"Test all things; hold fast to what is good. Abstain from every form of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
A Celebration of Evil Halloween is a religious day, but it is not Christian. Tom Sanguinet, a former high priest in Wicca has said: "The modern holiday that we call Halloween has its origins in the full moon closest to November 1, the witches' new year. It is a time when the spirits (demons) are supposed to be at their peak power and revisiting planet earth… Halloween is purely and absolutely evil, and there is nothing we ever have, or will do, that would make it acceptable to the Lord Jesus." Day of Death Halloween has strong roots in paganism and witchcraft. It began as the Druid festival of Samhain. The Celts considered November 1st the day of death, because, in the Northern hemisphere, this was the beginning of winter, the leaves were falling, it was getting darker earlier, and temperatures were dropping. They believed that their sun god was losing strength and Samhain, the lord of death, was overpowering the sun god. The druids also taught that on 31 October, on the eve of the feast, Samhain assembled the spirits of all who had died during the previous year to return to their former home to visit the living.
You can listen to the From the Frontline radio podcast Transforming Terrorists here: https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/e/from-the-frontline-episode-282-transforming-terrorists/ ![]() Tracts for Terrorists While serving in the South African Infantry, during an all-night prayer meeting, the Lord laid upon our hearts the need to evangelise our enemies. The communists were coming to us with bombs. We needed to counter-attack with Bibles. They were coming to us with hate. We need to go to them with the love of God and the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. The best form of defence is attack. ![]() The Seven Year Jericho Prayer March Shortly after I returned from my two years National Service in the South African Infantry and had returned to Hospital Christian Fellowship, Brother Andrew (of God’s Smuggler fame) visited Hospital Christian Fellowship headquarters in Kempton Park. At the Devotions, he reported back on the success of Project Pearl smuggling a million Bibles into Red China. And he challenged us to join with Christians behind the Iron Curtain in a Seven-year Jericho Prayer March! This was not something being initiated in the West. It had already begun with the prayer meetings in Leipzig, East Germany, behind the Iron Curtain. We were challenged to a seven year prayer focus on bringing down the Iron Curtain, collapsing the Soviet Empire and opening up Eastern Europe and Russia to missionary work! To me, at the time, this sounded more than a bridge too far. I had seen the Iron Curtain. There was no doubt in my mind, at that time, that the Iron Curtain was an immovable fact of 20th Century history and it would be up until Jesus returned. ![]() Bad Times are Good for Spiritual Work During an all-night prayer meeting in the South African Infantry, the Lord clearly communicated a vision of responding to terrorism with Evangelism. The communists are coming to us with bombs and hate, have we ever gone to them with Bibles and the love of Christ? They are planting landmines in our roads, we need to plant Bible study and Prayer Fellowships in their countries. Marxists seek to subvert our society, we need to undermine terrorism by launching evangelistic missions across the border into their areas. The Great Commission must be our supreme ambition. The best form of defence is offence. Frontline Fellowship was born out of the Bible study and prayer meetings of 6 SAI Bn. We smuggled thousands of Bibles and tens of thousands Gospel booklets into communist Angola and Mozambique, screened the Jesus film to multitudes of Marxists. I had the privilege of preaching the Gospel to terrorists and counselling communists to Christ. Then we helped train and equip chaplains amongst the anti-Communist guerrilla forces of UNITA in Angola and RENAMO in Mozambique. We can undermine terrorism by promoting evangelism in those areas targeted by extremists. https://www.christianlibertybooks.co.za/item/frontline__behind_enemy_lines_for_christ_pb “But where sin abounded, grace abounded much more, so that as sin reigned in death, even so grace might reign through righteousness to eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.” Romans 5 : 20, 21 ![]() You can listen to this message on From the Frontline: Responding to the Challenges that Confront Us: https://fromthefrontline.podbean.com/e/from-the-frontline-responding-to-the-challenges-that-confront-us-1694081051/ What are some of the Challenges that confront us today ? According to Operation World, there are over 600 million people in Africa who call themselves Christians. This number is due to double by 2050. Africa is on track to becoming the most Christian continent on earth. However, more than 100 million churchgoers in Africa do not have a copy of the Bible, nor even of a New Testament. Most pastors in Africa have no formal Bible college training at all. Most pastors have no access to a library or a study Bible. Some pastors do not even have a Bible. The greatest needs in Africa are Bibles and Bible teaching. Literature and leadership training are high priorities for the discipleship of Africa and to protect the growing churches throughout Africa from deception and distraction. The real danger of unbiblical heresies can only be countered by ensuring that every churchgoer has a Bible and that all church leaders are well-trained and Biblical doctrine. The ministries of Frontline Fellowship and Literature4Africa are vital in winning Africa for Christ! https://vimeo.com/111096179 How can we effectively Resist the Revolutionary forces threatening Christian Civilisation? My adventure of discipleship, which begun on 3rd April 1977, has continued to accelerate throughout the last 45 years of missionary service. During this time, I have travelled in 42 countries and ministered in 38 countries. I have been involved in eight wars and lived through three Revolutions. I have also been an eyewitness to numerous successful secession movements, including Croatia, Slovakia and South Sudan. To listen to a Podcast related to this article, Click Here
