, Where to begin to celebrate your 60th birthday! For us, it began years ago when you and Lenora married and we became acquainted and very involved in your amazing, incredible and vital ministry! “Getting to Know You”, as the song goes, during the many years I was on the board was indeed a blessing and a learning experience of the depth and dedication of your ministry and faithful missionary outreaches! Then the joy of becoming a part of your family with the births of Andrea, Christopher, Daniela and Calvin, allowing them to develop and encourage their individual personalities and gifts, all the while growing strong in their faith and desire to serve our Lord. Our friendship and interaction with them over the years has been such a pleasure, as their ability to be well versed on any topic is most refreshing! What role models they have had over those years with you and Lenora, and the joy of sharing three generations of missionaries in the family, beginning with our dear Bill & Harriett Bathman! A rare legacy indeed. Your ministry continues to be a life changing and profound experience for thousands as you have steadfastly and boldly preached His word through books, sermons, research, lectures, and dangerous missions! Never once have we witnessed a compromise of your faith and witness in honouring God’s will for your life, and in every situation PRAYER has been first and foremost. Perhaps the following quote best expresses your mission as you have endlessly worked for reformation in Africa. “How then shall they call on Him in whom they have not believed? And how shall they believe in Him of whom they have not heard? And how shall they hear without a preacher? And how shall they preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!” (Romans 10:14-15) Thank you for your steadfast service, sacrifice and perseverance to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ our Lord, to a VERY LOST AND TROUBLED WORLD! We faithfully pray for your continued good health, wisdom, strength, guidance, provision and protection as you continue to trust Him in ALL things. Thank you for allowing us to be a very small part of your ministry and your precious family. We will be with you in our thoughts and prayers as you celebrate this very special occasion, giving all honor to our Lord! With much love and gratitude, Ron and Jan Gilbert Arizona, USA Dear Hammond family, I met Peter only once and that was in Geneva (Switzerland) at the (IBG) Institute Biblique Geneva. I wish Dr. Hammond all the very best for the next 60 years. May the Lord guide and use him also in the future years and thus bring blessings to all hurting African people. May our God bless you all! Hans Ackermann Geneva, Switzerland Peter, A happy 60th birthday! I trust the hike up Table Mountain was memorable. In Christ, Mark Looy Answers in Genesis USA Congratulations Dr. Hammond on your 60th birthday! My wife Willemina and I had the same reaction - Peter is only 60?! By God’s grace you’ve been able to accomplish far more than most in those 60 years! We wish you a lovely time together with family & friends remembering God’s goodness & faithfulness, prayers answered and blessings enjoyed in the years gone by. And wishing you Dr. Hammond together your wife, family and Frontline Fellowship staff God’s richest blessings for the future! Best regards and God bless Marvin & Willemina Heyboer Alberta, Canada Dear brother Peter, Mercia and I would like to congratulate you on this milestone birthday celebration. Thank you Peter for the many visits to Calvary Assembly Nelspruit and also to our home in Nelspruit. You have blessed us each time you visited us in our home. We look forward to your next visit. May our precious Lord bless you and all your loved ones abundantly. Steve & Mercia Maritz Pastor of Calvary Assembly, Nelspruit, Mpumulanga Blessings to Peter and Lenora, and the family. Many thanks for God’s faithful & all-wise protection, provision and providence; and many more years of fruitful service to the King of Kings, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Bill Evans USA We will be forever thankful for his ministry in Brisbane, Australia, two years ago. Personally, his teaching ministry has greatly equipped me as I now serve as a missionary in the UK. Yours in Christ Josh Williamson England May the Lord bless you, Peter, on this special occasion! We appreciate your dedication to Christ and service to Him! Yours, Victor Maxson I want to express my appreciation to Peter for being a guest speaker in my government classes at Marcos de Niza High School during his visits to Tempe. I am also pleased that you married Peter and together have faithfully served the Lord over these many years. Nadine and I send Peter warm wishes for a Happy Birthday and God's continued protection and blessings. Eldon Smith Arizona, USA We have the most wonderful memories of the