![]() You can listen to this message on From the Frontline: Responding to the Challenges that Confront Us: https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/e/from-the-frontline-responding-to-the-challenges-that-confront-us-1694081051/ What are some of the Challenges that confront us today ? According to Operation World, there are over 600 million people in Africa who call themselves Christians. This number is due to double by 2050. Africa is on track to becoming the most Christian continent on earth. However, more than 100 million churchgoers in Africa do not have a copy of the Bible, nor even of a New Testament. Most pastors in Africa have no formal Bible college training at all. Most pastors have no access to a library or a study Bible. Some pastors do not even have a Bible. The greatest needs in Africa are Bibles and Bible teaching. Literature and leadership training are high priorities for the discipleship of Africa and to protect the growing churches throughout Africa from deception and distraction. The real danger of unbiblical heresies can only be countered by ensuring that every churchgoer has a Bible and that all church leaders are well-trained and Biblical doctrine. The ministries of Frontline Fellowship and Literature4Africa are vital in winning Africa for Christ! https://vimeo.com/111096179 How can we effectively Resist the Revolutionary forces threatening Christian Civilisation? My adventure of discipleship, which begun on 3rd April 1977, has continued to accelerate throughout the last 45 years of missionary service. During this time, I have travelled in 42 countries and ministered in 38 countries. I have been involved in eight wars and lived through three Revolutions. I have also been an eyewitness to numerous successful secession movements, including Croatia, Slovakia and South Sudan. ![]() The First Battlefield Growing up in the old world of Rhodesia and living through tumultuous times and revolutionary upheavals, I could not help but notice what Karl Marx declared: “The first battlefield is the rewriting of history.” Indeed, Marx’s disciples had been very busy rewriting history and rearranging reality. Marxists have manipulated the mass media to bombard everyone with no end of deception, distraction and disinformation. The Gramsci Strategy Communists seldom gain control over a country by military means. It is the Gramsci-Termite Strategy of infiltrating the five culture-carrying institutions of society: Education, Entertainment, News Media, Religious and Political Institutions. By subverting these pillars of civilisation, Marxists weaken and undermine societies. Cultural Corruption The cultural decay brought about by Marxism’s “corrupt and conquer” and the erosion caused by Marxism’s “confuse, divide and conquer” strategies, have led to social upheavals and break down of morals throughout so much of the world. We are living in an age of Revolution. ![]() Resistance to Revolution When communism controlled one-third of the world’s population, Rhodesia, South West Africa and South Africa were in the very frontline of the hot part of the Cold War, resisting the Southward expansion of Soviet sponsored communist terrorism. The best form of defense is attack. The work of Christian missionaries, Bible smugglers, Gospel radio broadcasts, underground Churches, training Chaplains for the Resistance Movements, such as RENAMO in Mozambique and UNITA in Angola - all played a key role in undermining communist states from within. Defeating Communism With rising resistance in every part of the Soviet empire, communism was defeated on the battlefields and eroded even in its heartland. The Fall of the Berlin Wall, the Collapse of the Iron Curtain and the breakup of the Soviet Union into 15 independent republics marked a major watershed in recent history. With thousands of idols of Lenin toppled throughout Eastern Europe, Russia and even as far afield as Addis Ababa in Ethiopia, the threat changed. ![]() Renewing Minds to Transform Cultures Recognising this, in 1990, I launched the Biblical Worldview Summit to apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. This involved conducting over a hundred intensive Biblical Worldview camps, courses and seminars, in the Congo, Malawi, Namibia, Nigeria, Romania, Sudan, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe and producing eight different editions of the Biblical Worldview Manual. https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/events-blog/biblical-worldview-summit For Family, Faith, Freedom and the Future In 1991, I launched Africa Christian Action to mobilise Pro-life, Pro-family initiatives to combat the corruption and degeneracy being promoted by secular humanists. To preserve the missionary sending base of South Africa and other countries, Africa Christian Action has been in the Frontline of the battle for Faith, the Family, Freedom and the Future. Africa Christian Action has organised Life Chains, Marches for Life, protests to Parliament, Prayer Vigils, sidewalk counselling outside abortuaries, Missions in the Mall, distributing tens of thousands of leaflets and counselling hundreds of people in shopping centres. Also, publishing vital books such as Fight For Life – a Pro-Life Handbook for Southern Africa, Finding Freedom from the Pornography Plague, Make a Difference – a Christian Action Handbook for Southern Africa, Biblical Principles for Africa (also translated intoAfrikaans and French), Porndemic – How the Pornography Plague Affects You and your Family and What You can Do about it; The Rise of the Gay GB and the Pink Inquisition and the Christian Action Starter Pack to mobilise prayer, Bible