![]() For your edification, and for intercession, here is a small selection of remarkable written responses we have received from our literature ministry. Please do continue to lift up these people and countries in prayer and please continue to intercede for our publications that God may use them to renew minds, transform lives, change hearts and disciple nations. “You sent me the Discipleship Handbook. I have read it all and made comparison with the Islamic theology and I finally reached the conclusion that what Jesus said is right and the Bible is true. I need some more books to read. Can you please send me more.” Karachi, Pakistan “Your book ‘Putting Feet to your Faith’ is very strong and effective for Nepal.” Nepal “Oh behalf of the Kanyama Pastors Fellowship, I would like to say thank you so much for the donation of library books we received. The Pastors were filled with Joy. It has come at the right time and the College now has a library.” Pastor Hakobwa Kennedy, Kanyama Pastors Fellowship, Zambia “I have read your article entitled Raising God-Fearing Children. I must congratulate you on this beautiful article. I must say, I receive many magazines and other Christian information from all over the world, but your magazine Christian Action is quite unique in its contents and articles.” Rui Barandas, South America “ I received the book In The Killing Fields of Mozambique and read it with much interest. The thing is, I used to be on an ANC member and supporter before my conversion. I gave my life to Christ. Now these two books Putting Feet To Your Faith and In The Killing Fields Of Mozambique have made me re-think my views on politics, in our country at the moment and in other countries like Zimbabwe, Sudan and others.” Hardyman
“It was great to meet and fellowship with you a couple of weeks ago. I very much appreciated your presentations. Thanks for your glorious work!” Dr. Ken Gentry “I also want to thank God for what is happening in Sudan. I believe it was because God used you to open up the secret to the world that the peace is now there.” Titus Shagba, Nigeria “Wow! This is an excellent article and very relevant! Really straight to the point and I really enjoyed reading it. Keep up the good work.” Carol Nicholson “We praise God for your faithfulness and for the privilege of working with you in His service.” Helen Williams, World Missionary Press “Thank you very much, Peter, for your excellent article.” Jay Benson, World Missionary Press “Thank you again for all you are doing… you are a blessing and we are grateful to God that we can work with you…” Cheryllyn Dudley, M.P. “Thank you for bringing the message about the truth of Islam in history. I have a new vigor to fight the enemies of God both here in the US and abroad. I can see now how Islam has opened a way to share the Gospel with anyone. All I have to do is know history, not the propaganda of the enemy, and I can use the comparison of Islam to Christianity to witness to anyone. I can talk to pagan Americans who are patriotic and explain the history of Islam to them and this will naturally lead to a discussion of what Christianity has done in history. Keep up the good fight.” Tom Henry, Florida “It was a blessing to have you at our church. I have read through your book Character Assassins. You did a masterful job.” Pastor David Hoffman, Indiana “Thank you again for the marvelous information that you shared with us in Omaha.” Pastor Phil Kayser, Nebraska “This is a short note to thank you and let you know how much we appreciate your e-mail articles on the important topic of Christian Reformation. We are blessed and fortunate.” Alan Manson-Bishop “You and all those courageous souls who serve with you are an inspiration to me. I would bet that God has a legion of powerful angels and chariots of fire surrounding your entire FF mission. I am convinced that you have changed the course of a lot of history, and a lot of human lives as well.” Harry Jones, Texas “We are keeping you all in our daily prayers. May our Lord strengthen you. May He give you courage to stand in the face of trouble, and may He grant all at Frontline much perseverance. Thank you so much for the great example that you set for us, the new generation of South Africa.” Estelle van Eeden, Jivannadi Mission, KwaZulu Natal “I just want to let you know that we have never forgotten the visit you paid several years ago. We pray for you often and read your newsletters. I just came home from 3 years in China with a conviction to spread the Gospel in the Muslim world. Your group is, and always will be, on my heart and in my prayers as I go forward. May you continue to dive into the depths of His riches every day.” Jenny, USA “Praise God! Your uncompromising stand is an inspiration…Thank You. I pray God’s abundant blessing and protection over you and your family.” Cheryllyn Dudley, M.P. “As usual you are on the frontline. We will continue to pray for you, your family, and all of the Mission. We will forward your updates. You are also exposing the true nature of an enemy of all Christians. God be with you.” Ed and Diane Clements, New York “It was a real encouragement to hear such bold, Biblical teaching. I was so happy to hear you speak the truth and I will be praying for your ministry and that God will use you to speak the truth to those who will accept it. ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the Gospel of peace, who bring glad tidings of good things!’ Romans 10:15” Stephanie, Wisconsin “I found Peter to be a friendly, very pro-active, hands-on, God fearing and very dedicated Christian. It is Christian folk like these who make me proud to be called a fellow Christian.” Leon Naude, South Africa “I thank you for your emails of encouragement! I am praying that God will give me wisdom and knowledge to be an effective missionary here in the U.S. ‘FEW THINGS ARE MORE INFECTIOUS THAN A GODLY LIFESTYLE.’ I one day hope to be physically able to work for Frontline in assisting my persecuted brothers and sisters in chains around the world. Thanks again so much for your valuable, non-renewable time!” Josh Richert, USA “As an historian and as the Parliamentary Officer, I would like to say that your article is excellent. You hit the nail on the head time after time.” Dr. Alan Hobson, London “Thank you for the Newsletter and material I regularly receive from Frontline Fellowship. I stand amazed at the volume and quality of the work you and your helpers are doing to expand the Kingdom of God. May the Lord bless you, your workers and your family abundantly this year.” Jack Carstens, Cape Town “It is always a joy to receive any mail from you. I appreciate the heart you have for the Great Commission for our Lord Jesus Christ. My life has been transformed beyond reasonable doubt ever since I came in close contact with you and the Great Commission Course in Cape Town. Your mail boosted my spirit and God is writing a new story both in the ministry where I serve and my own personal life. Just to be honest with you, sir, we as Zambians, who have attended the GCC, we are very proud of you and your entire family and the mission of Frontline and its vision. We are grateful. May the glory and honour go to Jesus Who is giving you strength.” Pastor Isaac, Zambia “I want to thank you for not being afraid to stand up for the truth. I print out and hand over to my son all that you send me. Your provocative articles on missions and the other articles on your website is refreshing. Thanks for standing up for God.” Deveney Tucker “I Thank God for you and for Frontline Fellowship. Thank you for the email news. You taught me the imprecatory Psalms and I regularly pray them against the wicked. I have become an active witness, I have spoken to more than 300 persons this year in one2one encounters, and I have preached open air 17 times. I lead evangelism team every Tuesday and co-lead one on Thursday. Until we meet again, I will provide the Air Power that comes by prayer for You and yours and FF and the suffering and persecuted. I thank God for You.” Frank Lyman, Virginia “Thanks for the articles by Peter. They are meaty and very interesting. I appreciate the time taken to write them.” Tom Griner, Las Vegas, Nevada “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam is an excellent book. We will be using it to educate our church.” Ron Smith, Texas “Thank you for the book ‘Slavery, Terrorism and Islam’ I have so long coveted. It arrived this morning and I am thrilled with it! Thank you so much. It is exactly what we need in this country immediately. Only yesterday I emailed my closest prayer partners to say that we needed to be praying at least daily for Peter – for the rest of his life – and now this! He writes so well, so readably, and his research is excellent, as is his theology. I am truly grateful.” Miss Arbuthnot, England “Keep up the amazing work.” Tempe, Zimbabwe “Slavery, Terrorism and Islam is the most important and well–documented book I have ever read before, and it encouraged me. Your books have bought revival to my Soul.” Bishop T.C.G Maseko, Malawi “I write to thank you most sincerely for your new book–Slavery, Terrorism and Islam. I am sure that this will be a monumental work which will be helpful in understanding the woes of our people in countries where these battles are taking place such as Sudan and Nigeria. Thank you so much for this important contribution to our understanding of possibly the most complex of the conflicts that the World faces today and Christians in particular. My warm regards. Yours sincerely in Christ.” Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi, KwaZulu “I’m not sure who I’m writing to, but my beautiful dog of thirteen years just passed away peacefully and I was looking for comfort from God and thank you because I found it on your site.” Margo, Australia “I am very thankful for your work. I enjoy the articles that are being sent to me by e-mail. Recently, my wife and I watched the Luther film just because of Dr. Hammond’s positive review and it really touched us.” Alex van Vuuren, Holland “We have been able to clear safely the books. The Muslim postmaster has not been too hard this time. I was really excited when I opened the box and saw the wonderful resources you sent over to me. The books are really great! JUST TREMENDOUS! They are just superb! Also I am actually working with some Muslims (I have some basic knowledge of Arabic and the Hadith) and one of my best friends is in fact an Arab of direct descents from Abr Bakr and Prophet Muhammed. I am striving to bring her to Christ.” (From a country in the Muslim world) “Thanks so much for being willing