It was a joy and pleasure to be part of KragDag from 14th – 16th October 2021 in the Transvaal. This is an annual Expo held near Cullinan. I was invited to give a presentation on: Resisting the Tyranny of the New Normal and Reclaiming our Freedoms. After this presentation I took part in a panel discussion and spent the next five hours in constant conversation with participants; answering questions, giving counsel and hearing inspiring and heart rendering testimonies from those whose lives have been affected. Our Frontline Fellowship and Christian Liberty books displays and literature tables received much interest and support. It was tremendous meeting many old friends, including people whom I had last seen in the Army, on the border. ![]() 3 April 1977, I was converted to Christ. It happened at the Ster Kinekor cinema in Pinelands... My family had moved from Rhodesia to Cape Town. We were living in Pinelands, just a few kilometres from where I had been born. It was Sunday evening, 3rd April 1977, when I walked over to the local cinema, with little realisation of how dramatically that would change my life forever. Ambushed by the Gospel At that time, commercial activity on Sunday was prohibited in South Africa by law. No cinemas were open, in honour of the Lord’s Day. The local Baptist Church had hired out the cinema for an Evangelistic rally. The guest preacher, Rev. Rex Matthie, preached a powerful message on what Christ had suffered for us: “Jesus died for you. What have you ever done for Him?” Conviction I sat stunned and ashamed. I had never done anything for God. My family was quite secular. We never attended church services, not even on Christmas days. Sunday school had never been part of my life. We did not even pray before meals. Like my father, I described myself as an “agnostic.” ![]()
“Teach me, O Lord, the way of Your statutes and I shall keep it to the end. Give me understanding, and I shall keep Your Law; indeed, I shall observe it with my whole heart. Make me walk in the path of Your commandments, for I delight in it. Incline my heart to Your testimonies and not to covetousness. Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things and revive me in Your way. Establish Your Word to Your servant, who is devoted to fearing You. Turn away my reproach which I dread, for Your judgments are good. Behold, I long for Your precepts; revive me in Your righteousness.” Psalm 119:33-40
The Importance of Libraries Libraries preserve history and truth and make accessible a treasure-trove of wisdom, insights, knowledge, biographies, devotionals, examples of excellence, commentaries, dictionaries, handbooks, concordances, atlases, encyclopaedias and much more. ![]() "Now see that I, even I, am He, and there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; nor is there any who can deliver from My hand." Deuteronomy 32:39 Regularly we hear proclaimed on TBN and God T.V., and from many pulpits: "Sickness is of the devil!"; "It is always the will of God for you to be healed!"; "Don't pray 'If it be Thy will!' Claim your healing! It is your right!"; "Demand your healing! You are a child of the King! Health is your birthright!"; "God can never be glorified by a sick body!"; "If you are not healed, then it's your own fault. It is either sin, or lack of faith, or a need for more seed money!" But What Does the Bible Say?" So the Lord said to him, 'Who has made man's mouth? Or who make the mute, the deaf, the seeing, or the blind? Have not I the Lord?'" Exodus 4:11 "Now see that I, even I, am He, and there is no God besides Me; I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal; nor is there any who can deliver from My hand." Deuteronomy 32:39 "Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. His disciples asked him, saying, 'Rabbi who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?' Jesus answered, 'Neither this man, nor his parents sinned, but that the works of God should be revealed in him.'" John 9:1-3 ![]()
To view this message as a PowerPoint, click here.
To listen to an audio from Salt and Light, click here. As we are reminded again of the sufferings of Christ on the Cross, we need to consider the question: Who is responsible for the sufferings of Christ? As we read the Gospel narratives, or as we see the crucifixion of our Saviour depicted by The Passion of the Christ film, we have to ask the question: Who killed Jesus? 1. Do we blame the Roman soldiers? Certainly, they crucified Him. 2. Surely though it was the Roman governor, Pontius Pilate, who was responsible? He alone had the power to enforce the death penalty, it was he who, as a magistrate of the Roman Empire, declared: "I cannot find any reason to condemn Him" John 19:4; "I find no reason to condemn Him" John 19:65; "I find no reason to condemn this Man" Luke 23:4. Yet, Pilate bowed to pressure and condemned an innocent man for political expediency and popularity. |
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