study and Action Groups throughout Southern Africa. The Pink Agenda was the first book to be censored in the New South Africa and created such a furore that we had over 100 media interviews concerning its controversy. On appeal, the book was unbanned and quickly sold out. https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/books-published-by-dr-peter-hammond.html Mobilising and Equipping Home Educators and Christian Schools From the beginning we were promoting Home Education and in 1995 launched Christian Liberty Books to import, export, wholesale and retail resources, textbooks and curriculums for Christian school teachers and home educators. CLB has over 6,000 titles available. https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/ ![]() Mobilising Marches against Marxism Also in 1995, we launched the Christian Voice marches to Parliament to protest the paganisation of the country under Mandela’s ANC. Tens of thousands of people responded to our challenge and participated in these marches, which persuaded the government to backtrack on some disastrous legislation, which would have seriously undermined religious freedom in South Africa. Radio Ministries Out of these marches grew Radio Tygerberg. We have, for the last 28 years, produced the Salt & Light programme every week for Radio Tygerberg, which has grown to be one of the largest community radio stations in the country. https://soundcloud.com/user-779428885/sets/salt-light-radio Networking to Promote Reformation and Revival To follow-up on the churches we minister in and provide on-going teaching and discipleship resources, we launched the Christian Action Network in 1994. Now Africa Christian Network represents over seven million Christians, 7,000 congregations and 150 missions, ministries and organisations across twenty countries in Africa. Through CAN we mobilised the Coalition on Revival Reformation 500 Movement with conferences and seminars throughout the continent. https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/africa-christian-network.html ![]() Literature for Africa According to Operation World, there are over 100 million adult church goers in Africa who do not yet have a copy of the Bible, or even a New Testament. In 2002 we launched Literature4Africa. Providing Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels and Christian books to Christians throughout Africa has always been a major emphasis of our mission. Over the years I persuaded authors overseas to donate copies of their books to us, which we could make available for libraries for pastors and to add to Bible College libraries. Dr. James Kennedy sent us thousands of books. Dr David Noebel and Robert Morey sent us many hundreds of books. And then from 2002 onward, we started to receive 20-foot containers with an average of 17 to 18 tonnes of Bibles, books, Sunday School materials and evangelistic resources at a time. This required much organisation and extra building to accommodate, to sort through, categorise and effectively distribute these great resources to those who most need, who would most appreciate and most effectively apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life. Literature4Africa averages distributing between 100 to 200 tonnes per year of Bibles, books, Gospels and Sunday School materials, all completely free. https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/news/quartermaster-store-for-missions-throughout-africa “Expect Great Things from God! Attempt Great Things for God!” To provide a uniquely practical missionary training programme that is character changing, nation building and culture transforming, we launched William Carey Bible Institute in 2004. There is a tremendous need and hunger for literature and leadership training throughout Africa. However, one of the on-going problems is that most of those who leave rural areas for urban training institutions, tend to stay in the urban centres and be lost to the rural communities who sent them for further training. Similarly, most of those who go to first world nations for further training tend not to return to their third world country of origin. In this way, the church in Africa is haemorrhaging. Some of our most promising leadership candidates are failing to return to their communities The rapid urbanisation and mass movement to first world countries is devasting to local congregations and disastrous for fulfilling the Great Commission. Most of the pastors in rural areas where we have ministered had no tertiary education at all. The Desperate Need for Leadership Training Therefore, Frontline Fellowship conducts Biblical Worldview Seminars, Great Commission Courses, Reformation and Revival Seminars, Muslim Evangelism Workshops, Teacher Training courses and much more, along with seeking to equip pastors with our Libraries for Pastors’ programme. We have also helped establish Bible Colleges in Zambia and Sudan. Now, through William Carey Bible Institute (WCBI), we are providing thoroughly Reformed Distance Learning programmes, providing pastors, teachers and evangelists with excellent textbooks, lecture manuals, audio CD’s, MP3’s, Digital Libraries and a programme requiring book reports and written and practical assignments. With our faculty of 18 contributing authors, ministers and missionaries who have donated their books, manuals and resources, WCBI is able to offer, completely free, higher education material that is Reformed, Evangelistic, Biblical and practical. https://www.williamcareybi.com/ ![]() Speaking Up for the Persecuted To speak up for the persecuted Church, I was led to write: In the Killing Fields of Mozambique, Holocaust in Rwanda, Faith