We praise God for His blessing and protection of Joseph, Francis, Emma and myself who have returned from a packed and productive Mission around South Africa. We drove over 4,000km, conducted 45 meetings, including 4 church services, 3 school assemblies, a Biblical Worldview Seminar in Pretoria, a Bible College Consultation, a Youth conference, ministry at 4 Missions, 25 presentations and sermons and recording 20 devotions for Radio Khwezi. Literature for South Africa We also delivered Bibles and books to many different ministries, Missions and churches for Literature4Africa. All in all our team delivered and distributed over 2.5 tonnes of Bibles, books, Gospel booklets, tracts and audio visual materials to 18 venues in 6 Provinces of South Africa. ![]() Orange Free State This South African Mission began with a 14-hour drive from Cape Town to Goldfields Mission in the Orange Free State where I was asked to give a presentation on: The Coming Persecution of Christians: What to Expect and How to Prepare. In the morning, Francis and Emma taught the school assembly the Ten Commandments and Evangelism Explosion. Biblical Worldview Seminar - Pretoria We then drove up to Pretoria and set up for the Biblical Worldview Seminar which was hosted by Elim Full Gospel Church in Hatfield. After Bible Drill, I gave presentations on: The Challenge of Islam; Comparing the Bible and the Quran and Challenging Muslims with the Gospel. Understanding the Times and Reaching Out On Saturday, I dealt with Worldviews in Conflict; Resisting Babylon and the Beast; Biblical Solutions to Poverty; Crime and Corruption and Setting the Captives Free. Our team also conducted an Evangelism and Debating Workshop and Street Outreach in the afternoon. After the evening presentation on Slavery – What You Have Never Been Told and a vigorous Question and Answer time, our team screened The Atheist Delusion film. On Sunday, I presented the Sunday morning sermon on The Greatness of the Great Commission and in the evening on What Would David Livingstone Say to Us Today? ![]() The Power of the Printed Page The next day our team visited All Nation Gospel Publishers to collect Gospel literature in numerous languages. We visited Kruger House and then set up for the Bible College Consultation. Bible College Consultation 100 participants from 20 countries, representing 30 Bible colleges and universities gathered at the Word in Action campsite with participants from America, Botswana, England, Eritria, Germany, Kenya, Korea, Malawi, Mozambique, Netherlands, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Fellowship and Ministry It was good to meet previous Frontline missionary, Professor Mark Kreitzer, who since serving with our Mission, was a missionary professor in Seoul, South Korea and now is teaching Missiology at Grand Canyon University. I was requested to conduct Workshops on Rejecting the Influence of Secular Humanism. These involved much discussion. Libraries for Leaders Our team donated libraries for pastors, professors and lecturers participating in the consultation and a good quantity of books for the libraries of the 30 Bible colleges and universities represented. ![]() Blow Out on the Highway At the conclusion of the Bible College Consultation, our team had to move briskly across Pretoria and Johannesburg, out to Secunda, to make an evening meeting at Adullam Mission. A tyre blow-out on the trailer on the highway leading out of Pretoria did not delay our team much, as the wheel change was made in under 12 minutes and we still made our evening meeting in time. Adullam Mission I presented: The Life and Legacy of Dr. David Livingstone – The Best Friend Africa Ever Had, while Joseph and Francis led a separate programme for young children on Way of the Master. In the morning, Emma and Alieske taught at the Adullam Christian School assembly, the Romans 6:23 Marching Song and Evangelism Explosion. ![]() waSizabantu Mission Our team travelled down to KwaSizabantu Mission in KwaZulu/Natal, stopping at the Majuba battle site enroute. On the Saturday we drove through to the Tugela Valley Mission. It was a tremendous inspiration and encouragement to see the progress made in the last nine years in this hot and mostly dry valley. Passing the infamous Nkandla residence of Jacob Zuma enroute, through dongas and often dry riverbeds, where mostly thorn bushes grow, it was like coming to an oasis when we arrived at KwaSizabantu’s new Mission base in the Tugela River Valley. Pineapples, litchis, dragon fruit, papayas, pears, oranges and bananas were flourishing. Sheep, antelope, bees and a host of other farming enterprises were making the valley literally flow with milk and honey. The End of Napoleon’s Lineage in Zululand We also met a group of French Christians visiting the Mission. I pointed out that the Prince Imperial, Napoleon, the only child of Emperor Napoleon III and Empress Eugenie was killed fighting Zulu warriors during the Anglo Zulu War of 1879 and initially was buried not far from where we were. Napoleon, the Prince Imperial, was only 23 years old when he was killed in action in the Anglo Zulu War. His death sent shockwaves throughout Europe as he was the last male descendant of the famous French Emperor, Napoleon. The death of the Prince Imperial in Zululand created even more shock and dismay in Great Britain than the disastrous defeat of an English regiment at the Battle of Isandlwana. Prince Napoleon’s body was later transported back to Britain and buried next to his father. Zulu Children for Christ The KSB Church was packed with children gathering for a special programme which included soccer and other sports. Then Emma and Alieske taught the children the Roman 6:23 Marching Song and the Evangelism Explosion Gospel presentation. I then gave a presentation on Children Under Persecution in Angola, Mozambique and Sudan. The local KwaSizabantu Missionaries had been busy baking special cupcakes for all the children and each child was also given a bottle of Aquella flavoured water. Ready for Anything On Sunday morning I was called to go to Rev. Erlo Stegen. Uncle Erlo said that he knew it was short notice, but he would like me to take the Sunday morning service at the Mission. He declared that he knew that any Frontline missionary was RFA (ready for anything). Indeed, the missionary under whom I was mentored: Francis Grim, the Founder of Hospital Christian Fellowship, often declared: “A Missionary must be prepared to preach, pray, or die at a moment’s notice!” I expounded Luke 18:9-14: Two Men Went Up to the Temple to Pray. ![]() Youth Conference On Monday, 25 June, the Youth Conference began with something in the region of 7,000 young people who came from far and wide. I gave them a presentation on Body Piercing – A Return to Paganism. This engendered a lot of discussion, counselling and interest. On Tuesday, I presented Remember the Persecuted and having delivered a large quantity of Bibles, books and World Missionary Press Gospel booklets to KSB, we headed off to travel through Transkei to our next engagement. Turning the World Right Side Up After delivering Bibles to Advance for Life Christian School in East London, we raced through to Port Alfred, where a number of churches had come together for an evening presentation, where I was asked to deal with Turning the World Right Side Up. Thereafter, we visited other long-time friends across the Eastern and Western Cape, delivering Bibles, books, audio visual materials and World Missionary Press Gospel booklets and tracts, to different schools and ministries. Childrens Ministry and Container Offloading While our team was busy on the South African Mission, our Missionaries and interns back in Cape Town were conducting a Holiday Bible Club and also received another container shipment of Bibles and books, which they offloaded and sorted through. Thank you for all your prayers, encouragement and support, without which none of our ministries would be possible. May the Lord continue to be your joy and strength. Yours for the fulfilment of the Great Commission Dr. Peter Hammond Frontline Fellowship P.O. Box 74 Newlands 7725 Cape Town South Africa Tel: 021-689-4480 [email protected] www.FrontlineMissionSA.org www.ReformationSA.org www.livingstonefellowship.co.za www.christianaction.org.za www.hmsschoolofchristianjournalism.org Your support is needed and much appreciated. Our banking details are: (For South African supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Branch code: 201509 Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for. (For overseas supporters) Acc. Name: Frontline Fellowship First National Bank – Rondebosch Acc. No: 5017 0589 260 Swift No: FIRNZAJJ Ref: Initial and surname and what it is designated for
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December 2024