starting activities of Frontline Fellowship when our daughter, Mariana Neethling and Laetitia Smit were the first two young girls to join Frontline! Congratulations to Peter and to you as a family. May you be blessed by our Lord Jesus Christ. Thys and Salome Neethling Dr. Peter, Thank you so much for your encouragement and guidance. Happy 60th Birthday... here's to 60 more fruitful years :) May the Lord continue to richly bless you and your family. Love in Christ, Ben, Cindy and Elijah Cohen USA Please give my greetings to Peter at reaching sixty years of age. Please remind him that Caleb took his mountain at the age of 85 so there is still much to achieve for the Lord’s return to this earth. Joshua chapter 14 10 And now, behold, the LORD hath kept me alive, as he said, these forty and five years, even since the LORD spake this word unto Moses, while the children of Israel wandered in the wilderness: and now, lo, I am this day fourscore and five years old. 11 As yet I am as strong this day as I was in the day that Moses sent me: as my strength was then, even so is my strength now, for war, both to go out, and to come in. 12 Now therefore give me this mountain, whereof the LORD spake in that day; for thou heardest in that day how the Anakims were there, and that the cities were great and fenced: if so be the LORD will be with me, then I shall be able to drive them out, as the LORD said. Happy Birthday! David Aimer United Kingdom Your Dad has long been an inspiration to me and to many. May the Lord spare him to continue being an example and an inspiration for many more years. Richest blessings, Dr. Philip Stott Bloemfontein, Orange Free State Peter, it has always been a privilege to know you, and I am so glad to have had the opportunity of introducing you to the Bathman family all those years ago. You made the best decision in marrying Lenora! But you know that without being told. Thank you for sharing your ministry with so many. Father, thank You so much for Peter – and for Lenora, too. Thank You for bringing them together, and for making them the force for You that they are. We are so grateful to You for them. Thank You for the way You have led and preserved Peter, through so many dangers, troubles and traumas, the imprisonments, the floods, the breakdowns, the sadnesses, the deaths, the many reminders of the words of the apostle Paul to the Corinthians, ‘...in all things approving ourselves as the ministers of God, in much patience, in afflictions, in necessities, in distresses, In stripes, in imprisonments, in tumults, in labours, in watchings, in fastings; By pureness, by knowledge, by longsuffering, by kindness, by the Holy Ghost, by love unfeigned, By the word of truth, by the power of God, by the armour of righteousness on the right hand and on the left, By honour and dishonour, by evil report and good report: as deceivers, and yet true; As unknown, and yet well known; as dying, and, behold, we live; as chastened, and not killed; As sorrowful, yet alway rejoicing; as poor, yet making many rich; as having nothing, and yet possessing all things.’ Please continue to keep him strong in You to his life’s end. Please continue to protect him and keep him safe, and may he always be a wonderful husband to Lenora, father to Andrea, Daniela, Christopher and Calvin, and grandfather to Jeremy and Joshua and all the rest as they come. We pray in Jesus’ precious Name. Rich blessings to you all, Elizabeth Arbuthnot England Congratulations on this Special Birthday. This is truly a day to celebrate. South Africa and beyond has been very blessed by you and your gifting. You have shared Christ with so many and helped to influence and change many lives. You have built a wonderful legacy and may you enjoy many more years to add to that. Thank you for your commitment to the cause and for your diligence in executing and handling your God given mission. You have been a great example to many and a good steward of what has been entrusted to you. You have built a ministry and family to be proud of. I thank you for the influence you have had in my life and on JOY MAGAZINE. I wish you all the very best for the years ahead. God bless you, Erin Georgiou JOY! Magazine Somerset West I want to express my gratitude for Peter’s faithfulness and ministry for the past years. Peter’s teachings, writings and his travels here to the United States have been very effective in my life and have had a tremendous impact on my walk as well as an encouragement to me. Here in the USA, we haven’t seen the level to persecution and struggles that Peter has been through in his lifetime (as well as anyone on your team, I’m sure). But pressing on and seeing God’s faithfulness in spite of the difficult circumstances has been a great encouragement to many as well as to me! Many times I’ve wondered if the issues that have come up in the past in South Africa and other