“The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to Repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9
Oscar Wilde claimed that suffering proved that a good God does not govern the world. If God cannot stop the suffering, then He is not all powerful. If God will not stop the suffering then He cannot be good and loving. The faulty logic and wrong conclusion evidenced by Oscar Wilde is quite common. Many question God’s goodness, power, or even existence, because of suffering in the world. Poverty, disease, war, natural and man-made disasters – why does God not bring it all to an end?
Oscar Wilde claimed that suffering proved that a good God does not govern the world. If God cannot stop the suffering, then He is not all powerful. If God will not stop the suffering then He cannot be good and loving.
The faulty logic and wrong conclusion evidenced by Oscar Wilde is quite common. Many question God’s goodness, power, or even existence, because of suffering in the world. Poverty, disease, war, natural and man-made disasters – why does God not bring it all to an end? |
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