under Fire in Sudan (in three editions, the 2010 edition being three times larger than the 1996 First Edition) and Slavery, Terrorism, Islam - The Historical Root and Contemporary Threat (which has been our bestseller, constantly needing to be reprinted. Our revised and expanded 2010 Third Edition is also three times larger than the first 2005 edition). This book also earned me a death threat Fatwa from Jihadists. Mobilising Prayer for the Persecuted To mobilise more church congregations to pray for Christians suffering persecution, we helped launch the IDOP (International Day of Prayer) for the Persecuted movement, focused on the second Sunday of November each year. For decades Frontline Fellowship has run the www.IDOPAfrica.org initiative focusing on persecuted churches in Africa. Learning from Examples of Excellence With history being a strategic battlefield, my contribution to providing textbooks for Bible Colleges and Home Educators was: Greatest Century of Reformation, Greatest Century of Missions, Victorious Christians Who Changed the World and Sketches from South African History (which has also been translated into Afrikaans). Several others are in the pipeline. https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/books-published-by-dr-peter-hammond.html Mission to Europe Launches the Reformation Society During my five-week mission to 11 countries in Europe in 2005, I was led to launch the Reformation Society, which has met every Thursday night since January 2006. Numerous books, videos, audios and boxsets have been produced from the materials presented at these weekly Reformation Society meetings and the www.ReformationSA.org website is a treasure trove of articles, character studies, powerpoints, audios and videos for anyone who wants to learn about Reformation, or teach and work for Reformation. Inspired by this initiative, numerous other Reformation societies have been launched worldwide. Calvin 500 In 2005 I launched the Calvin 500 movement, which culminated in 2009 with an international conference in St. Pierre in Geneva, Switzerland. It was an unforgettable week of inspiration and edification, meeting every day in Calvin’s Chapel (the original Academy) where John Knox preached to English-speaking refugees in Geneva. It was also the site of the Geneva Bible translation project. ![]() Reformation 500 The Reformation 500 Movement which I launched in 2006 culminated in the Reformation 500 Conference in Wittenberg, October 2017. I compiled the 95 Theses for Reformation Today which was translated into German, French, Dutch, Flemish and Afrikaans. Many Reformation 500 conferences and seminars were held throughout Africa, Europe and America. I encouraged Dr R.C. Sproul to produce a Reformation Study Bible in time for this historic milestone. He, in turn, donated 2,000 copies of this Reformation Study Bible for us to entrust to pastors, missionaries and Bible College Libraries throughout Africa. Back to the Bible For the Zwingli 500, celebrating the birth of expository preaching, 1519, in Grossmünster, preaching and teaching through every book of the Bible, I produced the Old Testament Survey and New Testament Survey. These books were completed in time for 2019 to help pastors teach the whole counsel of God to their congregations. This was a 6-year project studying, preaching and teaching throughout every Book in the Bible. The Bible Survey series is on my Sermon Audio page and we have donated boxsets of the MP3 audios to Bible Colleges throughout Africa. https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/read/65628674/clb-home-education-catalogue-may-2021 Livingstone Fellowship Also, in 2006 Livingstone Fellowship was launched. The sermon series preaching through The Ten Commandments were published as The Ten Commandments – God’s Perfect Law of Liberty (also translated into Afrikaans), Answering Sceptics, Reforming our Families, The Power of Prayer Handbook and the Bible Survey series. Practical Discipleship and other book series are now available on the www.LivingstoneFellowship.co.za website. JOY! and JUIG! magazines published summaries of most of my sermon series on every Book in the Bible ubder the title: The Bible in a Nutshell. ![]() Livingstone 200 In 2013 we launched the Livingstone 200 to commemorate the life and legacy of Dr David Livingstone, 200 years after his birth. This included a seven-month, twelve-country overland mission, retracing much of the steps of David Livingstone and distributing over 3½ tonnes of Bibles and books in remote areas where he first planted the Gospel seed. Resisting Revolution with Reformation Confronting Communism, exposing the Revolutionary Agenda as seen in the Cancel Culture and BLM (Burn, Loot, Murder) movement have led to many hundreds of radio and TV programmes, public meetings, debates on university campuses and presentations to select committees at Parliament. It has also led me to promote self-determination, decentralisation and secession. In 2019 I launched the Cape Independence Forum to promote a free and independent Cape of Good Hope. You can visit our website promoting this: www.CapeofGoodHope.Africa A Ministry of Multiplication From the very beginning I have been committed to a ministry of multiplication. To entrust these teachings to other reliable men who will be able to train others also (2 Timothy 2:2). Hard copy books are my personal preference. Most of what I have learnt, I have learnt from reading books. Recognising that we are living in an increasingly audio-visual world, over thirty of my books are also available as e-books. We are also preparing more for Print on Demand. Over 1200 of my sermons, Bible