to speak out on many ‘controversial’ issues that Christ Himself would have spoken up on! Great work done by writing these letters. I feel that Frontline Fellowship is one of the few that is really doing the hard, life threatening work. Keep it up!” Deveney Tucker “Your most recent and interesting book Slavery, Terrorism and Islam. I have just started reading it and can’t put it down.” Kent Durr, MP “I want to tell you that I’m not the same since I undergone your training. My mind is renewed for mission. I’m teaching the church all the things I learned from you, since I left Cape Town I planted 3 churches. My encouragement to you and all staff of Frontline Fellowship is to endure hardships like a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Don’t become weary in doing good for in the proper time you will reap a harvest if you do not give up.” Marlon Zulu “We have much appreciation for your work in Sudan’s war-torn region in the past years. Your team’s experience and boldness expressed determination for Christ and for the entire population of Southern Sudan and Nuba Mountains. I would like to congratulate you for your unending mission to serve in the Frontline. I was able to meet your team from South Africa. We are growing faster and reaching the unreached is what God is doing in our Mission.” Jacob Tiberius “It has been encouraging to see so many of the students at the seminary reading Peter’s books.” Tammy Smith “ I would like to thank you for the Seminar. My eyes are now opened and my understanding has expanded. It was a very fantastic time to me and I am also sharing the blessing I received with my colleagues.” Micah Namangwiya, Malawi “I am being blessed and changed by In The Killing Fields of Mozambique. The story in this book is so shocking that my Spirit is stirred up for action and my dream to be involved in mission work in places where the Gospel is least preached is growing so strong each new day.” Reuben, Zambia “There is no greater service than helping someone to see the light of God’s Word and no greater gift than that we will build someone’s faith up and deep in God. God will reward your effort in Jesus Name (Amen). This book is a book that every Christian should read because it reveals the truth and standard of God’s Law which many people are confused about.” Isaiah, Nigeria “Putting Feet To Your Faith has enlarged my brain. I have learnt a lot from this book.” Ezekiel, Nigeria “I have finished going through Biblical Principles For Africa, Renaissance or Reformation, and the Discipleship Handbook. They are thrilling, Holy Spirit inspired. The Bible has clear solutions to the menace in the world. As a leader of Global Mission Link I respect Dr. Hammond and his team, they are a model in Africa for evangelism. They are teachers of the Scriptures and we will use your books as some of our textbooks to train our evangelists, missionaries and leaders. We are also praying for Dr. Hammond for the sacrifices that he is making for Africa. God bless you richly, not forgetting your family, and staff.” Stephen Agyare “In The Killing Fields of Mozambique is the most important and well-documented book I have ever read on Mozambique, and it encouraged me to pray and work for the Mozambique Christians and for all Missions operating in that part of the world. This book is a thrilling account of the power of the Christian Gospel.” Bishop T.C.G. Maseko, Malawi “In The Killing Fields of Mozambique was challenging indeed to read through. It is important we know about the sufferings of fellow believers.” Clinton Markins, Nigeria “I have really been inspired and awakened by your book Putting Feet To Your Faith.” Gregory Makungu “Brethren at Frontline, you’re a blessing to me and to the entire family of God who are also reading your books.” Zambia “We are a new church and greatly appreciate your writings. We are using your Biblical Worldview Manual in Sunday school.” Pastor Ron Smith, Texas “Keep up the good work. I devour every newsletter and circular. Keep on doing what you are doing with power and in faith, do not stand back for anyone. Be encouraged, your ministry is of great encouragement to me.” Mr. Bester Snyman, Nkwalini “I would like to take this opportunity of thanking you for your Pray for Zimbabwe Rally. One could not help but be impressed by the huge amount of research and preparation that had manifestly gone into it.” Lin Mehmel “With the recent attacks on you personally and the on work of Frontline, I am reminded of a conversation I had with my neighbour Ren Kiesling who was a B-24 Liberator bomber co-pilot in the Second World War. He told me of a mission he flew from Sicily to the coast of northern Italy to bomb a port facility and deny its use to the Axis powers. Instrument navigation was not reliable, and the equipment was prone to malfunction, especially after a rough landing or the shock of an anti-aircraft shell exploding nearby. The American airmen still had to use visual methods to confirm their location, but during this one mission the entire coast was hidden by fog. When their ‘dead reckoning’ navigation equipment indicated they were approaching the target they could not see anything under the heavy cloud cover. To drop the bombs too early, they would fall harmlessly in the ocean; too late, the bombs would fall on the uninhabited mountains with no effect. The planes could not drop down too low to take a look since they would risk running into a mountaintop in the fog. It appeared that the planes would have to cancel the bomb run and turn back; a failed mission. Then suddenly, Ren saw black explosions of flak, the anti-aircraft artillery, ahead to the right, exactly where the navigation equipment said where the target should be. Oddly, Ren was relieved, knowing that he was not lost. The planes flew into the flak explosions to begin their bomb run. Ren then said something I will never forget: ‘So, when you get flak, it just means you are on target.’ My prayers are with you and Frontline during this difficult time of trial, but I am rejoicing at the same time since I know this work is bearing much fruit and is causing much fear and concern in the camp of the Enemy.” John Gill “We pray that you will become even stronger and more forceful in driving back the kingdom of darkness. You and your family and staff are covered! Continue boldly in the great work to which you have been called.” Carol and Gavin Nicholson “You are an inspiration to us, Dr. Hammond. We have watched your videos and enjoy your writing very much. Thank you and may the Lord surround you and your loved ones with His care.” Carl and Monica Oosterhoff “I thank the Lord Jesus for men like you (and your organisation) for the work you do. For me, it is the ultimate style/most commendable way of preaching the Gospel to all nations. May our Lord protect you from the evil one and may He continue to use you in the way He does, to His glory. What I read is to me an inspiration and motivation to preach the Gospel. I am very critical and I am pleased to see your Gospel as pure as it is1 I want to encourage you to keep up the good work, have faith and endure to the end.” Gert Du Preez “I must say that this email is one of most well written and balanced piece of communications I have read. I am again amazed at your ability to cut through all the emotion and diversionary details and cut directly to the meat of the matter. What a clear mind and a clear vision our Father has given you. May you use it over and over to help clear up the gross deceptions that Satan has put into the hearts and minds of men. Keep on keeping on…Keep on allowing our Father through the Holy Spirit to make you and use you just as He intends.” Steve Evers, Arizona “We are very very sorry to learn of your wife’s illness, and want to assure you of our prayers for her recovery. I will be making a special appeal to my congregation for a barrage of prayer to ascend to the Throne for her. We also pray that your special campaign will be blessed of the Lord, and that it will bring forth a mighty harvest to His glory. We will remember her in our family worship at home, and so will the other members of my family in their homes. We will also remember you and your children, because loved ones suffer greatly at such times of family stress. God be with you.” Dr. Ian and Eileen Paisley, Ulster “We met back in the 80’s when I interviewed you for my book, Gold in the Furnace: South Africa on Trial. I am glad that you are still on the firing line.” Jack Smock, USA “My 8 year old daughter asked me to tell you ‘Mama, tell Dr. Hammond not to be afraid of the Muslims. He should continue to write and expose their wickedness and we will continue to pray for his safety and that of his wife and children, God is more powerful than the Muslim Allah.’” Lahadi Demshakwa, Nigeria “I just want to say I support you in what you are doing. We just need to go on with what we are doing. Our message is not welcome in the world – or at least to a large part of people, but there is no other message that will bring hope.” Dr. Bennie Mostert, Jericho Walls International Prayer Network “Thanks for your news on the whole Pretoria/Muslim happening and for your very balanced responses as well. Shocking as the whole affair is, I maintain that you handled it magnificently. May God bless you and Frontline Fellowship.” Dr Steef van ‘t Slot, WEC International “We wish to assure you of our continued interest and prayers for you on a regular basis. >From time to time you are the focus of our weekly ‘Missions Focus’ when you and your ministry are specially prayed for and ‘praise and prayer’ items are inserted in the bulletin for that week. Thank you for your newsletters/updates, we really appreciate these.” Rev. Arthur Volker “Dr. James Kennedy sent me the pictures. I truly thank Jesus for ministers like yourself… thank you so much for caring about the things that you care about, and for being faithful to the Lord and to the call.” Betty Omron, USA “I have always admired your tenacity in the faith and this present threat over you can go no further than the Blood of Jesus! Be encouraged, and rest in the knowledge that there are those ‘holding up your arms’ during the raging battle…which you fight from the place of victory! In Jesus Name.” Janet, KwaZulu Natal “So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; It shall not return to Me void, but it shall accomplish what I please and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.” Isaiah 55:11 Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P O Box 74 Newlands 7725 E-Mail: [email protected]
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