countries in Africa will not eventually face us here in the United States. I can see that becoming more and more possible now more than ever with the social and political climate here. I think many of the things that Peter has written about in the past provide a roadmap to what we can expect to see. They provide guidance on how to persevere in times of trail. By the way, I also enjoyed email conversations with your father, Bill a couple of years before his passing. After having spent a lot of time reading articles from Peter on your site, it was truly a blessing to read of how you and Peter got to know each other then got married when I read his book, “Going Through… Even if the Door is Closed”! You both are reaching many people in many ways! Thank you so much for all you’ve done and for submitting to the Lord in His work in your life! May the Lord continue His many blessings upon you both! In Christ, Brooks DeMio "The brave man inattentive to his duty, is worth little more to his country than the coward who deserts in the hour of danger." Andrew Jackson "The truly wise man is he who always believes the Bible against the opinion of any man." R. A. Torrey Dear Dr. Peter Hammond, Family and Friends, Congratulations on your 60th Birthday! Praying that the years ahead with family and in mission will be richly blessed! Thank you for the example you have set in your life, home and Christian work since you started to respond in obedience to the mission call in 1981. The mission training and mobilization influence you infuse into the Christian and missions environment cannot be measured. It is considered well beyond human valuation! Wishing you many happy returns! Johan Meintjes (El-Shaddai Projects) Pretoria, RSA I heard an interview with Peter on Christian Radio in 2000, where he was talking about the situation in Sudan. From that interview, I only knew his name and the missions in Sudan; unfortunately, the name “Frontline Fellowship” wasn’t mentioned. For months I tried to figure out how to find where he was, as I wanted to support the work in Sudan. The following year, my son Sebastian’s Sunday school was hosting their “Mission Week” to highlight the work of missionaries both in the U.S. and abroad. Sebastian, who was about 11, was asked to host a portion of the Mission Week service by interviewing two missionaries named Bill and Harriett Bathman. Before the Sunday school service, it was arranged for some of the kids to meet the Bathmans. During that meeting, Bill asked “Has anyone heard of Peter Hammond?” I was the only who one raised my hand, and was overjoyed to learn that Peter is his son in law. It seems God is a better search engine than even Google! Peter, we have been honored to know you and your family for nearly two decades. It has been a joy to see your ministry grow – but even more so, to watch your children grow and become outstanding examples of God’s light. Your intellectually grounded defenses of Biblical Truth in times of moral relativism have sparked conversations that allowed our family to dig deeper in understanding. Your love of the history of the church has introduced us to many key leaders that allowed us to understand what our Faith has cost, and how much it is worth protecting and savoring. But above all, your willingness to put all things aside in order to proclaim Jesus is King and Savior is an inspiration, and we firmly believe is an example for how one must live in order to hear that incomprehensibly fulfilling phrase, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” With much love and well-wishes, From Deborah and the Huseins Poem for Peter’s 60th birthday Jan 2020 As I couldn’t attend your birthday celebrations I’m sending a poem by message instead Over the years we’ve had our altercations But I’ve always respected you as Frontline’s Head We’re much of a muchness when it comes to age But that’s where the similarity will end Your incredible knowledge, so evident on every page Of all your writings, great messages to all doth send Over the nearly 17 years I’ve worked for your organization The one thing I’ve appreciated the most Is your kindness and sympathy for any animal situation My own love for them is how I got this post! Your kindness to me when I lost my teeth Kicked out by my very own horse You helped me so kindly – was such a relief And so unexpected, I shed tears, of course Over the years we’ve shared much sadness Over losing some precious Frontline cats You’ve taken on new furkids, always with gladness Which is much appreciated – those are the facts Peter, may our Lord spare you another 60 years To continue the path He ordained for you May the next year be full of hope, may God quell your fears May He halve your tears, double your joy, this is my prayer for you. With love, thanks and good wishes, Diane Worthington Cape Town
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