studies and lectures are uploaded and available on Sermon Audio: https://www.sermonaudio.com/search.asp?speakeronly=true&currsection=sermonsspeaker&keyword=Peter_Hammond. Over 350 of my power point presentations are now available on Slide Share. Hundreds of videos from our lectures, outreaches, seminars and courses are now available on the www.FrontlineMissionSA.org Vimeo page. Our weekly From the Frontlinepodcasts provide another means of updating friends, intercessors and supporters worldwide. We have over 200 episodes uploaded on Podbean: https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/ ![]() Ministering to Multitudes – The Wonders of the World Wide Web We are maintaining and developing over 20 websites and 30 different social media pages. Some of these reach tens of millions of people each year with hundreds of thousands of engagements and reactions, especially Wonderful Wildlife, I Love God’s Animals, Reformation 500, Henry Morton Stanley School of Christian Journalism, Greatest Century of Missions and Greatest Century of Reformation. These are juggled between regular radio and TV programmes, public meetings, services and outreaches. The Great Commission is Our Supreme Ambition Every year we host and organise a Biblical Worldview Summit and Great Commission Course to train a new generation to understand the times, to apply the Lordship of Christ to all areas of life and to make the Great Commission their supreme ambition. Our emphasis is body, mind and spirit, wholeheartedly loving God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. ![]() Putting Feet to our Faith The symbol of our Great Commission Courses is, laced-up boots, ready for action. https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/events-blog/great-commission-course-2018 “How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring Good News, who proclaim peace, who bring good tidings, who proclaim salvation … Your God reigns!” Isaiah 52:7 Faith in Action Is God calling you to stand up? To step out in faith? To speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves? To fight the good fight of Faith? Give up your small ambitions and follow Jesus! Make His Great Commission your Supreme Ambition. Africa for Christ! “Be strong in the Lord and in His Mighty power … stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes with the Gospel of peace …” Ephesians 6:10-15 Frontline Bee Hive As we have passed the 40th anniversary of Frontline’s first cross-border mission, our mission headquarters, Livingstone House, in Cape Town, continues to be a beehive of activity. A steady stream of visitors come to Literature for Africa for Bibles, New Testaments, Gospels, Sunday School materials, Theological books, library books and much more. Christian Liberty Books continues to supply Home Educators, missionaries, evangelists and Theological students. Our recording studio is being used multiple times a week for a variety of programmes. Our Reformation Society meetings attract visitors from far and wide. By God’s grace I am regularly lecturing at Bible colleges, or to university Missions departments, ministering in prisons, and at Youth Conferences and Ministers Confernces. Cross-border missions are planned, supplied and equipped, teams sent out with tonnes of Bibles and books and outreaches are conducted on the streets and into Muslim and other areas. https://www.frontlinemissionsa.org/news/thanksgiving-for-40-years-of-gods-grace-and-guidance-provision-and-protection Multi-Generational Vision All four of Lenora and my children have been involved in the mission in different ways. Andrea, our journalist, is a great proof-reader and, before Motherhood preoccupied her, was regularly involved in writing projects. On occasion we have had her involved in radio programmes and some presentations to Home Educators and to our Reformation Society. Her husband, Hunter, is full-time involved in Operation Mobilisation and involved in Muslim Evangelism ministry. Daniela, our Artist, has designed many of our book covers, tracts and event posters and banners. For several years, Christopher was running our Coms office full-time. Since completing his studies he had the privilege of working as an intern with Dr Ted Baehr’s MovieGuide in California, Christopher has editing several films for us. While being home educated, Calvin undertook a number of missions with me, including to Zambia and as a school coach for hockey, water polo and long-distance running, led many of our PT and practicals at camps and courses. As someone who ran an average of 120 kms every week, Calvin was also an asset at off-loading tonnes of literature from container shipments. As Lenora observed, some years ago: our children have always taken part in every camp, course, outreach and event. Now we have three grandsons, Jeremy, Joshua and Oliver and I look forward to them also getting involved in Life Chains, hikes and literature distribution outreaches. Mountain Marathon Relay Race I hope and pray that, by the grace of God, I will have decades more ministry opportunities ahead, but I have always been convinced that it is a high priority to duplicate myself by investing in training the next generation to take up the torch in this mountain marathon relay race, to contend for the Faith once delivered to the saints, making disciples of all nations, teaching obedience for all things that the Lord has commanded us. Will you join us in this Mission? As cricketer turned pioneer Missionary C.T. Studd so eloquently declared: “You only have one life. It will soon be past. Only what’s done for Christ will last!”
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